Just some thoughts on people, relationship and the finite time. We - TopicsExpress


Just some thoughts on people, relationship and the finite time. We have people who we love and often dont understand them well. .do take time read it and yes please share your feedback: Biggest mistake that one makes about peoples silences is that, “its okay”. Problem with people who shout a lot is that, they do not necessarily mean all of it. Hear the silences and look for the silent message in the loud cry. Problem with people who speak very little is that they have amazing clarity and can conclude a lot in few words. Problem with people who speak a lot is that they are trying to get clarity for themselves neither hate silence nor love the blabbering. People can say with words some say it with action still for same silence as silence is there language. Appreciate, listen, understand and observe as all three deserve your attention and acknowledgement. People think and act people just act and they choose to “stay still”. Neither love the action nor the inactions. Understand what the motivation is, because thats what matter. Love the motivation not the action for the final result is neither in your hand nor in the hands of doer. Spend time and efforts trying to understand the people who matters. Because life is too short and choice is yours regrets or sweet memories. People and only people in your life is all that matters take good care of them. Both time and people once gone never come back. Hold and grip them before they are long gone.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 07:51:19 +0000

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