Kelly Barker Beesley I love sharing what God and Zeal have done - TopicsExpress


Kelly Barker Beesley I love sharing what God and Zeal have done in my life this last year! And because I get asked to share my testimony of Gods amazing grace and my Zeal For Life testimony. .on a daily it is again. I had emergency quadruple bypass in 2005. I, as well as every other person whos heart is in that poor condition is given 10 years, approximately, to change their habits and lifestyle or have it done again or die. I remember thinking this was the worst pain I will ever feel and it will never go away... on both accounts..I was wrong! At my 6 month check up it was discovered that 2 of my bypasses had failed. My Thoracic surgeon told me my time was cut in 1/2. I couldnt see this! Not me!! So in November of that year I went to Weight Watchers..I weighed about 170 pounds and I was determined to get healthier. By the time my 19th anniversary with my husband Rick came 9 months later I was at goal weight 125. I had learned to eat the food and exercise!!! What an accomplishment! On July 17, 2007 I was at a Vacation Bible school meeting and went into tachycardia, which caused my heart to beat approximately 416 beats a minute. Thats about 7 beats a second. I had my first of many life flights that night and was taken into surgery to receive my 1st Saint Jude defibrillator/pacemaker. (This was a 2 lead ) I felt as though I had done everything right. And I still could not regain my health. I feel into a deep depression. I stopped eating right and exercising and very quickly gained all my weight back plus A lot more!!! In the next 2 years I had 5 stents and numerous heart caths. My medication list was growing, monthly, it seemed. In 2009 it had gotten where the bottom chambers of my heart did not beat on their own. So, I had a second (Boston Scientific 3 lead) put in. I felt so discouraged with each dr visit! The news was never good...there were always more tests, more things wrong. I had been diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure and Sudden Cardiac Death Syndrome. By 2011 I had made little progress in changing my lifestyle or habits. On a visit to see my cardiologist and electrophysiologist he told us that he was sending me to Doug Horstmanhoff a heart failure specialist in Oklahoma City, OK. He was also the director of the Integris Hospital Heart Transplant Unit. I had survived my 5 years, however, seemed they were right and my time was quickly coming when this 45 year old heart wasnt going to make it. Oh how I cried. For days and nights on end..I gave up and thought my life was done. The next 2 years were probably the most difficult 2 years I experienced in the 9 Ive survived. I was balancing 45 different medications to keep my arrhythmia under blood pressure, Cholesterol, fluid buildup (and all the things that go with CHF) under control. I also have Epilepsy since I was a child and could barely manage that. It was all very very OOC..out of control... I felt like bomb ready to explode at any second. I battled renal failure so much during these 2 years. My ejection fraction was 15% and just did not have enough oxygen or blood flow going to all my organs to sufficiently keep them alive. I weighed 225 pounds. And I was starving to death. Literally. My first visits with Dr. Doug were very emotional. He is a wonderful, Godly, soft spoken man. Tall, thin man with a great mind. I loved and respected him immediately. And, unfortunately, my respect for the medical field was at an all time low. I thought they had failed me! I know thats not true now... In August of last year 2013 a dear friend of mine, Mary invited me to her house for a party. I was having a good week so 2 of my 3 daughters Layce and Rikki took me to the party. I hadnt been out very much in those sick years so I thought Cool! Makeup or jewelry should make me feel better. Ha!!! What a shock it was when we got to her house and they gave us these little cups of stuff to drink. I trusted her. My dad had become her pastor in 1981 when I moved here from California my Sr year of high school she was in 8th or 9th grade. Her sister was my best friend that year...You see, I have been a preachers daughter my whole life! That right there is a whole nuther story!!! So we graciously drank the little sample and sat down on her couch. And then it happened. The TV came on and there was an eye catching video that talked about heart desease, diabetes, and obesity...and how people were looking and feeling better than they ever had from drinking a 6 oz drink called Zeal For Life. I guessed thats what I had tasted. I liked it, too. In the next few minutes I never saw such blessed sweet assurance was coming my way... The first thing I really remember hearing was the 3 core pinciples of the company... 