Khaalid Ibn Al-Waliid(part 3) At that moment, the great warrior - TopicsExpress


Khaalid Ibn Al-Waliid(part 3) At that moment, the great warrior mounted his horse and thrust the standard forward with his right hand as if he were knocking on closed doors that had been closed for too long and whose time had finally come to be flung wide open. So this act was to lead the hero to a long but passable road on which he would leap during the Prophets life and after his death until destiny brought his ingenuity to its inevitable end. Although Khaalid was in charge of the army command, hardly any military expertise could change the already determined outcome of the battle, turning defeat into victory or turning victory into defeat. The only thing that a genius could manage to do was to prevent more casualties or damage in the Muslim army from occurring and end the battle with the remainder of the army intact. Sometimes a great commander must resort to that kind of preventive retreat measure that will prevent the annihilation of the rest of his striking force on the battlefield. However, such a retreat was potentially impossible, yet if the saying, Nothing stands in the way of a fearless heart is true, there was no one more fearless and ingenious than Khaalid. Instantly, The Sword of Allah flung himself into the vast battlefield. His eyes were as sharp as a hawks. His mind worked quickly, turning over all the potentialities in his mind. While the fierce fight raged, Khaalid quickly split his army into groups, with each assigned a certain task. He used his incredible expertise and outstanding craftiness to open a wide space within the Roman army through which the whole Muslim army retreated intact. This narrow escape was credited to the ingenuity of a Muslim hero. In this battle, the Prophet gave Khaalid the great epithet The Sword of Allah. Shortly thereafter, the Quraish violated their treaty with the Prophet )PBUH( and the Muslims marched under Khaalids command to conquer Makkah. The Prophet assigned the command of the right flank of the army to Khaalid Ibn Al-Waliid. Khaalid entered Makkah as one of the commanders of the Muslim army and the Muslim nation. He recalled his youth when he galloped across its plains and mountains as one of the commanders of the army of paganism and polytheism. Khaalid stood there recollecting his childhood days playing on its wonderful pastures and his youthful memories of its wild entertainment. These memories of the past weighed down on him, and he was filled with remorse for his wasted life in which he worshipped inanimate and helpless idols. But before he bit the tips of his fingers in remorse, he was overpowered by the magnificence and spell of this scene of the glorious light that approached Makkah and swept away all that came before it. The astounding scene of the weak and oppressed people, on whose bodies the marks of torture and horror still showed, was magnificent as they returned to the land they had been unjustly driven out of. Only this time, they returned on horseback under the fluttering standard of Islam. Their whispers at Daar Al-Arqams house yesterday turned today into loud and glorious shouts of Allahu akbar )Allah is the Greatest(, that shook Makkah and the victorious cry There is no god but Allah, with which the entire universe seemed to be celebrating a feast day. How did this miracle come about? What is the explanation of what had happened? Simply, there was no logical or rational explanation whatsoever, but the power of the verse that the victorious marching soldiers repeated with their There is no god but Allah and Allahu akbar as they looked with joy at one another and said,> )It is ( a Promise of Allah, and Allah fails not in His Promise < )30:6(. Culled from EsinIslam.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 08:30:15 +0000

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