Just found out today a very dear person to me passed away..I met - TopicsExpress


Just found out today a very dear person to me passed away..I met dave wen I lvd in emmett..to prove God uses imperfect peopl..Dave nd I answerd the call wen ther was a need for the childrens nd youth ministry at our church..Dave askd me how I got stuck doin this (he was brand new to the faith) ..my reply was that I had 4 children nd felt I shld giv bak (in othr words duty not heart) I askd him the same question nd he replied " I dont know cuz I dont even like kids".I didnt hold out alot of hope....Dave was type A.. I was Mrs procrastinator..needless to say it was some of the best times ever..we wer very successful nd our hearts wer fully comitted.his wife leanne became one of my dearest friends..we lost her several years ago..I had found out they wer not married nd made them get married on valentines day cuz she said nothing good had ever happened to her on that day..it was the best wedding ever.. He had been the local drug dealer prior to finding the Lord nd wanted to share his "washed white as snow" transformation with everyone..their door was always open to all.. just as the Lords is. I cant wait to c u again my friend.. as u wer my brother here on earth ..♥
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 04:30:48 +0000

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