Kenya is All Ripe for a Revolution! Having missed the grand - TopicsExpress


Kenya is All Ripe for a Revolution! Having missed the grand opportunity to streamline its politics at the end of Moi’s twenty-four-year reign in the year 2002, Kenya is today all ripe for a revolution! What remains to be seen is whether this revolution, if it actually comes to pass, will be a mere change of the mind-set or a full-fledged civil disorder. If again this revolution ever comes to pass, it will have been driven by three critical needs. First will be the need to save the country from going to the dogs. Second will be the need to save a population that is trapped by the demagoguery of a political system, mainly due to an ever-increasing economic inequality. The third, and probably the most significant need, will be to arrest the political power from the ruling class who, despite some of its members having attained, once again, some credible academic education, is frightfully ignorant of the history of humanity. All this is supported by the undeniable fact that a revolution is the best antithesis of conservatism, a form of maintenance of the status quo, of which Kenya’s political system has been for the last fifty years. A driving factor toward this revolution, as a form of reactionary effect to the country’s political state, emanates from the high point of blackmail from almost every civil service group that is currently simmering in the country. Majorly a product of the Kibaki administration of which I fully analyzed in my book, this ongoing blackmail strictly dates back to his failure to honor an MOU he signed with his political allies. The political consequences have reached their untenable heights under Uhuru Kenyatta’s administration. It’s around this ambience that we see members of parliament clamoring for pay increases. It’s from this same ambiance that we hear of KWS officers getting involved in poaching. It’s again from this ambiance that teachers, under KUPPET or KNUT, are blackmailing the nation’s educational sector and overall development over their owed pay rise of years gone by. It’s once again from this ambiance ...
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 05:56:34 +0000

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