Khagendra Gautam says, Mr pasha , first do research about the - TopicsExpress


Khagendra Gautam says, Mr pasha , first do research about the things that you are going to post in Facebook. Here, you are talking as if you are a US diplomat to canada. Your text shows that you have zero knowledge about Canadas economy and system of citizenship act. US &Canada are two independent country sharing some common values but never work under pressure of clear that what is green card and how long one has to wait to get that in US. After that think about, what is the equivalent document that represent green card in Canada & how long one has to wait to get that. Have you ever knew that resettled Bhutanese from Canada visited US several times even before applying for citizenship? You wrote : resettled Bhutanese from Canada should thankful to Us rather than canada. Dont you realize your statement is completely baseless? Shahid M. Pasha Madan K. Giri jee: You live in Canada. This matter relates to those who live in America. One Bhutanese gentleman resettled in Canada, went to meet the Prime Minister of Canada. Did that meeting help any of those about 5000 Bhutanese who live in Canada? Not at all. Bhutanese resettled in Canada, still have to wait at least 5 years until they become Canadian citizens, before they are allowed to visit their relatives and friends living in America. But our kind US Government allows all of those green card holders who live in America to visit Canada soon after they get their green cards. Canadian Government agreed to accept only about 5000 Bhutanese refugees only after US Government requested Canadian Government to accept them. US Government has accepted about 75000 Bhutanese refugees and is still willing to accept more Bhutanese refugees. Bhutanese resettled in Canada, should be thankful to US Government, more than they should be grateful to Canadian Government. Canada is a great country and Canadians are great people but probably they were unable to accept more that 5000 Bhutanese refugees because of their weak economy, and I completely understand that. Like · · Share Deo Gautam and Puspa Koirala like this. Gopal Kafley Wow Bhutanese Canadian should be thankful to us govt more than Canadian n Canadas economy is weak ... What type of argument is this ??? December 3 at 11:34pm · Like · 1 Shahid M. Pasha Khagendra Gautam, and Gopal Gautam: Some of my Bhutanese friends living in Canada have told me that they wanted to come to America to visit but they were not able to do so because they had to wait for their Canadian citizenship. Its a historical fact that US Government presented the idea of resettlement of Bhutanese refugees, and convinced its allies like Canada, Australia, UK and other countries to join the United States in the resettlement process. Canada sent its troops to Afghanistan not because US pressured Canadian Government to send its troops but US simply convinced Canada to join United States fighting its war against terrorism. In the same manner, US did not pressure Canada to accept Bhutanese refugees, but simply convinced Canadian Government to accept Bhutanese refugees. Initially, Canada wanted to accept less than 3000 of Bhutanese refugees, but US Government suggested Canadians to accept more Bhutanese refugees. Nobody can deny the fact that US is the worlds strongest economy, not China, Japan, Australia or Canada. Millions of Canadians have marched on streets to protest against high cost education in Canada. Let me add one more fact: Canadians pay much more portion of their income to the Government, than Americans pay to their Government. Health and many other services are free in Canada but as a matter of fact, working Canadians pay for those free services. My friends living in Canada also have told me that the quality of health care in Canada is very poor, and sometimes people have to wait for months to get a Doctors appointment. A Bhutanese resettled in Canada was shot dead by Canadian Police, who had mental issues, and his family begged Canadian Government so many times to treat him but he was denied free treatment. Our Police Officers here in America dont do things that way and always warn a person first and try their best to arrest a disorderly person first before using their guns. So many of Bhutanese resettled in Canada, cried and wept the day Canadian Police shot an unarmed mentally challenged Bhutanese to death. I am sure many Bhutanese resettled in Canada like DeePee Ostee, praise Canadian Government but did DeePee Ostee ever raise his voice against that kind of brutality against Bhutanese resettled in Canada, ever? And where were you when thousands of Bhutanese resettled in Canada were angry and heartbroken and cried and wept all day long when that tragedy took place? Did any