KERRY PATTON IS A COWARD KERRY PATTON DELETED CAPTAIN HAWKES COMMENTS ALONG WITH A COUPLE OTHERS & WILL NOT ALLOW HIM TO DEFEND HIMSELF. CAPTAIN HAWKE COULD NOT P0ST HIS OWN COMMENT SO ONE OF OUR SUPPORTERS GOT IT POSTED WHERE IT STAYED FOR A FEW HOURS.....WE HAVE SCREENSHOTS FOR PROOF OF THIS COWARDLY ACT....... HERE WE POSTED THE ARTICLE AND THE COMMENTS BEFORE THEY WERE DELTED AND THOSE THAT REMAIN TODAY... NEW ARTICLE BY KERRY PATTON: Stolen Valor PSYOPS: Mykel Hawke vs Joe Teti July 30, 2014 by Kerry Patton · 13 Comments Looks like theres a problem. But dont worry, were working on it! Were working quick like a bunny to fix it, and everything will be back to normal soon. © 2001–2013 StumbleUpon  Apparently Mykel Hawke and a few others have a thing for Joe Teti. It’s been a two year ongoing feud. I never knew about this ordeal until recently and that is likely because I really never cared much about either man considering I don’t know one or the other. But, I got pulled into the mess nonetheless. More than a year ago, I wrote a piece explaining “Why Some Veterans Make Me Sick.” Joe Teti was mentioned in that piece—neither in the negative nor positive but very neutrally. Needless to say, for well into the past two weeks, Mykel Hawke and a few of his close associates/fans decided to take issue with what I had written. Full disclosure here and it is the first time I ever disclosed this to the public: I do have circumstantial evidence that Joe Teti 1. Served in the US Marine Corps then served in US Army. 2. I have solid evidence proving he had an association with MARSOC and Army Special Forces. 3. I also have evidence he worked as a contractor for a unique entity within our Intelligence Community (OGA). And 4. He has no felony record of any sort which includes no felony of theft of government property or NSF checks (bounced checks in states that deem such as felonies). With the evidence I have, I can claim with certainty, Joe Teti is not a case of Stolen Valor considering I have failed to see, to date, any claims of military medals per the law as written: Pub.L. 113–12; H.R. 258 . (And no, I will not release such material to the public merely because of the personal details within such documentation which includes Teti’s Social Security number and date of birth.) Now, some would like to split hairs claiming Joe Teti’s claims about serving as a combat veteran of the Iraq and Afghan Wars to be illegitimate because he was a contractor and not serving as a US military service member. If that is the case, then please, for all those anti-contractor folks out there, go to our national cemeteries and spit on the contractors buried in such whom had served alongside our Continental Army during the Revolutionary War…I dare you. Better yet, go spit on the grave of Tyrone Woods or Glen Doherty who died in the Benghazi attack. They were no longer US Navy SEALS but serving our nation as contractors in a similar capacity Teti once served within OGA. How important are contractors to the United States national security apparatus and why should NO ONE ever look down upon such persons? Well, don’t listen to me. Read this report from the CATO Institute. The Founding Contractors I was never a Joe Teti follower. Let that be very clear. Again, I never met the man and do not know him at all just like I do not know Mykel Hawke. I am a blogger though who, for two weeks, got saturated with comments and hateful diatribes per the blog post hyperlinked above titled “Why Some Veterans Make Me Sick.”. A couple of things need to be pointed out here pertaining the comments I have received: Several users are the same individual. I know this because they are using the same IP address. These comments are coming from those who support Mykel Hawke and his claims. When someone is accused of a wrong doing, it is up to the accuser to provide circumstantial evidence of the wrong doing. “Innocent until proven guilty” comes to mind. So far, Hawke and his followers have not done such however they are spewing a ton of hearsay and rumor (for 2 years now). When a person accuses another of a wrongful death, you stoop really low…especially when not one charge of manslaughter of any degree has been brought forth into the justice system. Such claims were made about Teti and the incredibly horrific death of Michael