Kemmy Preechakul wrote Helll everyone, Many of us have no idea - TopicsExpress


Kemmy Preechakul wrote Helll everyone, Many of us have no idea what is really going on in Thailand aside from reading through articles that popped up on CNN or other news sources which most of the time are inaccurate. So I like us to discuss based on facts that are unarguable 1. Thai government led by Yingluck intended to pass the Amnesty law which will cancel all the verdicts of Thai court to imprison Thaksin on the cause of killing 85 protesters in the Southern part of Thailand and Thai government has to return the corruption money to Thanksin value THB 46 billion (USD 1.5 billion). If not for the protesters, this law would have passed. This is not an assumption because if they do not intend for it to pass why would they push this law at the first place 2. Thai government led by Yingluck intents to rewrite our constitution to suit their needs by allowing senate to apply for the member of the house of representatives and allowing that the members of the house of representative can be a relative to the senate these changes compensate the ability of check and balance between two houses. Luckily the constitution court had ruled that the government has broken the constitution law when they are trying to pass this law and hence this law is void. But the government has announced that they will not accept the court ruling! 3. Thai government led by Yingluck has passed the law on the development of the high-speed train project worth THB 2,200,000 million (USD 66,000 Million) which allow the government to spend the amount without having to as the approval on project details through the house of representative and the project doesnt need to go through the normal budgeting and procurement processes where there are check and balance steps and this foreign lending will cause all Thai citizens to be in debt for more than 50 years. 4. For the government rice project, the government use the tax money to buy back the rice from farmers regardless of rice quality and plan on how to liquidate those rice stock. The G to G agreement with Chinese government is only to sell a fraction of the whole stock that the government have and because of mismatch of demand and supply most of the farmers are still waiting for the money from the government because if the stock cannot liquidate there will be limited cash flow to keep the project going. So in concept the project does sound great in supporting the farmers but in reality this project has failed miserably. This is also the fact and there are several reports that shows that this project has cause our tax money for more than THB 200 billion (USD 6.6 Billion) 5. Thai democracy system is different from that of the US where the president is elected and will be in the position for 4 years. For Thai, the prime minister can resign or decided to call for new election if he/she listen to the citizens and understand that her position are no longer justified (this is in the constitution) the situations similar to this have happened in several countries such as Japan, South Korea. 6. Election does not equal to everything in democracy. Election is one of the ways in democracy to show the equality among people. But not the only time that people can be part of democracy. In the constitution, Thai citizen has the constitution rights to protest non-violently and ripping off this right is illegal. 7. Before Thaksin time (10 years ago) Thai people live harmoniously. Of course we have differences, we have corruptions, we have different classes like other liberal and capitalism countries do including the US but never before that we clash or are broken down into small groups and family members arguing not trusting each other. And Thaksin and his followers were the one who start the brand group of people as poor (Red) elite (Non-red). This is the fact and if you can understand Thai you can search in You Tube for Thaksin and his followers speech 8. If you or local CNN reporters can actually go to the protest you can see that the Thai spirits are still there people forget which group they are from or what color they used to be in but they have come to say that they want to fight for righteousness for our beloved country and mathematically you can calculate that there are definitely more than 100,000 people on last Sunday. The protest area is one of the main roads (I was there and there were packed) regardless of small side roads which are also jam packed, the main road is 50 meters wide and 1.5 kilometer long which equals to 75,000 square meters lets say that only 5 people on 1 square meter that equals to at least 375,000 people. I am not saying that those of you cannot think otherwise or dont believe everything youve heard from CNN but I just want to discuss on provable facts not just smear campaign. Thank you for reading
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 22:17:59 +0000

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