Keystone Vote: U.S. Senate Rejects Pipeline Bill. (Although - TopicsExpress


Keystone Vote: U.S. Senate Rejects Pipeline Bill. (Although hastily approved earlier this week by the GOP dominated Congress, the Senate says no to fast-tracking KXL. To me, this is my democracy in USA is healthier than in Canada. US Senators are elected + answerable to their constituents. A vote of 60% or greater is needed to pass any bills. In Canada our Senators are un-elected, patronage appointed by the govt of the day, whether it be Cons or Libs in power, each respective PM/PMO stacks the Senate with their hand picks to do the govts bidding + rubber stamp bills that clear the floor of Parliament. Democracy is better served in America. Presidents can utilize Executive Orders in extenuating circumstances but are also absolutely limited to 2 terms in office, I feel it should be that way in Canada for PMs, Premiers, Mayors) The U.S. Senate has rejected a proposal to fast-track the approval of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. Pipeline supporters needed 60 votes to win approval for the bill, but it went down to defeat by a margin of 59-41. Had it passed, U.S. President Barack Obama was widely expected to veto the bill, which was designed to short-circuit the White Houses own environmental review process.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 02:09:14 +0000

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