Just sat down, after 9pm, after being on the go since before 7 - TopicsExpress


Just sat down, after 9pm, after being on the go since before 7 this morning! Never a dull moment here. I got and early appt at the vets with little Twiggy_ the wood pigeon. Ill explain the name later! The broken leg was confirmed and options given. My vet decided to consult an expert before she did anything, so I left the bird with her while I hurried home to walk our dogs before work! Phew! Twiggy hadnt been fed since early morning so I popped into the vets to feed it on my way to work. I dont drive so everything is on foot mind! The vet explained that the expert advised no treatment at all, let the leg heal on its own and hope some movement returns with it. The reason was because wood pigeons are extremely sensitive, nervous birds, I can confirm that, and surgery would be too traumatic. So Twiggy has come home with me to be cared for as best I can. It still needs handfeeding as its still a squab with its spooned beak. The lady who brought the bird came tonight for her cat carrier and explained that the chick had been stuck, for quite a time maybe, up in a tree, its leg trapped between twigs on a branch. The parents had certainly been feeding the stuck chick as its crop was full if blackberries and its healthy and strong. Its flapping up in the tree alerted the daughter to its plight and it was rescued. Thus Ive named it Twiggy!! The tiny swallow is doing very well and has to be regularly hand fed too. I thought my chick care days were over for this year and then I get two in as many days. Its time consuming but I love it, so rewarding. I think the swallow is developing before my eyes! Its so much more alert and keeps itself warm enough to not need the hot water bottle today. I need a name for this exquisite creature. Its amazing how different they are from the martins. The mouth is much wider and the legs arent feathery and more resemble normal birds legs and feet. Before long this spikey baby is going to be a sleek, beautiful juvenile. Lovely. As I posted earlier, my precious Gracie came to find food under my feeders. She didnt want me too close and when she flew up onto a roof she was strong and sure. Thats marvellous because her wing was badly broken several years ago. I cant remember how long Ive had her in the aviary. Shes been elderly Bullys mate for years and had several young, and innumerable eggs, with him. But from her action today its obvious she wants to be free. She flew to the garage roof near the aviary but didnt attempt to try to go into it. Soon she was gone, flown off somewhere. Well done Gracie, youve made your choice it seems. Poor Bully though. He must be bewildered without her. Perhaps she was no longer content in the aviary. After all shes been sharing it with a large, if humble rook, and a very hyper crow! This is as well as a motley group of other pigeons. Raspberry comes regularly and arrives from all parts if the garden. So hes quite at home all over the place. He calls me with a gentle woop sound if I havent seen him, which changes to his tuk tuk as he goes to the place where I feed him. Tonight it was growing dark as I gave Twiggy a last feed and closed up the shed and the aviary for the night. Collecting up the dogs toys on the lawn I noticed Hauls tiny solar light wink on by his grave. Night night Haul. Night all my other little ones. And to you all my friends, sweet dreams.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 20:49:44 +0000

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