Donatelli. My hat is tipped to the Donatelli family for having to continuously relive that tragic day all because Mykel Hawke continues with his claims. Being provided an opportunity to have a one on one interview via email and or telephonically, and declining same or refusing to take up such an opportunity, shows me you really are looking to just defame another person’s character. Spreading absolute inaccuracies about another individual merely to help support your claims is immoral, unprofessional, and inappropriate. (Of note, I am not writing any inaccuracies here but rather revealing what has been going on, on my own personal blog, and my findings) All of these things have happened recently and all these things have happened from Mykel Hawke and his closest accomplices siding on his behalf. I have said it once, and I will say it repeatedly. I do not know Joe Teti. For all I know the guy could actually be a true dirtbag. That does not mean however he is a case of Stolen Valor. It does not mean he is a felonious criminal of any sort. It does not mean he was responsible for anyone’s death. It really means nothing…It’s just a matter of opinion. I do not know the guy hence I have no opinion toward the man. Now, some will read this and claim I am no better than Mykel Hawke for stating what I have already. I agree, I am no better. However, rest assured; I have absolutely no plans to write on this topic again. What is written here is it, final, end of discussion from me. Anyone else who would like to endure this ongoing austere feud, I obviously cannot stop you. But, let me explain why I am actually writing this. Under normal circumstances, I would not write this type of post. I am writing it because Mykel Hawke and his team of fans/followers/associates crossed some lines with me. No one crossed any line that brought emotional anger to my psyche nor did anyone personally attack me (well, some did but I am pretty easy going, have some thick skin, and don’t believe it was really all that malicious). The lines crossed however are lines of concern. I am deeply concerned for Mykel Hawke. The guy is a retired Army Special Forces member who has done a lot in his career. He is the type of guy our children should look up to. Unfortunately, per his recent comments along with others close to him, questions should surface about Mykel Hawke and his dignity let alone his mental health. His actions could easily be construed as psychopathic in nature and potentially very narcissistic. I am concerned for his psyche. Who in their right mind goes on a frontal assault for two consecutive years in an attempt to smear another person? Who in their right mind spreads unsubstantiated rumors about another time and again as if it has become a new mission in their life? Who in their right mind accuses a man who was not the pilot of a helicopter to be responsible for the death of its crew and passengers? Who in their right mind time and again goes against the wishes of the families of our deceased? Yes, I am more concerned for Mykel Hawke than I am upset with him. I am concerned for his mental health. I am not a psychologist but any sane person can see there are issues here that go far beyond Joe Teti—I believe they are potential psychological issues that need professional intervention. If Myekl Hawke truly did engage in eighty (80) enemy engagements (which is difficult to fathom for any combat veteran considering the number is incredibly high), defined as “people shooting at him,” I could easily see how he could more than likely suffer from some form of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder which could be a factor in this ordeal. (The aforementioned statement was used due to the discovery founded on Mykel Hawkee’s IMDB page.)  