(Kerry Cassidly blog. Shes a really good writer!) Snippet from - TopicsExpress


(Kerry Cassidly blog. Shes a really good writer!) Snippet from the end: The ability to see beyond the matrix, (actually multiple matrixes) is vital as we move into growing realization about nature of the galactic neighborhood of which we are a part. Lacking key cards in ones deck, such as those involving the ET visitation, multiple timelines, dimensions, densities and interstellar space and time travel aspects of our Reality Hologram results in further delusion rather than clarity. Unfortunately, the mainstream and even conventional alternative approach fails miserably to adequately explain or assess what is really going on. projectcamelotportal/blog/31-kerrys-blog/2362-snowden-hangout-citizen-four-omissions . Addendum: There are many more questions about the Snowden case and disclosures pertaining to the quality of the data he has (4 encrypted laptops worth) and how in going through say security with so-called encrypted laptops that fact alone would not have triggered some kind of at least local surveillance or notice. Not to mention the following questions that come to mind: .. 1. If he stole data (evidence of NSA spying on companies and individuals) what is the nature of that data and how does he know what he has assuming he didnt have time on a human level to analyze each piece of data... How did he know how to select the particular data he chose to steal. . 2. Its important to recognize that he wouldnt have actually stolen data because in the digital age, deleting data would raise huge flags but in theory copied it... and that then suggests that his clearance level as administrator had to allow for at least that level of access to classified data AVOVE HIS OWN LEVEL... . 3. Does he know the nature of all of the millions of bits of data...which theoretically he must have and how does he comb through it.. in other words how does he know what he actually has and did he know exactly what he was copying and what it contains in terms of content? Because going through data in itself takes reams of man hours (even when using search engines to say nothing of what an internal search engine would trigger when putting in key words) and so how did he decide what to take and what to leave behind once he started copying data? How long did it take him and did he have help? . 4. If the folowing excerpt is correct regarding wrong info that led Snowden back in August of 2013 to say the killshot from the sun ala Ed Dames, was imminent for September of that year... Where was he getting his info and if it came from the data on his 4 laptops what else is there that he is not choosing to reveal? And why not? . 5. It is said he has evidence of spying on governments and world leaders but what within that body of evidence is he holding back ... in order to keep certain of that data close to the chest in order to guarantee that he is kept alive and his loved ones? Then one has to assume whistleblower style that he would have had to distribute that key insider evidence to colleaques in multiple places and position that data to be released if something should happen to him or his loved ones. This goes without saying but it does factor in to what does he have and how does he in essence know what he has? See this link for a list of the top 10 Snowden revelations: mashable/2014/06/05/edward-snowden-revelations/ . 6. According to the above linked story...The NSA, however, isnt able to compromise the encryption algorithms underlying these technologies. Instead, it circumvents or undermines them, forcing companies to install backdoors, hacking into servers and computers, or promoting the use weaker algorithms. However, according to more than one of the Camelot whistleblowers, the AI and technology for cracking code goes way beyond what is conventionally thought of as top secret. The secret space program uses alien tech which gives them much greater access. (See Mark Richards, Pete Peterson, Henry Deacon aka Arthur Neumann and Jake Simpson). . 7. An illuminati run organization like the NSA will be heavily orchestrated from the secret government side and therefore it is likely that Snowden was profiled and eventually detected as having a potential to have a crisis of conscience even before he started to reveal that he was having second thoughts about the legitimacy of what he was involved in. . Case in point, no one has mentioned (aside from Snowden himself) that he is epileptic and this should also tell us more about who he is and why he might have done what he did. Epileptics will be highly light sensitive (not to mention possibly telepathic) and there could be reason to suppose that he may have been abducted and subjected to various forms of mind control and developed epilesy as a response the MKUltra type tactics used at a young age. . This leads to the idea that in coming from a military family (and being under added scrutiny as a result) and then being given high level jobs not dues to his demonstrated aptitude from scholarship, degrees or training but rather because of his genius with technology. . That goes hand in hand with the targeting and preparation by handlers who may have been well aware that he had tendencies to go off the reservation sometime in the future. They may then have prepared for such a contingency. . Corporations with highly secret (way above top secret) information will develop plans to deal with potential leaks and individuals who they recruited who may at some later date develop consciences and decide to switch sides and decide to serve humanity. Plans must be made to deal with those types. . This is where one could assume there might be planning around the type of data he would have stolen (in reality copied) and what he might then be able to do with it. It also makes sense that once a person such as Snowden does start to display the rebel gene (my name for it) then his employers must, in theory, take certain measures to steer and manipulate him. . The objective being in order to limit the extent of damage (if any) and in essence turn a negative into a positive by first of all getting someone in his midst to move alongside him, befriend him and get him to trust them so they can help steer him down channels where they want him to go. While this is conjecture, it is simply logical. Whistleblowers come from the ranks of carefully vetted employees. With that knowledge planning around the inevitable leaks and using them to advantage is something the secret government and companies involved simply must plan around. . What is clear is that Snowden must have some aces up his sleeve in order to stay alive and keep loved ones safe during his ordeal. Which gets into what he is trading with the Russians in order to maintain some level of independence from within that state. It is worth mentioning that within the secret government/secret space program (way above top secret) the Russians and the U.S. are working side by side. This is has been verifed by a number of top Camelot whistleblowers over the past several years. . Where does Snowden in terms of his own awareness of say, AI for example stand? Because in the movie the unplugging of the room phone and his statement that it can be used as a listening device and tapped into by the agency indicates a much deeper level of understanding of not just the mechanics of surveillance in the conventional sense but the liklihood that he knows about the recent AI revelations of Captain Mark Richards who talked about how a car driving by a top military facility can be infected by an ET level AI that would then use that cars computer to jump to any appliance on a base even something as simply mechanically as say a toaster and from there go on to infect and spy on the base gaining access to the computers and data hidden away not to mention spying in real time on meetings, discussions and briefings of high level military personal and more. The possibility for AI infection boggles the mind. . The steady camera focus on Snowdens face reveals a level of fear beyond the actual circumstances in which he appeared to be operating. I would say he is revealing a subtext of knowledge that goes far beyond the level he was revealing to the journalists in the room. And his fear was also based on something much more diabolical than simply facing capture or jail time.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 05:43:59 +0000

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