Police Officer ever touch or bother any of 75000 Bhutanese resettled in US ever? Of course, NOT. Isnt that true that many Bhutanese resettled in Canada, feel jealous when their Bhutanese relatives and friends come to Canada to visit them, in brand new expensive cars, when they compare their old, used and small cars with those big, new and expensive cars their Bhutanese-American friends drive to Canada? The price of gasoline is much higher in Canada than here in America. Bhutanese resettled in Canada, have to learn a new and very difficult language, French, that many of them do not want to learn. Please be assured that I am not trying to put Canadian friends down but I am simply presenting the facts. I salute Canadian Government for helping thousands of former Bhutanese refugees. Canada is a great country and people of Canada are kind people. I also appreciate those Bhutanese resettled Canadians who love their new country and they are loyal and faithful to their new country, Canada. December 4 at 12:19am · Edited · Like · 1 Puspa Adhikari Khagendra do not even argue with this stupid, he should have to in camps and study politics of Nepal, what a jerk!!!! December 4 at 11:25am · Like · 1 Gopal Kafley you may need glasses to read my name properly, do you have insurance for that or your government pays for that ( because of your strongest economy, your government pays for that ), here we work hard, yes we pay taxes that gives us free education and free health.yes everyone pays to go university but up to college level it is free, unlike you guys we do not have to rely on scholarship. There, if students have no scholarship, they are not able to go college. or are you sponsoring them??? because you have good car you could probably help some of poor Pakistanis in US. we do not have to pay huge amount just to go for emergency in hospitals. Mr M pasha what car do you have, why are you so proud to mention about it when your fellow Pakistanis people are not having an internet in their houses to chat with their people back home. Do you really think that it is not UN but US who convinced countries for resettlement. Canada is simply helping you guys to protect from the terrorist that your country (Pakistan) is nourishing. it is shameful for you to tell that police dont kill people there, what about Ferguson case, are you even aware of that and what the about the 12 yr boy who was shot by police in Cleveland,( do you find time to see news beside writing mahabharat comment in fb??). its a joke in the world about the gun laws there, and because of that soo many innocent children and public that includes vulnerable immigrants have to lost their life. And about language, it proud to learn our national language. It give wider sense of knowledge and we are able to communicate with bigger population of our fellow citizens, to learn their culture and life style. we always count learning language is an asset. Je suis le resident du Québec, et le français est ma fierté. Quand je parle en français ça ma donne le courage, cest toujour un plaisir dapprendre une langue. en plus une langue nationale dune pays où jhabite. Its always a pleasure to learn and know new language and culture. But why are you so negative for language. Are you even able to speak your national language. have you gone some Spanish classes. Why its so hard for when there come something of language. What if you encourage people to learn spanish or any new language, it opens new ways to reach people and serve them. I am afraid you are discouraging my people and fellow immigrants and relaying negative views about it. Mr M Pasha, what about instead of collecting greed about money and cars, collect ideas to help poor in Pakistan. Collect Ideas to educate hundreds of poor girls and boys instead of wasting time in fb comments. Collect ideas to feed those hungry stomachs in Pakistan than waste time in baseless bargain with fb friends. December 4 at 11:43am · Like · 1 Khagendra Gautam Puspa Adhikari yes I have never seen in my life a man more stupid than this guy.Gopal Kafley joye u feed him up to the brim. December 4 at 3:20pm · Like Indi Gautam Monsieur M. Pasha, Nous sommes très fièr dêtre dans un pays comme le canada qui respect la langue et la culture des autres.Ce ne sont pas tes affairs.on est très chancheuse que on est au QC dapprendre une nouvelle langue. Je suis fièr dapprendre la langue dofficielle de nos pays.On est fièrs de notre identité et respect les opinions des autres. Les canadiennes toujours encourage les gens pour leur avenir.Dans les façons deducation et la santé,je vais tassurai que au canada tous les monde doivent aller au cègep et ils ne seront pas payer.on na pas bèsion davoir scholarship pour ça et à luniversite tu sais? on doit payer quand même on