With that said, I would also like to address Joe Teti. Imagine what it must be like getting constantly bombarded with information about one’s life yet deep down know everything said is an unsubstantiated claim? Imagine having to deal with this chaos every single day? Imagine what it feels like trying to bring about closure to this mess as seen in the image to the left but be faced with more diatribes of hate? What type of toll does that play on one’s psyche? Yes, I am concerned for Joe Teti’s psyche having to deal with this mess. How far are we as humans willing to go to attack another individual? How far are we combat veterans (be it military uniform wearing veterans or their contractual brethren) willing to go to trump another brother-in-arms? We are better than this! What is taking place here is absolute madness. I use that term with all seriousness related to psychological concerns. I pray for Mykel Hawke and I pray for Joe Teti. They are both veterans who have done some pretty admirable things while serving this great nation—be it while wearing a military uniform or working as a contractor doesn’t matter to me. “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” 2 timothy 3:16 I hope we can all take the words of Timothy and remember such, for it is righteousness that will lead our paths to heaven. Share and Enjoy Filed Under: Kerry Patton · Tagged: Benghazi, Contractors, Dual Survivor, Glen Doherty, Joe Teti, Michael Donatelli, Mykel Hawke, Stolen Valor, Tyrone Woods ********************************************************************************* COMMENTS THAT WERE UP BEFORE KERRY PATTON DELETED CAPTAIN HAWKES COMMENTS ALONG WITH A FEW OTHERS.... COMMENTS: Chelsea says: July 30, 2014 at 3:20 pm CAN I GET AN AMEN. Thank you sir for writing this. Jennifer Haven Dare says: July 30, 2014 at 3:43 pm Thank you sir for the extensive time you put into this! Through all of your research and verification, your words on this subject are in fact so highly respected, admired and factual. I hope that with this said, we will all be free to move on the bigger and better things and the crusade, MH lives and breathes for, will finally be put to rest. The unbiased facts are all here and it’s time to let this go Mr. Hawke. There is no skating around it anymore! We at ” Team Joe” wish everyone a happy and healthy future. God bless you Mr. Kerry Patton .Jennifer Delgado says: July 30, 2014 at 4:11 pm Thank you Mr. Patton for being a voice a reason and light on this topic. I agree with you 100% on all points. Love your work, thanks again!~Jennifer AH says: July 30, 2014 at 7:12 pm Thank you Kerry….you fight the good fight.Now….everyone can wave at Mykel Hawke as he now works at Trolls R Us proudly sporting his red badge of douche baggery. Joe you have the patience of Jobe and truth will always win…Thank you Dr. Dale for all your insight. Thank you for those who are reading…THANKS ALSO TO THE INSANE CLOWN POSSE FOR NOT ONLY MAKING MY POINTS FOR ME…VALIDATING MY ARGUMENTS BUT YOU MADE ME LOOK REALLY REALLY GOOD. THANK YOU AGAIN. MANY NAMES ARE ONE PERSON…MR HAWKE EYE. THIS DISTINGUISHED GROUP OF PEOPLE/SAME PROFILES AND PERSON HAVE THEIR WALK OF SHAME TO FOREVER HAVE THEIR NAMES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS MESS….even though most of these names are really Mykel Hawke. MYKEL HAWKEMONIQUE MARIEJAY RUGGIOPOTESTASHUIZHU JINKEVIN SCOTTGRANTJOSEPH OGERSHOKJAY PHILLIPSGREG1012SF CPTTHANK YOU FOR BEING MY TROPHIES ….GAMESETMATCH“WE” WINGibby says: July 30, 2014 at 7:23 pm You think you win because this guy, who obviously didn’t do much if any research, says so? I don’t think so. I will say it again, once Teti shows his DD214 and NGB22 we will all know the truth. We all know he won’t do that.Go ahead and claim your victory, it means nothing. Joseph Ogershok says: July 30, 2014 at 7:34 pm Agreed, Teti has no CIB, or CAB for that matter, nor does he have the campaign ribbon required to prove he is a combat vetern. AH says: July 30, 2014 at 7:51 pm The WIN is EVERYTHING!***** VICTORY***** WINNINGBEING VICTORIOUS MEANS EVERYTHING BECAUSE IT IS EVERYTHING.**please take notes in triplicate and memorize Joseph Ogershok says: July 30, 2014 at 7:31 pm I used my real name and think it pretty disingenous when my posts are deleted and those with pseudoname are posted. I know this will never see the light of day but you are on notice that I consider you to be unethical. Kevin Scott says: July 30, 2014 at 10:01 pm You dont win any thing Joe Why not explain your Beirut claim? I was there and know many Marines who were also there . Funny thing is the Forece recon guys who were there said you never were . Fact is you were attending schools most of that year. This a fact backed up by your record! you cant be in 2 places at once .Just and FYI for all you die hard Joe fans dd-214 and the records of your military training are not top secret There