Just got back from lunch with my wonderful wife. She printed up - TopicsExpress


Just got back from lunch with my wonderful wife. She printed up some song books to replace what went missing. I found some old song books in a bag in the garage, so I started pulling the sleeves out, and realized they were the old books with the lenticular covers. I tried to avoid saying anything, because I know how humble he is. But its his birthday so I hope hell forgive me. For you folks newer to the GC family, you really should know the name Howard Hallis. When GC first started, he came in, enjoyed it, and decided to contribute his personal collection of 300+ song discs, each custom ordered and compiled with the very best alternative music available commercially at the time. He and Schreeck pretty much built the Engines of Joy that Frederich Schreeck refers to, that beating heart of hope and fun that pump the lifeblood of Ground Control every Monday evening for about ten years, give or take. Howard took a considerable amount of personal time and resource to create a custom lenticular cover for each individual song book. I will be bringing some of them out at some point for everyone to see. They deserve to be seen. In more than a couple of them, he used photos of staff, Test Pilots (thats a thing, yes), and the usual suspects. When times were tough, he went and had updated song books printed up at his own expense. Howard created something called The Picture of Everything. He included many of us in it, side by side with some of the most incredible characters (real and imagined) throughout history. Not content with that, he created a special area in the PoE for Ground Control. If you dont know how much love and care Howard has put into Ground Control over nearly the entire time weve been in operation, now you have a sliver of an idea. I hope you all take a moment to return a little of that love to someone without whom there would be no Ground Control as we exist now. Howard, from the bottom of my little dark heart, I love you and I thank you for giving me the gifts of your time, energy and creativity. - A
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:09:51 +0000

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