peut aller à luniversite car cest pas très chère et tout le monde peut aller sil veut, si tas un moyenne revenue tu peut demander un prêt et bourse mais ils donnent plus les bourse que le prêt et Je sais aux état-unis cest très difficle davoir le prêt quand tes nouveau dans le pays et ils ne donnent pas le bourse. ( canadians can live freely in thier country,they dont have to afraid to walk on the street like in America and another thing canada dont have that much homeless people as in US.canada have great heart that canada provide facilities to their people if they are unable to work and if they are not well). tu dis que tu veut aider les bhoutanais mais les bhoutanais ne besoin pas ton aide,si tu veut aider, aider les pakistanais de ton pays qui sont tres pauvre quils besoin deducation et na pas les norriture à manger.nous les bhoutanais sont capable de faire nos affairs nous même et le derniers chose monsier arrêter de nous appeller les rufugées. on est dèjà la citoyyenne de nos pays,on nest plus rufugé refugée nexiste pas au canada ainsi que aux étas-unis. See Translation December 4 at 7:45pm · Like Shahid M. Pasha Indi Gautam: English please. I do not know French. December 4 at 7:46pm · Like Shahid M. Pasha I have visited Canada, many times in the past. I am not a Bhutanese and I do not speak Nepali. I simply asked a question, Isnt that true that....? Anyway, let me offer my sincere apology to all those living in Canada who felt offended. Pleas be assured that I never meant any disrespect to Bhutanese friends resettled in Canad or to Canadian citizens. December 4 at 7:49pm · Like Indi Gautam M Pasha when you talk about something that you do not know and it is none of your business, you should be sure of what you are saying, you should broaden the horizon of language. December 4 at 7:55pm · Like · 2 Shahid M. Pasha I was simply making a point that US Government has done a lot for the Bhutanese refugees. Did I tell a lie? So many times American Ambassador has visited Beldangi, Pathri and other Bhutanese refugee camps in Nepal, but Canadian Ambassador has never visited any refugee camp in Nepal. I am not saying anything bad about Canada but I am simply presenting the facts. Did Canadian Ambassador ever visit Bhutanese refugees in refugee camps in Nepal? December 4 at 7:57pm · Like Gopal Kafley what a shame!!! this guy you were talking about Cars and now comes ambassadors. its not about who goes where it is about peace, security and happiness and facilities to their citizen. stop comparing the people and learn to be who you are. December 4 at 8:07pm · Like · 1 Shahid M. Pasha Gopal Kafley: I think it does matter. All former Bhutanese refugees who already have been resettled in America and in other countries, should not forget the efforts of US Ambassador to pull Bhutanese refugees, out of miserable life of refugee camps. I think every Bhutanese resettled in Canada, Australia, Norway, Newzealand, UK, Denmark and Netherland, should hold and display an American national flag, along with the national flag of Canada or other countries when they become citizens of that country, just to thank America for helping them. 20 hrs · Like Yadap Neupane Pasha jee please do refer previous news about relocation of our matter first . Canada started first relocation process before us offer. There were four families from seven camp. Its not worthy to raise other nation flag in the time of citizenship ceremony . US is not every things in our matter. Please be specific rather than bias statements. 20 hrs · Like · 1 Shahid M. Pasha Yadap Neupane: I have studied the history of Nepali-speaking Bhutanese but I have never seen anything indicating that Canadian Government had initiated something to resettle Bhutanese refugees, in Canada. Few Bhutanese refugee students wrote a letter to US Ambassador to Nepal and requested for resettlement in America. Those students were granted resettlement in America, before even actual settlement process started. 18 hrs · Edited · Like Shahid M. Pasha Yadap Neupane: Of course, no new Canadian citizen has to hold and display or raise the national flag of US, because obviously, that would not be appreciated by Canadian citizens. I stated that just to make a point that Bhutanese-Canadians should be grateful to US Government and US Citizens. There are many other ways of thanking America, other than simply holding and displaying US national flag. I agree with you 100%. It would be inappropriate to raise the flag of any other country, other than Canadian flag at the time of taking oath for Canadian citizenship. I did not mean to say that in real sense, but I was simply making a point. I admit it was a mistake to say that new Canadian citizens should hold US flag and I am sorry for making that mistake. Thanks for correcting me. 18 hrs · Edited · Like Shahid M. Pasha Canadas economy is not weak but weaker than US economy. Canada is a very rich country and easily can afford to resettle a lot more than just 5000 Bhutanese refugees but the Canadian Government chose not to resettle more than just 5000 Bhutanese refugees. 