Jyotish as a Healing System Jyotish is also a great healing - TopicsExpress


Jyotish as a Healing System Jyotish is also a great healing system. In fact, it is probably the most fundamental of all healing systems, because it is based on a profound understanding of the root cause of suffering. In this respect, Jyotish does not focus on healing only the physical body. It treats all aspects of life. In the process it employs a wide range of techniques which, although unfamiliar to most westerners, are very effective. The healing methods employed by Jyotish are unique and varied. Based on the horoscope, for example, the Jyotishi (Vedic Astrologer) might recommend that the client wear a particular gemstone, chant a mantra, give money to a charity, or have a Yajna (fire ritual) performed in order to enhance the clients career, finances, relationships or physical health. These techniques are called upayas and have been passed down through an aural tradition over thousands of years. Although some of these techniques are a little difficult for the average westerner to digest, they are all based on a very profound understanding of human life. This understanding is rooted in the theory of karma. According to this theory, the human being exists on many levels. On one level he has a physical body. This is the level on which most western scientists focus. On another level, however, the human being has an aura as well. The aura is an energy field that surrounds the physical body. It is interesting to note that this energy field has been described in detail in the ancient vedic texts. Modern science, on the other hand, denied its existence for hundreds of years, saying that it couldnt be seen or measured and was, therefore, simply superstition. With the advance of technology, however, now the aura can be not only detected, but also photographed, and modern scientists have changed their tune. They begrudgingly admit the existence of the aura. I do not mean to digress here, but it is important to point out that it is not the fault of modern science that it has not been able to detect the human aura until quite recently. After all, it is a relatively new way of gaining knowledge. In fact compared to Vedic science, which is probably more than 10,000 years old, modern science is still in its infancy. No wonder it has only been able to skim the surface of human existence, perceiving only physical values. It this respect, it is even understandable that modern scientists are typically condescending in their attitude towards astrology and other spiritual sciences. The young are typically cocky and overconfident. As they get older, however, children gradually find out that their parents are not only knowledgeable, but also possessed of wisdom, born of years of life experience. This perception develops only with age and maturity, neither of which modern science possesses at the moment. In any case, within the aura is a still subtler sheath called the causal body, which is the repository of karmic impressions. It is on this level that the upayas of Vedic astrology have their effect. The karmic impressions in the causal body are what produce the unique style of energy expressed in the aura. The aura and the mind are interconnected. In a sense we can say that the aura is a projection of the mind and visa versa. By creating an effect on the level of the causal body (aura) we naturally create an effect on the mind. In this respect the aura and the mind are like two legs of a table. You cant pull one without the other coming along. In Vedic Astrology we use upayas to shift the way the aura vibrates so that the mind will shift its thinking patterns in a positive way. This gives the person a greater ability to solve problems and fulfill desires.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:11:19 +0000

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