avabile thru a FOIA request . Monique Marie (Author) says: July 30, 2014 at 7:55 pm POSTING FOR CAPTAIN HAWKE………… Mykel Hawke: Hahaha! Really, Kerry? This is how you roll? I showed you all the facts and gave you all the questions to find the answers for as a journalist and all you can do is write an opinion piece, questioning my position and backing Teti? Let me help you and spell it out-1) Teti did lie and claim to be a combat force recon marine.2) Teti did lie and claim to be a combat green beret.3) Teti did lie and say he was CIA, not a contractor.4) Teti did lie and say he worked for them 5 yrs, when he was fired at 2 yrs.5) Teti did lie and say he had 20 years in when it was closer to 10, part time.6) Teti did lie about his rank and many other schools, too.THOSE LIES GOT HIM A TV SHOW CALLED LONE OPERATOR.THAT SHOW GOT 3 MEN DEAD, 1 WAS AN SF BROTHERAND MY FORMER TEAM MATE WHO ONLY MET TETIWHEN THEY BOTH WORKED FOR ME.THAT MAN HAD 5 KIDS AND A 3 Y.O. SONHE IS DEAD BECAUSE TETI LIED.Those my man, are the real facts.I stood against Teti before that show for his lack of integrity.He chose to attack me for that stance and everything else you seeis purely a result of Teti’s incessant attacks on me and my family.You have no idea what you are defending and you choose to attack me?Shame on you and your appalling claims at being a professional journalist.There is no fact in your statements, you have not seen his records,you are going on hear-say and have done ZERO fact checking on these claims.I addressed all your other statements, too.He did get kicked out of Haiti for check fraud.He did get kicked out of 2 SF units for theft and swindling.He did get caught trying to steal a weapon in the 3rd unit.They did try to kick him out of SF.He did recently LIE TO CHRISTIANS FOR PAYCLAIMING TO BE A MILITARY COMBAT VETERAN.You have that proof, and yet you back him as legit?Passing marines, green beret and oga contract coursesdoes not make one a warrior, conduct does.Working in a war zone does not make one a hero,conduct does. So, why did they fire him?He quit Special Forces at time of war and tried to hide from it and profit off it.That is proven by 2 newspaper articles interviewing him.He took tax payer money to become a marine and green beretand then quit on all of us when we needed himand he NEVER SAW MILITARY COMBAT.You think 2 yrs as an OGA contractor from 2004-2006makes it right for him to lie?You share his shame.Own it. Mykel Hawke sends AH says: July 30, 2014 at 8:07 pm “when you argue with a retard and win… still makes you retarded.”George Carlin said “Do not argue with an idiot they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”As George Carlin once said, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” Have a good day!Gibby says: July 30, 2014 at 8:30 pm You act like arrogance is a virtue… Monique Marie (Author) says: July 30, 2014 at 8:14 pm Screen grabs taken before comments are deleted from Captain Hawke. It takes a real special kind of Coward to post so many disparaging, defaming, and libelous insults and not allowing him to defend himself. All of the information we have posted about Joseph Teti is true with proof, of which he claims the resumes and documents were forged, which they were not. We have kept our forum open to him, where he can debate us on the facts any time he so chooses. You, Kerry Patton, have charged an Officer, a respected Officer at that, and have upped the insults further by insinuating he has ‘psychological issues that need professional intervention’. Wow, that is a pretty serious charge from a man who doesn’t do his due diligence on researching Joseph Teti before writing an article about jealous Veterans that smacks of insult throughout. I think you got caught with your pants down on the article ‘Why Some Veterans Make Me Sick’, your EGO got banged up when the TRUTH showed up in the form of Captain Hawke and the others who support him with personal Knowledge and stories about how the allegations against Teti are true. You are shameful. You did not do your homework and now you, Sir, are on a sinking ship. At no time did Captain Hawke attack you. He simply stated the facts. We have screen grabs of EVERY comment. Shall we post some of the comments from the women who defend Teti? They are quite sophomoric and highly insulting. We are