Kamala Harris kicks off her campaign for Barbara Boxers Senate - TopicsExpress


Kamala Harris kicks off her campaign for Barbara Boxers Senate seat ::posted Tue, 13 Jan 2015 17:04:35 +0000:: ift.tt/1FRbOMr rss@dailykos (Jeff Singer) California Democratic Attorney General Kamala Harris made her Senate bid official on Tuesday Ever since she was elected California attorney general in 2010, Democrat Kamala Harris has been viewed as a rising star in state politics. Even before four-term Sen. Barbara Boxer officially announced her retirement last week there was heavy speculation that Harris would run to succeed her. On Tuesday Harris officially jumped into the Senate race, and she quickly drew a favorable response from national Democrats. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee issued a press release praising Harris and serving as a message to her would-be opponents that they should stay out. Harris is a formidable candidate, but she probably wont have the Democratic field to herself. Many potential candidates will probably decide to hold their fire until 2018 when Gov. Jerry Brown is termed-out and Sen. Dianne Feinstein is likely to retire, but some may decide to try their luck against Harris. Billionaire and environmentalist Tom Steyer is reportedly only days away from a decision, and he has the resources to get his message out. California has a history of rejecting wealthy statewide candidates, but Steyer would at least be able to make things interesting. Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa also has confirmed that hes serious about a run. If both Northern Californians Harris and Steyer run, Villaraigosa may be able to carve out a base in Southern California though he has plenty of detractors at home. On Monday, Treasurer John Chiangs camp also made noises about joining the race. Other Democrats who have expressed interest are Secretary of State Alex Padilla, Reps. John Garamendi, Loretta Sanchez, and Eric Swalwell, and former Rep. Ellen Tauscher. Harris announcement is going to force them and any other potential candidates to make a decision quickly, but its unlikely that theyll all decline to run. California is a dark blue state and Republicans know they have little shot in a head-to-head race here. However, California uses the top-two primary system where all the candidates run on the ballot regardless of party, with the top-two vote-getters advancing to November. If there are just enough Democratic candidates splitting the vote, it is possible that two Republicans could advance and give the GOP an automatic pickup. Its unlikely but its something Democrats are aware of, and it does explain why the DSCC is trying to clear the field for Harris. Some of the Republicans flirting with a bid are Fresno Mayor and 2014 controller nominee Ashley Swearengin, Assemblyman Rocky Chavez, and two former state party chairs. Harris entering the race will definitely shape this race, and were going to see a lot more developments in the Golden State in the coming days. Well be following it all at Daily Kos Elections. [Forwarded by the MyLeftBlogosphere news engine. Link to original post below:]
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:52:53 +0000

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