Just watched the Steve Jobs movie with Ashton Kutcher as Jobs. A - TopicsExpress


Just watched the Steve Jobs movie with Ashton Kutcher as Jobs. A GREAT movie! Very moving for me. I think this is an Oscar worthy performance for Kutcher. Having read a good part of the Jobs biography I can see now more than ever he was a truly admirable man, something all of us entrepreneurs can look up to and seek to emulate, especially now that Apple is the most valuable corporation in the world! I remember seeing a comment on Brad Lambs Twitter feed about how he was reading the Steve Jobs bio and him lamenting on how comparatively soft he was on his staff and himself compared to Jobs. Having watched this movie I feel much the same, but in a GOOD way: inspired and invigorated! Its truly something to watch someone like Jobs in action in this movie. Someone who is a) 1000% dedicated to creating greatness and b) doing for work what he is MOST passionate about on a personal level. When you have both of these things in yourself you are an UNSTOPPABLE JUGGERNAUT. You WILL go out and succeed on a MASSIVE scale that just leaves 99.99% of the population light years behind, most of whom will complain about, make excuses, envy, scratch their heads, or be utterly silent about such visionaries. Its movies like this that really make me pause and reflect for a while. SO much in our lives can distract us from who we are, what we truly want to do and what we can BECOME and create for ourselves and others along the way. Dr. Joe Dispenza said that the true world changing visionaries in this world all have something in common. They all have eventually manifested their vision by always, always, *ALWAYS* keeping it front and top of mind, no matter what the past or present circumstances they faced, and relentlessly pursuing that vision until it became reality. When your immediate surroundings, the totality of your environment (people youre around regularly, your work environment, your home) are less (perhaps much less) than the magnitude of what your dreams look like, it takes an iron will to keep focused on that vision and not be held back by your status quo through distraction, complacency, vanity, pettiness, compromise, etc. - all the things that weaken a person. Not THE status quo, because there IS no status quo except what you focus your attention on. YOUR status quo. Is someone gettin the best!... THE BEST!!... THE BEST!!! ... THE BEST!!!!!! OF YOU???? - Best Of You, Foo Fighters It is quite true what I saw this in movie as what Donald Trump said a few years back when I was just starting out with my business. His first bit of advice for being successful as an entrepreneur was (Im paraphrasing) do what you love because youll find success will come so much easier. This may sound trite to a lot of people, but 7 years after hearing that I think its more important and truer than most would think. When the going gets tough, what knocks most people out of self employment is they dont truly love what they do. If they did, they would do whatever it took to succeed. Think of someone in your life you truly love. It could be your children, your siblings, your parents, a close friend, a lover. You love them - theyre literally a part of you or a close reflection of you. If someone tried to take them away from you, wouldnt you do everything in your power to prevent that from happening? The same is true of doing what you love for a living. If you truly love it, youll never let it go! Thats how you get an iron will! LOVE! Occasionally I have had the nagging feeling that if I loved real estate that I would be FAR further ahead with my real estate email marketing business than I am today after 7 years at it. I again felt that after watching Jobs. I picked real estate as a focus area because it was and is something that people want and something that will always be around and coveted. At the same time I have no great love for architecture or condos. I find most modern condos cold and plastique, just sort of giant rat race cages with lots of hamster wheels to soothe the rats while theyre away from the race. Personally, I find real estate investing rather bourgeois as an investment vehicle. I admire the Steve Jobs and the Mark Zuckerbergs and Robert Herjavecs who created something out of nothing using technology much more than most of the people who bought a piece of property and did whatever to make money out of it. It takes WAY more talent to build a successful company from scratch than to buy a piece of real estate and sit on it for 10-20 years, hoping it will make money someday. What keeps me going with my business is knowing I have discovered (purely through a never say die attitude) such an unbelievably great means of marketing (targeted mass email) and doing it in a MASSIVE, UNLIMITED way that makes me feel like Steve Jobs surrounded at Apple by a bunch of corporate executive group-thinkers and sallow, comprised family men and company men. In the Jobs bio it said he got so frustrated he actually cried during business meetings and having seen this movie its easier to understand why. THAT is a commitment - THAT is passion. I loved it when Kutcher made that utterly FIERCE phone call to Bill Gates when he found out Gates had ripped off the Macintosh in creating Windows and threatened to sue him into the Stone Age. What BALLS to do something like that! And Ill bet it actually happened pretty much just like that! Its so much of a different lifestyle when youre self employed. Its SO much easier to show up for an employer, do whats expected of you in a highly structured environment and perhaps influence your work, your peers and even the higher ups to some degree and get some personal satisfaction from that, and then go home at the end of the day and get a paycheck reliably every 2 weeks. When youre self employed YOU are your company structure! And because of that its so much easier to go off the rails than at a 9-5 job where you just follow the path set out for you. Accountability is a great thing! Its easy to be accountable to another person. But to be accountable to YOURSELF - *THAT* is an entirely different and harder thing to do! I watched a Brian Tracy recommended video on procrastination this week, and it made me understand and cope with procrastination and I think it will help me overcome it. Most of why we procrastinate is by facing things we feel overwhelmed by. In a nutshell, we can overcome that by breaking what we need to do into smaller, actionable steps that steadily progress you toward the goal. It brings to mind Martin Luther King: Take the first step in faith. You dont have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Heres to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- theyre not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you cant do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do. - Steve Jobs (1955-2011) youtube/watch?v=FrvkCS0ZGPU
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 07:18:29 +0000

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