KNEE JERK REACTIONS - DO THEY IMPACT YOUR BUSINESS? Ever had a knee jerk reaction? Have more than you’d like? For most people, it’s a common and natural occurrence in both their professional and personal lives. The real question is, how are they impacting your business and can you avoid them in the future. The term ‘knee jerk reaction’ refers to the emotional rather than analytical response to something. Coined after the medical reflex test designed to jerk the leg forward when the knee is struck with a rubber mallet, the reaction is often so immediate, there is little room to control or manage your response. The good news is, if you apply a little bit of Emotional Intelligence, you can create a different paradigm for conversations that can lead to positive results on relationships and, thus, the profitability of your business. Most knee jerk reactions begin with a trigger event (a word or phrase, someone’s tone of voice, or even a visual cue) and in response we have an emotional reaction. When we allow ourselves to respond immediately, it creates a negative impact on relationships, business results, and the commitment from your staff. If, on the other hand, we can conduct a little bit of self-talk prior to responding, the impact is positive on relationships, results, and the entire team. Whether you use the phrase ‘count to ten,’ take a breather,’ or ‘sleep on it,’ the important thing is you are stepping away from the trigger event just long enough to apply the right amount of perspective and consideration to your response. Once in control of your reactions, the overall value will be seen and felt by customers, prospects, vendors, employees, and, most importantly, yourself.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 12:41:51 +0000

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