KASHMIR owes its name to KASH TRIBE, Not to mythical - TopicsExpress


KASHMIR owes its name to KASH TRIBE, Not to mythical KASHYAPA….. Know your Roots!!! The valley of Kashmir is known by its inhabitants as Kasheer because it was a settlement of a race known as Kash or Cush, Kashur means those who eat meat…… Kash or Cush was the son of Ham and a grandson Noah(A.S). He was the founder of the Kash or Cush tribe*, which settled in the east. This tribe founded Kash, a village near Bagdad. These people named rivers, mountains, cities and countries after the name of their ancestor Kash or Cush. In Mesopotamia, they founded a kingdom, and the Kashan river in that country is a testimony of this fact. Kashmar, a village near Nishapur in Iran, was also founded by them. This tribe also proceeded towards Central Asia and founded many settlements. Kashmohra, a village in Merv; Kash, a village in Bokhara; Kashband and Kashania, villages in Samarkand, Kashgar, in the Chinese Turkistan, were their settlements in central Asia. In Mesopotamia, the tribe founded the towns of Kashan, Kashaf and Kashi. They also moved towards Afghanistan and founded settlements at Kashkar, Kashhil, Kashek and Kashu. While the Hindu-Kush mountains are named after them, they also founded a settlement south of this mountain range known as Kashmor. It was Babar the founder of the Moghul dynasty in India who pointed out in his memoirs that the etymology of the word Kashmir is derived from the Kash or Cush tribe which inhabited the valley. This tribe settled in the region now known as Kashtawar, in the Doda District of Kashmir. Crossing the Pir-Panjal range, these people spread in the valley of Kashmir. Kush-tawar, in the Pulwama District, Kashnag, a spring in the Islamabad District, and Isae-Kush village bear the name of this tribe. According to an old tradition (propagated by indian historians), the name Kashmir is derived from Kashyapa. However. there is no linguistic evidence to support this idea, because the whole fable of Kashyapa and his progeny is astronomical. Had Kashyapa drained the valley of its waters or found his progeny in any part of the valley, its capital would have been termed as Kash-yapa-nagar or Kash-yapa-pur, as is the way with the etymologies of that period. According to the latest geological researches, it has been established that the valley of Kashmir was a lake millions of years back and its water found its outlet by the volcanic* agency through a narrow gorge at Baramulla. *See Comment section- for Scientific explanation on drainage of lake. *Dont confuse it with Last tribe of Israel - for further explanation see comments. ************ I think one of the reasons that Kashmiris as a whole community accepted Islam(which surprised many) at the hands of Hz Mir Syed Ali Hamadani (r.a)……was their appealing lineage to the same faith, culture, tradition, behavior, …which was part and parcel to the efforts of his group….. however there were few ‘bad naseeb’ left also…. The Religious Circle of Kashmiris is complete… … Kash tribe (Muslims)>>> Buddhists>> Shaivites > Muslims…..Alhamdulillah. The birth place of Kash Tribe is the same, which is today known as Islamic state, ……..SHARE and earn RESPECT…… P.S: Most of the friends are asking for source, well I tell u that it is a paragraph taken out of a research paper authored by Fida hassnain and Dahan Levi …. Though they have talked about many issues in that paper, regarding history, polity and religion…… however I do not take his views on religion as it has many flaws particularly about death of Hazrat Isa (A.s.), which is incorrect, as we believe in Quran, and Quran is categorical about it: (…And they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him… 4:157), …….. However I was interested only in history, so have taken the relevant material and presented before you… P.S-2:....Unfortunately, the History of Kashmir has been hijacked time and again, to fool & rule the inhabitants…… The latest entrant are the QADIYANIS (Non-Muslims),…who for their evil designs have tried to add their filth to it, like the belief of grave of Hazrat Isa (a.s) in Kashmir (naoozu billah), which we outrightly REJECT......Quran is very clear about it...(But Allah raised him (Jesus) up (with his body and soul) unto Himself (and he is in the heavens).....4: 158),...He will return to earth near the Day of Judgment. P.S-3: It is high time that Kashmiris should take the bull by its horns and purify their history from the myths, ….. Why we have to rely on Indians/ Qadianis/Christians who have added their filth to it….??? P.S-4...It is high time for the Govt. of J&K (Education dept.) to get the facts right, and remove the Kashyapa Myth from the school text books, which is nothing but…… ABUSE of the history of Kashmir. — with Yaq
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 07:19:04 +0000

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