all suppose to take the abuse, but when we post the Truth in rebuttal to your original Article you cry foul. Perhaps you should find a different line of work if you skin is so thin. AH says: July 30, 2014 at 9:26 pm Oh please repost…..Please….You are make me look great and my name legendary….. and epic.DOOOOOOO IIIITTTTTTT G~girl says: July 30, 2014 at 11:12 pm Oh wow! I guess the author learned from ah! Yes! Defaming and libelous. Now go look the meanings up as I am sure she has explained much as it. “Shame?” Now what would an author of slut books know about shame? Especially with your vile picture. I would also like to bring up how you say your forums are open to Mr. Teti, well my dear after two year’s one might get the hint he doesn’t want to be bothered which brings up the stalking issue. At some point in time (possibly soon) I am sure that may come to an abrupt end. Which would leave the three of you and the gawd knows how many fake profiles (which mr hack has been called out on again) to do what to fill up your days? Hmm? Notice they never mentioned him being caught using fake profiles. How disgusting. As for bringing up mental issues, well now it doesn’t take a dr sometimes and one is entitled to opinion. Unlike accussing one of murder. You may find this out the hard way. I wonder if mykel hack changes his clothes when he changes profiles? Too weird. Great job Kerry. Although I do think you now may become part of his focus now. I hope not. God bless you and keep the great blogs coming we all enjoy them sir. ****************************************************************************** .................................WHAT IS NOW............................... THE FOLLOWING ARE COMMENTS THAT ARE LEFT AFTER THE COWARD KERRY PATTON DELETED CAPTAIN HAWKES & A COUPLE OTHERS... COMMENTS: Chelsea says: July 30, 2014 at 3:20 pm CAN I GET AN AMEN. Thank you sir for writing this. Jennifer Haven Dare says: July 30, 2014 at 3:43 pm Thank you sir for the extensive time you put into this! Through all of your research and verification, your words on this subject are in fact so highly respected, admired and factual. I hope that with this said, we will all be free to move on the bigger and better things and the crusade, MH lives and breathes for, will finally be put to rest. The unbiased facts are all here and it’s time to let this go Mr. Hawke. There is no skating around it anymore! We at ” Team Joe” wish everyone a happy and healthy future. God bless you Mr. Kerry Patton. J.R. Janicek says: July 30, 2014 at 3:48 pm Well said, KP. It is really disconcerting seeing two honorable vets in a feud like this. The Internet doesn’t help matters either. I hope in the future they will be able to resolve this and move on. Jennifer Delgado says: July 30, 2014 at 4:11 pm Thank you Mr. Patton for being a voice a reason and light on this topic. I agree with you 100% on all points. Love your work, thanks again!~Jennifer Desiree says: July 30, 2014 at 6:14 pm Hopefullly Mr.Hawke will get the treatment he needs once he ponders why he is so invested in destroying a good man and attacking innocent fans.. AH says: July 30, 2014 at 7:12 pm Thank you Kerry….you fight the good fight.Now….everyone can wave at Mykel Hawke as he now works at Trolls R Us proudly sporting his red badge of douche baggery. Joe you have the patience of Jobe and truth will always win…Thank you Dr. Dale for all your insight. Thank you for those who are reading…THANKS ALSO TO THE INSANE CLOWN POSSE FOR NOT ONLY MAKING MY POINTS FOR ME…VALIDATING MY ARGUMENTS BUT YOU MADE ME LOOK REALLY REALLY GOOD. THANK YOU AGAIN. MANY NAMES ARE ONE PERSON…MR HAWKE EYE. THIS DISTINGUISHED GROUP OF PEOPLE/SAME PROFILES AND PERSON HAVE THEIR WALK OF SHAME TO FOREVER HAVE THEIR NAMES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS MESS….even though most of these names are really Mykel Hawke. MYKEL HAWKEMONIQUE MARIEJAY RUGGIOPOTESTASHUIZHU JINKEVIN SCOTTGRANTJOSEPH OGERSHOKJAY PHILLIPSGREG1012SF CPTTHANK YOU FOR BEING MY TROPHIES ….GAMESETMATCH“WE” WIN Joseph Ogershok says: July 30, 2014 at 7:31 pm I used my real name and think it pretty disingenous when my posts are deleted and those with pseudoname are posted. I know this will never see the light of day but you are on notice that I consider you to be unethical. Kevin Scott says: July 30, 