Just wanted to share a positive incident that happened - TopicsExpress


Just wanted to share a positive incident that happened yesterday: I stopped by Dollar General on the way home from work. It was my way of avoiding the grocery store for a few items. The place was packed!!! I was walking down an aisle when this little boy about 9 spoke to me. He said, Miss, can you tell me if I have enough money with the taxes? I looked at his items & thought they were probably for school since it was markers & pens etc., I said It looks like your about $2 short. He said, oh, ok. I could tell he was pondering what to put back so I did the natural thing.. I said Let me see if I can help you. I opened my wallet but saw I only had a $10 bill. I took it out & gave it to him. He looked at me with these big brown eyes & said are you kidding me? I said no take it, I then asked him what he was buying the stuff for, school? He said no, he had a aunt who was sick & he wanted to make her some cards to put up all over the house to make her feel better. I then told him how sweet that was & just to get what he needed. I then left him & went to check out. He came up behind me a little while later. I was expecting to see that he had picked himself up something now that he had extra money to spend but to my surprise, he still had the two items I saw him with. I asked him was he sure he had all he needed & he said yes. I then told him to get in front of me in line since I had allot more items. This was the part that still makes me cry!!! He paid for his items & turned to me to hand me the change. I said, you keep it sweetie. He then hesitated and said I dont have anything to give you for being so nice to me so can you just pretend you didnt give me no money & Im giving you this $5? I was taken back for a minute & said that was so sweet of him to want to do that & I accepted the $5 gesture, but I thought he deserved to keep it because of what a kind heart he had. He said are you sure? I said of course & he turned to leave saying Thank you once more. It left me in tears & God reminded me as I sat in the car outside Dollar General that Whatever your circumstances may be in life doesnt have to define the person you become. You can find something positive out of every situation and as He has shown me & this young man tonight....He is always on time to fulfill our needs! I think the part that got me most was I underestimated this little boy, assuming hed buy something for himself & then the fact he wanted to give me the change instead of keeping it like most kids wouldve... I really did hesitate when I realized I only had a $10 bill but felt compelled to give it anyway... Its kinda like what we do with God... We underestimate his abilities and question where He is when things get hard in our lives. He wants us to trust completely in Him & give Him everything we have. I learned last night to listen to that inner voice, the Holy Spirit in us, and we can see God more and more on our daily walks not just church or when we call on Him. We have to allow Him to call on us to be used as vessels for his Kingdom!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 15:03:36 +0000

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