1. That everything they do is honor and glorify God!! I started crying then..and pretty much havent quit! God spoke to me in that room that night and said do this! Its a gift..and if you chase after your health with everything you have in you...Im going to give it to you. And Im going to use this and allow Rick Breanna Layce and Rikki and your mom to see you healed! And it will be here on this earth that I will manifest it for all to see... Whoa!!! Are you kidding me Lord? Healed? You are going to use this little drink and heal me????? Here. On earth? Not that preverbial ultimate healing where I come to be with you??? Really???? My health back. HONEST??? Well she loaded me up with samples and later brought me a canister of Zeal For Life Wellness in Wild Berry. I drank it too. After 8 years of being on life flights life support and beds and oxygen I felt like cleaning a couple of drawers in my bathroom... that may seem small to some. ..but it was huge to me... so I drank it. I knew I felt better. I knew I had more energy. Immediately! And even if I hadnt...I didnt care...God had told me to do I did! Within 4 weeks. ..I was cleaning and rearranging and rising up out of that bed and moving! Oh it was so exciting. I had an appointment in OKC with Dr Doug in September. I was excited I had a plan! a speech! a Drs Report! and the canister to show him what I was doing. I didnt mind the drive this time...I didnt mind the tests and scans that are done before I see him I knew something would be different this visit. Boy was I right too!!! his was a funny visit when I look back at it...all you have to do to get your Heart Failure Specialist In the room ASAP is: Tell the nurse you have stopped taking 44 of your 45 meds for the last month!!! Yea!!! Hell come flying!! I explained that I had started Zeal For Life Nutritional drink and that the constant constant vomiting and diarrhea had stopped. That I wanted to lose weight and announced I was starting an exercise program!!!!!!!!!!! I was done. I took a big breath in and felt accomplished and rested my case. He patted me on my knee as he rolled over to me and said Sure Kel...that would be great. But here is the plan for now ..He began to explain that when I THOUGHT I COULD MAYBE POSSIBLY TRY he wanted me to put 2 chairs 25 feet apart and go without oxygen between them until I couldnt anymore. I was encouraged to make a goal of back and forth 3 times...or until I couldnt anymore. He then drew very close to Rick and I and said I think its time we talk about The LVAD. slow and quietly looking down at the floor. I believe he heard and felt every bit of air leave my body. This is an artificial heart. You carry a box around, straps over your shoulder and the machine goes through your chest and squeezes your heart until a new one is found. And since hearts dont come in baskets like apples it will have to fit me perfectly. He asked me to please go back on 1 med to help my heart squeeze. We left his office so quietly. Except for the sound of my crying... This was not part of my Jerimiah 29:11 Plan. It was a long 4 hour ride home. I dont think we said a word. And thats extremely unusual for me ..but I was deep in my head having a conversation with God. ... But you said here! You said youd heal me! You said this you said that.. And yes he spoke back. I said I would IF you chase after it with all you have left...have you been pushed yet? Have you learned some serious lifestyle changes that will test your will power your endurance to your core? I said no. So God said hush kellyb and keep your eyes and ears and heart and mind still....and I will do what I say Ill do. Havent I kept you in the palm of my right hand all this time? All the times they have called your family to your bedside when you were going to was only supposed to be a very few minutes.... And I was holding you... remember the 12 day life support coma? I kept you breathing. It wasnt those machines. It was me! I laid that Jeremiah 29:11 Plan on you and your life...a long long long time ago and Im not done.. So hush kellyb and chase after your health with all you have in you...and it is done That conversation went on for the full 4 hours home. And something fell over me on that drive home and I said no! I dont believe that is what God wants for us Rick. NO! HE SAID HEALED. HE SAID HERE. ON THIS EARTH FOR ALL TO SEE AND I HAVE ALL THE BELIEVE I NEED... AND GOING TO HAVE... AND IM CHACING AFTER MY HEALTH WITH