Kanye West has just released a new single titled Only One in - TopicsExpress


Kanye West has just released a new single titled Only One in collaboration with Paul McCartney. His web site currently just has the song playing along with a picture of himself and his daughter along with the lyrics. Its a rather touching piece of music. Ive listened to some of his previous work recently, and while I find it hit or miss, I cant deny that the fellow is capable of some really captivating music. This particular piece is definitely something Id call a hit. The music itself is fairly minimal, the primary elements are his voice (autotuned, but its not too distracting) and a simple electronic piano accompaniment. The simplicity of it all is really wonderful, as it makes what is clearly an incredibly well produced piece of work feel very personal. The song closes with the piano playing a beautiful tune that gives, at least to me, an uplifting note. The lyrics are written from the context of his mother talking to him from Heaven, and while theyre basically celebrating Kanye himself, as well as his wife and child, they still feel very heart touching. Itd take too long for me to go through the lyrics, as theyre dense with meaning, but Ive a few favorite lines. I loved I know youre happy, cause I can see it/So tell the voice inside ya head to believe it. I feel as though too often we have trouble feeling happiness when good things come into our lives. Were stuck wondering and worrying about how things may fail, and this tarnishes a beautiful thing. Another here is No youre not perfect but youre not your mistakes... Oh the good outweighs the bad even on your worst day. The first part there is repeated again, and I feel like its just a wonderful message for most people, and something to consider when looking at others in general. People dont want to be defined by their mistakes, and while I feel ignoring them outright is dangerous on a personal level, its important to consider when dealing with others that their mistakes are not part of who they want to be. Theyre a flaw to be worked on, not a focus of who they are. Tie this in with the second bit and realizing that most people are better than they are not is something I hope we can all do more often. Finally, theres the repeated Tell Nori about me. This is an example of the human desire to live in after our own demise. Were all prone to evanescence, but in having our impact shared, we retain some element of influence on the future and on those we love. I really like this song. Ive listened to it quite a few times here, and I cant help but feel Ill listen to it many times more. Id recommend it to anybody, even to those who may not like Kanye Wests other work, or have a problem with his antics. Its well worth the listen.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 15:06:57 +0000

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