Justify We feel the need to justify our lives. It matters not - TopicsExpress


Justify We feel the need to justify our lives. It matters not that we exist in a niche of our own making. In a corner of our world, and not a corner of the true world. We are driven to justify our life, along with our preoccupations. So we find objects, causes, and institutions that we might assail, and criticize. We lead the existence of a hermit, yet with a fan base. Others, not much different than ourselves, who find meaning in our criticisms against others, and institutions. There are two very important points we overlook in our pastime. 1) Our true existence, which we live not, do not inhabit (meaning the Child of God), is an existence which is not in need of justification. For it has supremely been justified. Except that dissatisfaction reigns within because we do not indwell the favor we possess. 2) And so it is that we are assigned a task by self, merely because we choose to live a life of ignorance. We need to justify the life and time allotted to us, because of guilt. We live with guilt. It is guilt which causes us to imagine an external rather than internal enemy. You give yourself a banner, a cause and occupy with it. Thus you attain significance. First off the Christian does not live with guilt. Jesus office as High Priest can remedy that. If you live with guilt then get back into the practice of working with Jesus office of High Priest. If you have been neglecting the confessing of sins daily, then right there is where the guilt drive comes from, which leads you to self justification. Though you feel you are engaged in battle for the Kingdom of Heaven, be wary, for you may be occupied in a justification of self. Worse, that justification could be born out of guilt for your lack of understanding of Grace, and deliverance purchased for you. Its kind of finding out that though you have been laboring for a specific corporation, No checks are coming in, because you have not actually been doing their work. Not doing what you were hired to do. Bottom line becomes that, because you have already been justified, do not permit guilt born of doubt (not comprehending what has been purchased for you) to occupy your time with engagements of self justification, and crusades. You are more than debaters. Your place, has been bought, and accomplished for you. You dont have to prove your self.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 01:09:52 +0000

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