Kanye North weMdc via Zvakanaka Hove Contrary to hallucinations - TopicsExpress


Kanye North weMdc via Zvakanaka Hove Contrary to hallucinations by a few misguided and unpopular elements and remnants of renewalists in the national youths assembly of the MDC-T led by the jailbird, Solomon Madzore, munhurume anozora make-up kunge chitunha, that the national youth council meeting scheduled for harvest House today will not proceed, the meeting is actually proceeding and leaders are already around Harvest House ready to roll. Instead of joining the President in Zhombe nezuro the sellout was busy phoning national council members that the meeting had been cancelled. Kana ndimiwo makamboona kuti a man who wears make-up. We know why these Madzores (Solo and Paurosi) are siding with Biti. Solo was given the Isuzu twin cab that he drives and a house was bought for him in Harare. Paurosi benefited a lot through being hired to sing at party rallies, providing the PA system, recording of CDs and his lorry used to be hired to ferry instruments to all party rallies. Solo is not aware that the men behind his long hosting in prison are Biti, Promise Mkwananzi and others. My close colleague used to accompany Promise Mkwananzi to Chris Mutangadura a Law Officer from the then Attorney General (now Prosecutor General)s office to pay bribes so that Solo continues being incarcerated. Now because of their insatiable appetite for money and power, the 2 have joined hands to fight Save. The good thing is havana vanhu vose, vanhu vanoda Morgan R Tsvangirai. Promise is unpopular to an extent that the young man without any political identity lost dismally in primary elections in Bulawayo. He was subsequently disowned by the people of Matebeleland. He used to say he is from Bulawayo. Yesterday, when i joined Save in Zhombe, again people again said havamuzivi ikoko. After being rejected in Bulawayo, he started claiming that he is from Zhombe. It seems he is no fixed aboard. Mwana wehure asingazivi kumusha kwake. Had in not being Washton Katema from the USAiD, Promise was going to lose in the 2011 Congress in Bulawayo. Thanx to Wash and USAiD for the bag that was used to bribe the electorate. He won and is now operating a gold mine in Chakari, Kadoma. I saw photos of Mangoma Elton, addressing some people referred to as his supporters. Shame chirema ichi vanhu hachina asi people are attending his kangaroo meetings just to take money. For attending a meeting one is getting between US$5 to US$100 depending with the size of the gathering, distance from the meeting venue and ones rank in the partys structures. My advice, lets us go there muhuwandu hwedu titore mari tidye nemhuri dzedu but when the Congress come ngatirege kutengesa musangano. Kana ZANU PF haipi mari dzemabhazi for attending a rally yet ZANU PF is funding Biti and Mangoma to do it. Is this the way how modern politics is done? To President Morgan Richard Tsvangirai, Save svinurai mushacheuke muridzo vanhu ava are just time wasters together with their backers (some misguided and trigger-happy so called diplomats) who do not understand that our African and particularly Zimbabwean politics differ from their Western political affairs. Save may you not be fooled into derailing the peoples project that you lead. If Biti, was genuine after a few cups of coffee at the press conference, sei asina kuuyawo kuZhombe nemi? These men and women are just devils being used by ZANU PF to weaken the Peoples President, Peoples Brand and party of Choice and excellence MDC-T. Siyanai nevanhu ava tipedze navo isu. Now they resiolved to nickname you Gumbura (after the jailed rapist church leader) imi movanyengerera, Save svinurai munodyiwa nemunyati kani. Kkkkkkkk Biti chaiye, nediro yaanoita vakadzi haanyari here? Akaita accident atiza madrivers ake aine hure in Chegutu during the Inclusive government, then that women from the Ministry of Finance mukadzi wemunhu aakapengesana naye and then the one who works at the Sunday Mail. I mean the one he bought a house and a BMW X5. He even put a satellite tracking security system pamba pemusikana uyu. The names of all these girlfriends and finer details, i will divulge together with some funny story-telling pictures kana tava pamberi apo vakomana vakaramba vakadaro. Biti meso amai vako. Checking out .....................................................
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 09:25:50 +0000

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