18 hrs · Like Yadap Neupane What is your next controversial and childish point?. I dont think you have measuring tape to measure whose economic is weaker and stronger. 18 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha Indi Gautam: I have presented facts, observations, and also I have stated whatever I was told by some of my Bhutanese friends. Believe me, I have many Bhutanese friends who live in Canada and do not mind sharing their experiences and difficulties in their daily life in Canada. What can I do if you do not like whatever other Bhutanese resettled in Canada have told me. I have never said that all Bhutanese resettled in Canada are poor or all of them have small, old and used cars, but in fact, many of the Bhutanese resettled in Canada, are very rich and have new cars. But I must say one thing again: Canadas economy is not as strong as US economy is. Canadian currency always had less value and one Canadian Dollar was equal to about 75 US cents, but now Canadian dollar has become a little stronger, from last few years. I suggest you visit US, and I am sure you will realize that whatever I have stated, is true. If you are not a Canadian citizen yet, you must wait until you become Canadian citizen in order to visit United States. Please do not take this issue personal. I am not trying to put down your great country, Canada, but I am simply presenting the facts. And the fact is that almost everything in Canada is more expensive than here in US. 18 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha Yadap Neupane: Dont you think you are intimidating me by calling my views as Childish point? Have I ever called your views as Childish? Being disagreed with my views, does not give you a right to insult me personally. Please learn how to exchange views in a polite and civilized manner. Thanks. 18 hrs · Edited · Like Shahid M. Pasha Bhutanese living here in America, do not praise, praise, praise and praise US Government all the times like many Bhutanese resettled in Canada, do, all the times. If Canadian Government reduces benefits and free services to Bhutanese resettled in Canada, probably many of the Bhutanese resettled in Canada, will stop praising, praising, praising and praising Canadian Government all the times. That is why they say, Money Talks. I am not saying that all of the Bhutanese resettled in Canada are like that, but I think some of them are like that. Actually just a handful of them are like that but I think the majority of Bhutanese resettled in Canada are GOOD people. 18 hrs · Like Gopal Kafley while...... u should stop humiliating the people, If u think ur being insulted why dont u stop doing the same to others, now stop saying me that ur saying the truth, they are simply baseless, do u got it, Do some research before posting n stop saying those rumors. u also do not have the right to insult the people 18 hrs · Edited · Like Shahid M. Pasha I have never humiliated any one here. Saying that US economy is stronger than Canadas economy is NOT an insult to Canada. Why some of the Bhutanese resettled in Canada, take everything I post here on Facebook, as their insult? What is their problem? Are they suffering from Inferiority Complex? 18 hrs · Like Gopal Kafley while is someone here suffering from superiority complex, how u did not humiliate, when u talk abt Bhutanese canadian has small cars, has not seen $25000 .....bla bla blaa....u dont remember what u say ...or what is ur problem 18 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha Americas leadership of the world, was given to America by GOD, and no one, not even Canadians can take this position away from US. American soldiers are stationed in 137 countries, including Canada. Does Canada has its Army soldiers stationed in 137 countries? Of course, NOT. American soldiers are stationed in Canada to protect Canada. Not a single Canadian Army soldier is stationed here in America, because we do not need foreign troops to protect us. Americans are fully capable of protecting themselves. Now, please do not accuse me of making insulting comments because this is the fact that US has its Army soldiers stationed in 137 countries and nobody can deny this fact. 18 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha Gopal Kafley: Your problem is that you twist my words around to change the meaning of my whole statement just to make me look bad. Did I ever say that ALL Bhutanese resettled in Canada, have small cars? I have never