Just to give you fans out there a little more insight into my - TopicsExpress


Just to give you fans out there a little more insight into my career, chapter 2 of my biography is a must read. In my youth I did play around a LOT! But I had to mention my time playing down South in what was called the HMPS league, in a team called Kray`s cement fc, the 2 guys who ran the company also ran the team 2 smashing lads Reg and Ronnie, they, where twins, and they formed a formidable partnership up front, the problem with them was they only knew how to attack, defending was not in their mindset. Attack, Attack, they used to shout at us all the time, and if you didn`t do what they said you would get hammered by them. I remember one game in particular when we at the back where under the cosh, and in my brash youthfulness I screamed at them “Get back here you lazy B-------- ``!, to which Reggie replied, “You speak to me like that again and I will bury You`` The look in his eyes was very unnerving to say the least, good job I knew it was only footy banter. I left them the following season, but I believe they went on to make a real name for themselves! The following season, I moved to the Gentlemens league, and played for a team called “saggy bottom fc `` not a very inspiring name, but we went a season only losing once, a league record, due in part to a few very colourful characters who also went on to make names for themselves, one I remember not so fondly Kenny (limp wrist ) Everret, he was like a whippet, in more ways than one, one trait I found very disturbing was finding him in the changes sniffing out G strings. The guy I remember most (fondly?), was big Larry Grayson, he was a giant of a man, who earned the nickname “shut that door`` Grayson, as above all helped us earn that record by shutting out all attackers, until that fateful day when we eventually conceded a goal, it was in hindsight quite a comical affair, as Larry would put off most attackers with a pout of his lips and a Vinnie Jones style grab of the goolies. But then he came up against an up and coming young player by the name of Lee Chapman, who took it all in his stride, kissed him full on the lips, and Larry fainted, which left Lee with virtually an open goal, he rounded the keeper and slotted home. Larry was inconsolable afterwards, it was only Kenny`s intervention when he sat on Larry`s knee that managed to cheer him up. Well enough of the hard man Larry, though as I said earlier it is with fondness I remember my time there. Coming to Milewalk years later brought back those memories as we have similar colourful characters here, and I do speak of them in chapter 7, till next time folks a little something to think about, ( when love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece ) xxx
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 10:34:34 +0000

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