KAKAMPI MO ANG BATAS.SYNDICATED, ENGLISH. 04 MARCH 2014 Cayetano can be good president in 2016 LIFE’S INSPIRATIONS: “… Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near…” (Isaiah 55:6, the Bible). -ooo- ROMUALDEZ IS RIGHT: BONG REMAINS STRONG FOR 2016: Leyte Rep. Ferdinand Martin Romualdez, president of the Lakas Christian Muslims Democrats, is right. Sen. Ramon “Bong” Revilla Jr. continues to be a very viable candidate for president in 2016, and the plunder case against him in connection with the so-called P10 billion pork barrel scam has only increased his chances by making him look like a politically-persecuted underdog. In fact, I already wrote on February 03, 2014 about this. I said: “I was talking to a close associate of Bong… over accusations that he and his father, former Sen. Ramon Revilla Sr., channeled their pork barrel funds to non-existent non-governmental organizations (NGOs)… and I was told all these attempts to discredit him has only strengthened Bong’s resolve to run for president in 2016. -ooo- BONG STILL RUNNING FOR PREXY IN 2016: “The Revilla-Bautista family seems convinced that the pork barrel charges against the two senators are being raked up to derail Bong’s chances in 2016 and thereby discourage him from pursuing his presidential ambitions. The impression of the family is that, Bong has the best chances of becoming president among the many contenders, considering his background as a famous actor. “The person I am talking to said the popularity of Bong among the masses has not dwindled even one bit even with the supposed revelations by Napoles’ former staff against him and his father, even if Internet users are bashing them to the hilt. So then, this person said, there is no stopping Bong Revilla for President in 2016.” -ooo- MAR-KRIS IN 2016? KRIS-MAR MAY BE BETTER: A Mar Roxas-Kris Aquino tandem in 2016 will be difficult to sell to the people. Even at this point, the general belief is that Mar Roxas will never beat Vice President Jojo Binay in any presidential contest between now and 2016, considering Mar’s inexplicable ever-dwindling popularity, and Binay’s soaring stature among the electorate. What is more viable perhaps is another Aquino-Roxas ticket, with Kris Aquino being the standard bearer, or the presidential candidate, of the ruling Liberal Party. Kris is certainly a very strong candidate for the presidency, considering her appeal even among the masses. I am convinced it is only Kris who can give a serious fight against Binay or Revilla. -ooo- CAYETANO CAN BE GOOD PRESIDENT IN 2016: Of course, if it is true that Sen. Allan Peter Cayetano is himself eyeing the presidency, he could be a very good president, considering that, among the senators we have right now, he is one of those who have brains in between his shoulders. Articulate, thoughtful, sober, intelligent and, at his young age, is already considered a seasoned political leader, Allan has the material, as it were, to pull this country to true progress. It will not be difficult for him to secure the support, financial and otherwise, of big businessmen, of serious political thinkers, and even of the great mass of our people, provided he makes his move now, before many of those who would be willing to be behind him in his presidential run could already commit to some other candidates. -ooo- WORD OF CAUTION FOR BINAY: I have a word of caution though for Binay, especially in his decision to bolt the PDP Laban, to form his own party. I hope he reconsiders and desists from putting up his own group. Many will not view with sympathy his leaving the party that has nurtured his political growth. Even his close political allies will consider his act as political betrayal, and these allies will become his fiercest enemies come 2016. -ooo- REACTIONS? Please call me at 0917 984 24 68, 0918 574 0193, 0922 833 43 96. Email: melaniolazomauriciojr@outlook, batasmauricio@yahoo and mmauriciojr111@gmail.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 23:38:46 +0000

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