used these exact words but I have stated that some people in Canada have small cars because the gasoline price is much higher than here in US. I also have a small car (Toyota Corolla 2015), because I cannot afford to buy a big car like Cadillac. Having a small car does not mean I am poor or I am less respected person just because I own a small 4 cylinder car. Many of my Bhutanese friends here have more nicer cars than I have. But I never felt jealous. Why should I? If some Bhutanese living in Canada, feel a little jealous when they see their Bhutanese-American guest with big and expensive cars, naturally they feel a little intimidated and ask themselves, Why NOT US? I have visited Canada many times in the past and I know the fact that many of my friends there, have small, used and old cars, because they simply could not afford big and expensive cars. Why some Bhutanese living in Canada, are making too much noise about my comments about having small cars? My Bhutanese friends resettled in America, are GOOD people and they need to stop feeling inferior than Americans. Canadains are NOT inferiot, and we Amercans are NOT superiors. So stop making noise and stop making a big deal out of my comments about having small cars, PLEASE. Actually let me say something nice that will make all of the Bhutanese resettled in Canada, very happy. Let me say, Bhutanese resettled in Canada are SUPER RICH, and almost every one of them owns BMW, Mercedez or Bantley or Royce Rolls. Are you happy now? 17 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha Let me add one more nice thing about Bhutanese resettled in Canada: I think almost every Bhutanese family resettled in Canada, has at least $50,000 cash. Most of the Bhutanese resettled in America, have never seen this kind of money, ever. I hope many of my Bhutanese friends resettled in Canada, are happy now. 17 hrs · Like Yadap Neupane Pasha jee Please visit MHA ,get well soon and come back to facebook status . It would be better for you. It seems problems is hunting you lot . 17 hrs · Like · 1 Deo Gautam Shahid M. Pasha sir, You are the most controversial man of all the time on Facebook. In this case, i wanna let u know something about Canadian history. Canada became an independent country since the war of 1812 & it is governed by an organized system of laws. Canada exports billions of dollars worth of energy products, agricultural, forestry & fishing products & so on every years. USA is totally incomplete with out Canada. In fact, Most of the people in USA panic to go to the hospital in the fear of being billed the amount which they cant afford. Those who are physically & mentally strong, literate & capable to work may handle it but what happens to those people with disabilities. I have some mates who reside over there & they are depressed being there. Im not saying those things casually, it happens and i have a lot of evidence too 17 hrs · Edited · Like · 2 Shahid M. Pasha Deo Gautam: So you are trying to prove that America is a bad country? America pffers free health care to all who cannot afford it. Ask any of your Bhutanese friend living in America to verify this fact. A Bhutanese friend of mine alays call an ambulance whenever any of his children become sick, instead of calling for a taxi, because he knows all of his bills will be taken care of by the Government. Of course, he is misusing and abusing the system because ambulance service should be used only in the case of emergency. There in Canada, people cannot choose their own Doctors but here in America people are free to choose their own Doctors. Government not only pays for all the heath care but also pays extra money to those family members who are willing to stay home for few hours to take are of their sick or disabled family member. All of you who are bad mouthing America, should visit America and I am sure they would want t offer me an apology after learning all the facts. I am sure they would love America so much that they would not want to go back to Canada ever again and would wish to live here in America forever. Probably, few years from today, all of those about 5000 of Bhutanese resettled in Canada, would give up their Canadian citizenship and apply for US Citizenship. 