KEY WORDS IN THE BIBLE 11. LIFE Jesus said that he had come - TopicsExpress


KEY WORDS IN THE BIBLE 11. LIFE Jesus said that he had come that we might have life and that we might have it more abundantly.* The Bible often uses the word life, and always with the implication that it is the greatest of all blessings. “With long life will I satisfy him. “Thou wilt show me the path of life.” “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”*** Jesus says that those who follow him shall have the light life. And the great goal of man is said all through the Bible, to be eternal life. Now what is this life of which the Bible speaks? Well, we shall not attempt to define the word in this little essay. It will be sufficient to point out that you experience life only when you are happy, and feel yourself to be free and useful and joyous, and unconscious of either fear or doubt. Everyone has known such periods in his life, through they are much rarer than they should be, and those are the times that you were alive—that you enjoyed life. At other times you did not have life, in the scriptures sense. So when the Bible promises us long life, under certain conditions, it promises us a long period of joy and freedom. When it promises eternal life, it promises the enjoyment of these things forever. A long physical life full of struggle, suffering and disappointment; living to an advanced age without joy or hope—is not long life in the Bible sense. Such a history is really a form of death. Life in the Bible sense is something supremely worth having, and we are promised it on the condition that we keep the Great Law—by seeking more knowledge of God, and putting Him first in our lives
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:42:13 +0000

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