Just finished meditating on Genesis, chapter 2. What a meaty - TopicsExpress


Just finished meditating on Genesis, chapter 2. What a meaty passage! Seriously, creation, the forbidden tree, lonliness, woman.... all dealt with. However, theres one little section Im really meditating on right now. ...tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So often, when we think about the fall of humanity, we tell ourselves that Adam and Eve ate from the tree of evil, and it was their new found understanding of evil that caused God to retreat from the earth.... well, put bluntly: no. The Bible was clear: it was not the knowledge of evil that condemned us, but the knowledge of good and evil.... my point? It wasnt about good and bad. It was about knowing. Think about this. When you were five, and your Mommy told you not to cross the street without her because you might get hit by a car, what did you assume about crossing the street? That if you did it without Mommy, you will get hit by a car... but when your older brother informed you that all you had to do was watch for cars first, you realized that, although what your mom said was true, obeying her wasnt your only option because you know KNEW how to safely cross the street without her. So, you now had two pathways: moms...or yours. The trees power wasnt in transforming adam and eve into deviant minions. No! They remained kind and loving after learning its secrets. So much so that they were ashamed to face God, having disobeyed Him!!! They didnt become demons the moment the fruits juice ran down their chins. So what did it do? It gave them access to understandings that provided them with the opportunity to chose a separate path from Gods direction, making them able to be less than absolutely holy. Which was why God forbid it. For the safety of our relationship with Him. Before they ate of that tree, all they knew was Gods words. They knew to do what He said to do. That was it. God said do this. God said dont do that. God said this is good. God said this is bad. That was the extent of their understanding, and because it was all they knew, their actions reflected Gods nature in every possible way, and their desired mirrored His....but when they ate the fruit, their eyes were opened to new realms of possibility. Although God said leaves were for shade, for example, they could now be used to cover themselves! Gods design was challenged by the implications new information provided. (Just a random example. Im not saying clothes are evil). As beings made with creative power to will (because we were made like God, who wills), access to this plethora of information made it certain that we would craft individual paths for ourselves based on what we now knew, meaning that we could no longer reflect Gods nature ABSOLUTELY, which made us less than like Him and therefore unworthy to be with Him... It wasnt necessarily about evil, but rather, if God designed us to operate in relationship with Him from the platform of oneness, becoming unlike Him tarnished our ability to be one, thereby disrupting the design of relationship and ultimately forefeited our standing with Him. Dont get me wrong, they were kicked out of the garden for actually eating the fruit. God didnt abandon us because we were ABLE to disobey Him. We DID disobey. He said not to eat it! I was just meditating on the WHY....and as far as I can see, this is why: the knowledge of good and evil was a threat to absolute oneness. What it taught wasnt evil... it was all true. But it opened the door for separation, and so God warned us to stay away. Thankfullly, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to teach us all things. Now that He has won victory over seperation by covering our sins and bridging the distance between us and God, He has also rectified the damage of this very information by sending His Spirit to educate and instruct us, taking our sin-bought understanding and stirring us to righteousness from within it! Thank You, Jesus, for redemption!!! It may not be as simple as because Daddy said so anymore, but we can be just as free as if it was! Hallellujiah!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 05:11:43 +0000

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