Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Paul Crouch and Benny Hinn: Can - TopicsExpress


Kenneth Hagin, Kenneth Copeland, Paul Crouch and Benny Hinn: Can they be Christians and Freemasons? These 4 articles say NO These two post on this blog show that KENNETH COPELAND and KENNETH HAGIN are Freemasons. The 4 articles below ask the question “CAN A CHRISTIAN ALSO BE A FREEMASON?”,, and says NO,,, emphatically. You will also find articles on the internet showing that Paul Crouch and Benny Hinn are also Freemasons. DID YOU NOTICE THE OCCULT INVASION OF CHRISTIANITY??????? I DID because my uncle is a Mormon Bishop and I have studied the occult for 15+ years. Both of these cults are derived from the KABALLA. DUE YOURSELF A FAVOR. Learn that the Devil is WILEY!!! AND BEWARE or be aware,,, as Jesus said. “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil,” (Eph. 6:11) I received an interesting response to the article I posted, A Mormon Mason: New Grandmaster is a first in a century who is LDS. The response was from a Freemason who was giving his SPINon Freemasonry. This is one subject I have not talked about much on this site. Can a Freemason also be a Christian? What do they believe and what oaths do they take? The above video might answers some questions. I also have some sites I would like to post for those looking to find out the truth. Why I left Freemasonry by Charles Finney When I was converted to Christ I had belonged to the Masonic LODGE IN Adams, New York, about four years. During the struggle of conviction of sin through which I passed, I do not recollect that the question of Freemasonry ever occurred to my mind. New Views of Lodgism But soon after my conversion, the evening came for attendance upon the Lodge, and I went. They, of course, were aware that I had become a Christian and the Master called upon me to open the Lodge with prayer. I did so, and poured out my heart to the Lord for blessings upon the Lodge. I observed that it created considerable excitement. The evening passed away, and at the close of the Lodge I was asked to pray again. I did so, and retired much DEPRESSED in spirit. I soon found that I was completely converted from Freemasonry to Christ, and that I could have no fellowship with any of the proceedings of the Lodge. Its oaths appeared to me to be monstrously profane and barbarous. At that time I did not know how much I had been imposed upon by many of the pretensions of Masonry. But, upon reflection and examination, a severe struggle and earnest prayer, I found I could not consistently remain with them. My new life instinctively and irresistibly recoiled from any fellowship with what I now regarded as “the unfruitful works of darkness.” Read more… The Masonic Lodge (Freemasonry) To many, the Masonic Lodge appears to be a secret and fraternal organization that emphasizes morality, as well as charitable and benevolent work. INDEED Masons themselves have often defined themselves in these terms, though they often disagree among themselves as to how to define Freemasonry with precision (See Mackey: 269; Daggett: 237). With such an understanding of Masonry in mind, many people view it as, at worst, a somewhat strange, but harmless society, and at best, a good and beneficial one. They also don’t see much difference between the Masonic Lodge and the local Rotary club. It will surprise many, therefore, to learn that most Christians in the United States (at least 90 million, including Roman Catholics, the Orthodox, the LCMS and other Lutherans, as well as Evangelical churches) belong to churches that forbid membership in Freemasonry because they regard it as incompatible with Christianity. Why is it incompatible? Because the Masonic Lodge is held to be a deistic religious organization that requires belief (members must swear an oath) in a god that is not the triune God, and a god who is accessible apart from Jesus Christ through any religion that believes in god as Creator. In addition, they teach that entrance to the life to come is gained by following the precepts and morality of Freemasonry, that God will let them into heaven merely because they have been faithful Masons. Read more… Christianity and Freemasonry – Are They Compatible Many people, including Christians, have questions regarding the validity and integrity of Freemasonry. Externally, Freemasonry appears to be a fraternal organization which provides many benefits socially. Masons strongly emphasize community involvement. They finance special projects in third-world countries and help in the development and building of medical facilities. Some of the members are seen in their Shriner hats riding motorcycles in parades. There are Masonic Lodges in all 50 states in cities large and small. Thus, they are known nation and world wide. The Masonic organization has different branches which provide friends and activities for the whole family, including the Eastern Star, the Demolay and Job’s Daughters. There are also many well-known people that are or have been in the Masons—politicians such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Gerald Ford and Robert Dole. John Wayne was a Mason. Former baseball player/manager Pete Rose has Masonic connections. People like these have provided the Masons a degree of credibility and acceptability in the public eye. Yet, the public knows very little about the structure of command and system of Masonic teaching. To the average non-Mason the organization appears to be shrouded in mystery, involving such things as symbols, secret gestures, languages and oaths. But should Christians sanction an organization they do not really know about? I do not think so! That is why I have written this report. Read more… Freemasonry and the Christian Church There are probably few subjects as shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding as that of Freemasonry. Known under a variety of names (the Craft, the Brotherhood, the Order, the Fraternal Order, the Lodge, etc.), Masonry has been ALIGNED with both the Christian church and the occult. A major problem for many whether within the Order or without is the question of the Mason’s ultimate allegiance. If, in fact, there is no appreciable theological difference between the church and Freemasonry, their antagonists have no basis on which to denounce them. However, if there are beliefs and practices in Masonry that are incompatible with biblical Christianity, then it becomes imperative for the non-Mason and Mason alike to understa3nd the true teachings of the Lodge
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 14:38:51 +0000

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