EVERY SINGLE BIT OF DETERMINED FIGHTING SPIRIT IN ME ... I got a call from his office a few days later. The girl on the phone said Kelly I need to talk to you about something My heart stopped beating , of this Im sure. I knew the tests had shown that the time was here...they were going to put the LVAD. in..sooner than later. . But this is what she said something showed up on your echo and some other places that your ejection fraction has gone from 15% to 55%..........ya, there was some silence. ...a long pause.... Of course I knew what that meant. I no longer qualify for a heart transplant. Yes! Im crying as I write this. In a few days I celebrated my 50th birthday with a wonderful suprize birthday HELLO KITTY STYLE (I love my HK for well over 30 years) I was glad to have that 50th birthday was a mile stone! My grandfather had died at 54 from heart failure ..and my only sibling had passed with pancreatic Cancer in 2008. He lived 2 months and two days from his diagnosis. Dan was 47. He was my big brother. My parents are strong, Jesus loving, healing in the spirit kinda people. But God choose to take him. And not me. So I got my new BELIEVE suit on and chased after my health WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE IN ME ! With out fear... I began to loose weight! I was making beds. Not sleeping in them. Found another place to put the oxygen..... away! And I started walking. And stretches and step ups on my porch or at the 4 corners of the park by my home! I had stopped the meds so I dont throw up Im eating good and clean. I had my next appointment with Dr. Doug JAN. 21, 2013. He walked in and I had lost 50+ pounds. No oxygen with me. I did not use it ever. And still no meds. Except for Synthroid. I still take that one pill today. I explained that since I saw him I had become a consultant for Zurvita and working my business. But more than that I started the Weight Management Kit. 2- 14 gram protein and Zeal Wellness shakes a day with cleanse and burn and healthy snacks and a clean dinner.!!! And Im in the gym!!!! I love Zumba and weights and pool workouts. .I loved it and was addicted!!! That day, Jan. 21, 2014. I was taken off the heart transplant list and released from seeing Dr. Doug FOR ONE YEAR!!!!!! He said Youve done all this with Z4L?? Yes sir! I am!!!!!!!!! Today, I have lost 100+ pounds and 90+ inches. Only one med. And traveling!! Going to Conference last February and challenge day with Peter in June A vacation to the ranch in Colorado. A trip to Indiana to see family I hadnt seen in a very long time. I work out 10 hours a week and I eat right and clean and drink that water everyday. God used his own creations to save me. Stuff HE thought up! stuff I was intended to have! My amazing, miracle body is healing itself!!! I had to have my defibrillator replaced in July because it just didnt work. Tried to test its shock and nothing. So we replaced it. (3 LEAD ST JUDE) I go anywhere! Do anything and involved in my business and my family and Gods work In Churches . I am 5 weeks out from hip surgery and easing back into the gym and doing what I do best now....chasing after my health with everything in me!! Thank God that he never treated me as an option and I was his #1 priority. I owe him nothing less than making Him and this 2nd amazing chance to see my grandchildren be born and children get married .. Watch Rick snore (He never did that all those years..just laid there and listen to me) my FIRST PRIORITY! not a second hand option. He has a wife again. My kids have a mom and grandma again! I welcome each day with joy because I never thought Id see it!!! So, I look at it as though it were all brand new!!!! Thankyou Mary and Sheila! Thankyou Peter, Scott, Mark and Tammy Monica and Charles, Stefanie and Joe Will and Jennifer. Thankyou Mark and Tracy and Zurvita and your staff and to my daily shakes... Thankyou for not being disgusting! !!!! THANKYOU Rick for standing by me and BELIEVING AND HAVING FAITH in me for 28 years. Thankyou to my girls Breanna Layce and Rikki for understanding the missed games and dinners because I was too sick We are making up for them all now!!! God, Thankyou for making me a priority. Not an option. I promise to keep this gift youve given me a priority and not an option..its the least I can do!!! Thankyou for doing what you said you would do. I could write on and I am. I am writing a book about this 9 years and call it Victory Posts... Until the next one.....Im done! Much love to you Kellyb from my ♡
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 02:27:58 +0000

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