Karl Rove seems to be slowly losing his grasp on reality. It - TopicsExpress


Karl Rove seems to be slowly losing his grasp on reality. It probably didn’t start with his on-air meltdown last election night when Fox News called Ohio, and thereby the election, for President Obama, but his flights of fantasy seem to be worsening. Now he is defending the NSA’s domestic surveillance programs by saying that police on television dramas use similar tactics all the time. Yesterday on Fox News Sunday Rove told host Chris Wallace: "You cannot turn on a cop drama on television where there is not somebody who’s pinging somebody’s cell phone or taking a look at the phone calls made from some landline or telephone booth to help solve some crime on television." Apparently the remainder of the panel was as ignorant about police use of electronic surveillance in the real world as Rove was, given that no other panelist spoke up to challenge his assertion that “it is routinely done in a large scale at the local law enforcement level.” ~jp~ addictinginfo.org/2013/06/17/1-karl-rove-defends-nsa-spying-saying-police-on-tv-do-it-all-the-time-video/
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 23:14:33 +0000

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