Just over a month ago, I was starting to have doubts about whether - TopicsExpress


Just over a month ago, I was starting to have doubts about whether I should continue with FaceBook. This is what happened..... so I wrote a story about it, but had second thoughts about posting my story. Today, after seeing the CBC news article about Bryanna, I feel the time is right to post that story. When I start to doubt, He reminds me of my purpose... July 17, 2014 Recently, I started to have doubts about the amount of time I have been spending on FaceBook. Is it all worthwhile? Should I be doing something else? Do I want to leave myself open to criticism each time I post something which may be a bit controversial? How do I tell my friends that I don’t want to take part in some of the activities, without offending them? This morning, I was browsing through my newsfeed, when one item caught my attention. It was a request for help. My FB friend, Leah Myslicki, from Shilo Military Base outlined a problem being faced by one of her friends. She was asking for help to get a friend’s mother back to Shilo, from Edmonton, because the family’s daughter just had a brain operation. Basically, she wanted to know if anyone would be able to give this Gramma a ride if they were heading east. I immediately re-worded the request, and re-posted it, to see if we could find a ride for Gramma back to Shilo. I realize the chances were pretty slim, so I send a private message to Leah, and offer to pay for Gramma’s Greyhound ticket back to Shilo. Then, I Google Greyhound to check on fares and schedules. Greyhound does not go to Shilo. Bummer Now what? This is not going to be as easy as I thought. I check my notifications, and already have a response. Judy Judy Whitnack offers to pay for Gramma’s Greyhound ticket. I comment that I had just checked with Greyhound, and they do not go to Shilo. Being somewhat discouraged, I messaged Leah and told her that the Greyhound doesn’t go to Shilo. Darn Greyhound cutbacks I didn’t know what to do. Leah replied that Greyhound goes to Brandon, which is about 20 minutes from the Base, and someone would be able to give Gramma a ride home from Brandon. I told Leah that I would make all the arrangements. Consider it done I messaged Judy and asked if she would go halvers with me on the ticket. Yes Done Now, to get the money to Gramma. Since I didn’t have any satellite jobs which had to get done today, I told Leah I would drive into the city today and deliver the money. All I needed was a phone contact, so that I could hand over the envelope once I got to the city. On this basis, I took off for the city, feeling confident that Leah would get the information I needed well before I got to the city. Got my first partial message near Wildwood, pulled over to the next approach, but with no bars on my cell, all the message didn’t come in. Kept driving until I passed Evansburg, checked again, now I have Leah’s friend, Angie’s cell. Fired off a text, knowing she could not have cell on in ICU (after the time we spent at the Royal Alex NICU with Lanny and Jenn’s babies). Confirmed Bryanna’s room number with Angie, fired off another message to Leah to say I had made contact, formulated a post, asking for prayers/positive thoughts for Bryanna, and hit the road again. Turned the radio down, and prayed for Bryanna and her family while I was driving. When I arrived at The Stollery, I messaged Angie that I had arrived. No response. No problem. I know what the routine is for ICU. Checked in at the desk. No Bryanna....... wait a minute, another nurse knows that she has just been transferred to another room. I know this is good news, she must be improving. Nurse takes me to the new room, but Bryanna is not there. Please wait, as Bryanna is having a bath. More good news. I sit, and wait, and continue praying. Finally, Angie rolls Bryanna in with a plastic chair. Angie’s mother-in-law accompanies her. Short greeting, but Bryanna is really tired, and Angie gets her settled in bed. Angie just starts to explain the situation to me, when a nurse walks in. She’s Bryanna’s new nurse, and asks to be filled in. Now I also know how Bryanna is doing. Actually, much better than I expected, for a girl who just had brain surgery a few days prior. Once the nurse leaves, I turn over the envelope with the money for Gramma’s Greyhound ticket, with a bit extra for meals on the 17 hour ride back to Brandon. In addition, I tell Angie that there is some extra money to help the family with expenses incurred while Bryanna is in hospital. Angie gives me a big hug, and starts crying. Before I know it, Bryanna has her hand reaching for me, takes my hand, gives it a hug, and says, “I’m happy because you are making my mom happy ” From that moment on, Bryanna has much to say, most of it on the theme of being happy. She gives my hands many hugs during the course of our conversations. Mom keeps reminding Bryanna that she is supposed to rest, but somehow, it seems more important to Bryanna that she continues talking. OK, she has completely melted my heart After quite a lengthy visit, Dad arrives with Zoe (8) and Madison (7). There is much joy in the whole family, as they discuss Bryanna’s condition, and everything they will be doing when she gets better. I want to capture all the smiles, and ask to take a family photo. Perfect Well, the lighting isn’t perfect, but the smiles certainly are In a while, more family members arrive, and the room is getting crowded, so I take that as my cue to leave. This morning, I was having my doubts as to whether I should continue with FaceBook, but He has found a very nice way of reminding me that I have a purpose to fulfill. Thank you Lord, for the many blessings which you bestow upon me, my family and my friends
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 03:23:31 +0000

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