Kenya owes a debt of gratitude to the selfless patriots who - TopicsExpress


Kenya owes a debt of gratitude to the selfless patriots who endured imprisonment without trial, torture, deprivation and exile so that we all could be free. Young people growing up in Kenya today may not realise that for many years after freedom from colonial rule, Kenya remained under the grip of a ruthless and despotic regime. Anyone exercising independent thought was branded a “disgruntled element”, an “agent of foreign masters”, an “enemy of development” or simply “anti-Nyayo”. Such a person was shunned, denied the right to earn a living, stripped of all political rights and condemned to imprisonment without trial or torture and even death. As we enjoy today the fruits of liberation, let us never forget that the battle for democracy, freedom and human dignity is not yet won. Since that first Saba Saba, the struggle has been constant. The quest for a new constitution remains the reason why blood was shed on Saba Saba. It must not be derailed by forces of reaction who have re-grouped to try and hold back the march of history. Avail yourself at Uhuru park and join the worthy course to commemorate the day wen kenyans meet to discuss solution to problems.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 04:32:07 +0000

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