Kenny B Hurtt Your did you know for this week, Living Well - TopicsExpress


Kenny B Hurtt Your did you know for this week, Living Well magazine a couple months back that they bought the Ambulance service new Stretchers? Paid for by Highlands Medical Center Auxiliary? Did you know that was a lie? That there are no new ambulance stretchers? Did you know that only 1 Ambulance in the county is truly 24 hours? That all crews beside 1 are allowed to go home at night? That they have 10 minuets to get to the station to respond to a call at night? If they live close enough. That is the reason it take so long to get an ambulance at night. Your family is at risk. That if these people do not live close to their station that they are only paid $1.50 an hour and forced to sleep at the station? Did you know that every county owned and city owned fire department and police department are allowed to go to a restaurant and eat breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? BUT that the ambulance service (who work 24 hour shifts, at least one of the stations does, are not allowed to? That they must go through a drive thru and eat in their ambulance? A vehicle that is exposed to germs, blood and puke on a daily basis? Did you know there is another ambulance service in Jackson County that you can call for non emergency transports? I’m sure you have seen their red and white ambulances around. Did you know that your Hospital and Ambulance service IS county owned but the county commission is scared of the CEO and Bored of directors? Did you know this board is appointed BY the commission? And YOU have no say so in its members? Did you know that YOUR ambulance personnel are paid LESS than the people who clean the hospital? And DO NOT get raises with their evaluations BUT Nurses and other employees of the hospital do? That the NEW ambulances are NOT new, they are USED and more has been spent fixing them than was paid for them? Do you want to talk to someone about any of this? Sure you can. Here are some names and numbers for you. Administration (ask to speak to Kim Bryant, CEO) 256-218-3786 Chris Gulley, Jackson County Health Care Authority (JCHCA) Board of Directors Chairman 256-437-8691 or 256-608-8771
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 20:37:29 +0000

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