Just got this wonderful comment on one of my videos! Read this! - TopicsExpress


Just got this wonderful comment on one of my videos! Read this! From a new subscriber. A new subscriber here as I just came across your channel and for someone who has considered himself awake going on over 4 years now ever since I left the US military after serving almost 21 years and found myself no longer compartmentalized and found myself now on the outside looking in, things became very clear what was taking shape in my country while I was pretty much overseas engaged in perpetual warfare continuously believing that I truly was serving God and Country as most other soldiers, sailors, marines, and airmen believed as well. Only to then come home, retire, and find out that us returning combat vets were at the top of some list that claimed us to be TERRORISTS!!! I was COMPLETELY BLOWN AWAY! I am 80% disabled from a tour over in the Stan from zigging when I should have zagged, and was almost killed a SECOND TIME 2 YEARS LATER IN IRAQ! And these BASTARDS are going to now put people like me on some damn list as THREATS to this NATION thats quickly becoming a BANANA REPUBLIC BY THESE VERY SAME TWITS!! To say that my blood began to boil is an understatement. Well it didnt take long before I recognized the tactics that were being used back here at home as I was/am quite familiar with them from my active duty experience, THIS IS GOING TO BE A MAJOR PROBLEM FOR US AMERICANS FOLKS. All I can say is if you havent already, you might want to get your house i order (which includes making sure your ARs are cleaned and well oiled, extra PMAGS NOW before the next buying panic hits, and as much XM855 62 grain penetraters as your budget will allow....along with food and med/triage kits, and water). BECAUSE....I made an interesting connection going through your uploaded content to see what kind of truther (I know that term is getting old for me also) you are and noticed the clip that, this was an earlier clip from say a week or so ago mentioning how the New Mexico BORDER PATROL ACADEMY is going to HOUSE THE VERY SAME PEOPLE THAT THEY SHOULD BE SENDING BACK!! ONLY TO THEN SEE A CLIP YOU POSTED A FEW DAYS AGO WHERE......YOU GUESSED IT, NEW MEXICO HAS PLACED 350 AR-15s ON ORDER (SUPPOSEDLY for their police department, WHICH THEY HAVE ALREADY HAD NOW FOR YEARS!! And folks...a well maintained AR, which these guys are trained in IS NOT LIKE A BOX OF DISPOSABLE TISSUES HERE!! THEY WILL LAST THOUSANDS, QUITE A FEW THOUSAND ROUNDS before needing MAYBE A NEW FIRING PIN which is $15 for a solid titanium one that is even stronger, or perhaps a new barrel....BUT NOT AN ENTIRE NEW RIFLE!!). Now I ask ALL OF YOU....just WHERE & WHO do YOU THINK these ARs are going to be for? Now let me remind you of that little thing that was dubbed Fast & Furious from a couple years back that just seemed to have been forgotten about by pretty much all of the sheeple, AND TO THIS DAY NOT A SINGLE PERSON HAS BEEN HELD ACCOUNTABLE! Ya see..its y belief that F & F was THEIR PLAN A, HOWEVER it was compromised, so NOW THIS IS PLAN B! Folks, for those that are a tad slow (as most should have connected these dots by this point), AMERICA IS GOING TO BE AT WAR IN OUR OWN BACKYARDS SOON, AND THIS TRAIN APTLY CALLED THE BEAST IS BRINGING THE ARMY RIGHT INTO OUR BACKYARD! Nuff said. Good channel, I like the info that you are putting out. Please keep it up and hope together it has an impact because Ive been screaming from the rooftops that we got major problems coming since waking up 4 years ago and was met with hostility, scorned, laughed at Oh YOU must be one of those tinfoil hat wearing CONSPIRACY THEORISTS HUH? (no I just possess the ability to critically think for myself and could give a rats ass about sports, TV, and every other distraction that has been created IN ORDER TO KEEP PEOPLE LIKE YOU STUPID WHILE REFERRING TO YOU AS CATTLE YOU EFFIN MORON!). Wake up people, if you havent already or if this happens to be your wake up call, you are already WAY BEHIND THE BALL and the things that are being set in motion at this very minute YOU WILL NEVER REACH THE BOTTOM OF THIS RABBIT HOLE, as I have been AGGRESSIVELY pursuing the truth for 4 years now, and it took me two years to realize that what you learn/hear on the surface is LITERALLY ONLY THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG, I then realized that they have everything as multilayer, THE SURFACE IS THE BS, the red herrings, the PSYOP, the MIS/DISINFO....you then have to dig DEEPER BEYOND THE SURFACE LAYER before you begin to get to any real truth, BUT EVEN THEN it is often coded using THEIR LANGUAGE OF MATHEMATICS AND SYMBOLISM. At this stage of the game, if you are only waking up now all I can say is good luck and hopefully will heed the advice I gave above because there isnt enough time at this point, even if you were to go at it 24/7 there is still not enough time for you to get the complete picture as to how deep this all goes. Maybe should hae listened to some of those tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists perhaps, I dunno. Nonetheless Ill pray for this nation nd everyone with a good heart that lives in it.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 12:06:09 +0000

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