2014 at 10:01 pm You dont win any thing Joe Why not explain your Beirut claim? I was there and know many Marines who were also there . Funny thing is the Forece recon guys who were there said you never were . Fact is you were attending schools most of that year. This a fact backed up by your record! you cant be in 2 places at once .Just and FYI for all you die hard Joe fans dd-214 and the records of your military training are not top secret There avabile thru a FOIA request . AH says: July 30, 2014 at 8:07 pm “when you argue with a retard and win… still makes you retarded.”George Carlin said “Do not argue with an idiot they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”As George Carlin once said, “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” Have a good day! Gibby says: July 30, 2014 at 8:30 pm You act like arrogance is a virtue… AH says: July 30, 2014 at 9:26 pm Oh please repost…..Please….You are make me look great and my name legendary….. and epic.DOOOOOOO IIIITTTTTTTG~girl says: July 30, 2014 at 11:12 pm Oh wow! I guess the author learned from ah! Yes! Defaming and libelous. Now go look the meanings up as I am sure she has explained much as it. “Shame?” Now what would an author of slut books know about shame? Especially with your vile picture.I would also like to bring up how you say your forums are open to Mr. Teti, well my dear after two year’s one might get the hint he doesn’t want to be bothered which brings up the stalking issue. At some point in time (possibly soon) I am sure that may come to an abrupt end. Which would leave the three of you and the gawd knows how many fake profiles (which mr hack has been called out on again) to do what to fill up your days? Hmm? Notice they never mentioned him being caught using fake profiles. How disgusting. As for bringing up mental issues, well now it doesn’t take a dr sometimes and one is entitled to opinion. Unlike accussing one of murder. You may find this out the hard way.I wonder if mykel hack changes his clothes when he changes profiles? Too weird.Great job Kerry. Although I do think you now may become part of his focus now. I hope not. God bless you and keep the great blogs coming we all enjoy them sir. How Low do You go? says: July 31, 2014 at 12:09 am I have been following this rant and have this question to ask: How low does one go to use a tragedy of a former SF’s life that was taken from his loved ones, and has the nerve to call him his friend? Wow, MH, I didn’t know that JT was God and had that power to do that. How disgraceful MH. Jealousy and bitterness gets you absolutely no where. God is the judge in the end, just sayin’. Joseph Ogershok says: July 30, 2014 at 7:34 pm Agreed, Teti has no CIB, or CAB for that matter, nor does he have the campaign ribbon required to prove he is a combat vetern. AH says: July 30, 2014 at 7:51 pm The WIN is EVERYTHING!***** VICTORY***** WINNINGBEING VICTORIOUS MEANS EVERYTHING BECAUSE IT IS EVERYTHING.**please take notes in triplicate and memorize G~girl says: July 30, 2014 at 11:12 pm Oh wow! I guess the author learned from ah! Yes! Defaming and libelous. Now go look the meanings up as I am sure she has explained much as it. “Shame?” Now what would an author of slut books know about shame? Especially with your vile picture.I would also like to bring up how you say your forums are open to Mr. Teti, well my dear after two year’s one might get the hint he doesn’t want to be bothered which brings up the stalking issue. At some point in time (possibly soon) I am sure that may come to an abrupt end. Which would leave the three of you and the gawd knows how many fake profiles (which mr hack has been called out on again) to do what to fill up your days? Hmm? Notice they never mentioned him being caught using fake profiles. How disgusting. As for bringing up mental issues, well now it doesn’t take a dr sometimes and one is entitled to opinion. Unlike accussing one of murder. You may find this out the hard way.I wonder if mykel hack changes his clothes when he changes profiles? Too weird.Great job Kerry. Although I do think you now may become part of his focus now. I hope not. God bless you and keep the great blogs coming we all enjoy them sir.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 13:36:34 +0000

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