Kathleen Roberts- heres the new opening prolog: Aspen felt - TopicsExpress


Kathleen Roberts- heres the new opening prolog: Aspen felt the knife thrust slice the skin and muscle on his left side, just above his floating rib. He locked his arm down and around the wrist of his attacker and stepped close delivering a powerful spear-hand to the Hispanic mans throat. Then with a violent twist of the one trapping the knife, he felt the guys elbow snap. There was a slight metallic clang as the knife blade hit the concrete floor of the garage and the man backed away trying to make some sound from his now crushed larynx, his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water and blood running from the open wound hed made in his throat. Aspen noticed with some surprise the two inch hooked claws that were extending from his fingertips. He stepped back as the guy dropped to his knees holding his crushed throat with his good hand as his other tatted arm hung uselessly at his side. With the rising tide of pure white anger in his soul, Aspen pivoted on his heel, and lashed out to mans head with a devastating spinning ax kick. Power rushed to Aspens limbs as he brought heel of his hiking boot down onto the side of the mans head with so much force that blood sprayed across the garage, and Aspen heard the sound of bone being crushed. The invader dropped to the ground silently, blood running from his ears and eyes. Aspen felt his arms and legs begin to cramp and ache as he stumbled toward the door to the kitchen. He watched as his arms bulged and pulsed insanely as his his muscles seemed to rearrange themselves under his skin. He couldnt let the pain stop him. By sheer force of will he ignored the terrible fire in his limbs and his gut as pushed the door open. His mom and dad were in the house. Hed heard his mom scream once as hed come running into the garage just before he was ambushed by the guy hed just kicked. Entering the kitchen, he looked around. Everything looked too bright and a powerful white light was pressing at the edge of his vision. Lunch dishes were still in the sink reflecting the late afternoon sun in a rainbow of color against the stainless sink. His dads UK hat was still hanging from the back of a one of the oak cane chairs that his mom said she inherited from her mother. He stopped and listened as the skin on his face and head felt like it was about to crawl off and become something else. The sunlight streaming through the window that looked out over the back yard as it led down to the Ohio River was too bright. Some raw part of his mind reacted when he heard the sound of someone moving around in the living room. Operating on that primal instinct that he couldnt understand, Aspen rushed into the living room to eliminate the invaders. His home had to be protected. The invaders had to be driven out. Two more men stood in the living room rifling through drawers of his dads desk. One of them spun around surprised as Aspen launched himself out of the kitchen. Again power and strength he neither expected nor understood willed itself to his limbs and he cleared the interconnecting dining room and half the living room in a single leap. As he landed in front of the guy, he flexed his fingers and lashed up with the claws that had appeared in the garage. They bit deeply into the mans hard abdomen and raked upward pulling skin, muscle and viscera with them as he lifted the man off the floor with one hand. Some small animal part of his brains warned him of the danger from behind him. With the first man still impaled on his hand, he spun in place and slammed him into the other invader who was trying to bring what looked like an automatic pistol to bear on him. Both men went down in a tangle of arms, legs, and entrails. The gun barked once and the round ricocheted off the brick fireplace. Aspen leaped again and stomped the hand holding the gun. There was the sounds of bones breaking as both men began to scream out, “¡Ayuda! Aquí abajo!” Lunging down as fast as he could, he grabbed both of their heads and smashed them together with enough force to feel their skulls shattering under his hands. Again, he felt the terrible fire burn in his arms and his body. His clothes became too tight, and he felt the power flowing through him change his body yet again. “Estaban, Rico?” he heard someone call from upstairs. Then softer he heard someone else say, “Termine ella y luego venir y ayudar.” “Beuno,” someone else replied. Aspen reached down and picked up the automatic and realized that the changes in his hands made them too large to wield it effectively. Tossing it away, he stepped to the side of the wall next to the landing and waited. It took only a few seconds for another form to come pounding down the hardwood stairs. As soon as the gun came into view, he lashed out with both hands, grabbed the gun and the wrist, and pivoted on his heel. With remarkable ease the man did a half circle in the air as Aspen introduced him face first to the closet door. He struck hard enough to bust through the thin material of the hollow door, splintering it. Without thinking of what he was doing he stepped behind his opponent, released the wrist, and slashed across his throat with the claws on his right hand. Blood spurted and pulsed from the wound as he twisted the gun hand around put it against the mans temple and pulled the trigger. “Jorges?” the other voice called from upstairs. Aspen took the steps three at a time as he climbed at a pace that frightened even him. Stopping at the top, he heard a moan coming from the direction of his parents room. Without thinking, instinctively knowing that he had to act fast, he took off at a full run down the hall. As he burst through the door, he stopped dead in his tracks. The sight before him was more than what was left of his mind could handle. His mother lay splayed naked on the bed, the comforter soaked with the blood now oozing from what was left of her throat. His father was tied up on the floor, the front of his shirt crimson with his own blood as his head lolled lifelessly against the hearth of the fireplace. A single man stood at the foot of the bed trying to buckle his belt, a wicked knife lay on the bed next to his mothers hair. The part of him that was Aspen Silver was suddenly shoved down deep into his soul as the new form that had been taking over his body since he first entered the house took full control. The world turned agonizingly white as he screamed and leaped.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 19:58:16 +0000

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