9 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha I was simply joking when I said that many Bhutanese resettled in Canada have never seen 25000. I take those statement back because now I have realized the fact that I had gone too far with my joke. Come on people: Cant you take anything just for joke? Please smile, laugh and have some sense of humor. Life is too short to get upset over little jokes like having small cars and not having to see 25000 dollars ever. 9 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha America is worlds only Super Power. America is the leader of the free world. Many people living in Canada an Europe simply cannot tolerate to see that, get jealous and ask themselves, WHY NOT US? There is no cure for their sickness. They simply bad mouth America just to feel a little better. However, a good friend of America, never gets jealous, and feel proud of being a friend of America. If yu are a good friend of America and if you are not a jealous person, please let us all shout together, God Bless America. Let me shout, God Bless Canada and its people. 9 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha Yadap Neupane: What is MHA? It seems like you are very familiar with MHA. It was Canadian singer Cielon Dione who left her country, Canada and moved to America because she knew America could offer what Canada has never offered her. She moved to America permannatly. Probably, all of those 5000 Bhutanese resettled in Canada, also will do the same, some day and will move to America forever. No offense to my Canadian friends, but I would never move to Canada forever if if I am offered 100 million dollars, because I LOVE AMERICA, not for money but I love Ameria for America. 9 hrs · Like Khagendra Gautam What a heck is this guy! 8 hrs · Like BK Achut Dangal i am agreed with Khagendra Gautam, yes i have been noticing his comments in several issues.. 7 hrs · Edited · Like Indi Gautam M.Pasha don`t waste ur time by commenting useless act on fb. we bhutanese were frm same family and we don`t underestimate eachother.every american and canadian bhutanese were freinds and relatives. everyone of us hav same status then who ur to say nonsnse things to us.Stop to comment useless things and take ur time study the the history of america and also the canada. I hope u know the condition of ur country(pakistan) .if u really wants to help people will u plez help the people in pakistan who were lying on the street without food. educate the people of pakistan who were uneducated bhutananes don`t need ur word we can read and watch news to know world`s economy not the useless deed of u.the people from pakistan need ur help and they will be thankful to plz don`t waste ur precious time by nonsense deed on fb ..but take ur time to help pakistanais. i have never seen a foolish person like u. 7 hrs · Edited · Like BK Achut Dangal Indi Gautam jii> he is not pakistani, he is seemed to be bhutanese, just changed his birth place in Facebook, you could see his pictures in Facebook he is with bhutanese and Nepalese.. 7 hrs · Like Indi Gautam ya bro he is with Bhutanese and Nepalese but hIs actuel identity is pakistanais. And its important to remind him his ethnicity. 7 hrs · Like · 1 BK Achut Dangal Shahid M. Pasha needed depth knowledge about this topic of debate. Your points seemed to be very narrow with surface knowledge knowledge only. You needed depth study in this subject matter.. 7 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha BK Achut Dangal: Beleive me, I was born in Pakistan. I am a naturalized US Citizen and I have been living here in America for so many years. I take your comment as compliment. I think as Bhutanese/Nepalese actor, I am doing a great acting, and many people like you, start believing that I am a Nepalese or Bhutanese. Thanks for your compliment. 3 hrs · Edited · Like Shahid M. Pasha Indi Gautam: If you think I am wasting my time,it is my time, so please never mind about my time. I watched a video of a Bhutanese cultural program held in Canada. I closed my eyes, because I felt so ashamed and I could not believe my eyes. Young teenage Bhutanese girls resettled in Canada were dancing on stage wearing short shorts. Many people posted their comments expressing their anger and criticize the way those young Bhutanese girls resettled in Canada were wearing. What kind of Bhutanese culture is that? Coming to Canada from small huts in refugee amps in Nepal, does not mean some Nepali-speaking Bhutanese have to lose their Nepali Param Para (Cultural values). Apparently, some Bhutanese parents resettled in Canada are not teaching their young daughters the difference between right and wrong. Instead of criticizing me, you should criticize them. 2 hrs · Edited · Like Shahid M. Pasha BK Achut Dangal: Yes Sir, you are right 100%. I need to do a lot of research on tis issue. That is why I intend to visit Canada in near future to meet Bhutanese friends resettled in Canada to learn all the facts. I would love to visit you also if you ever allow me to. 5 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha Khagendra Gautam: Are you complaining pr complimenting about me? 5 hrs · Like BK Achut Dangal Shahid M. Pasha: Then why did u mention that controversial subject in ur fb post mattering Bhutanese in canada? U quickly, being smart, trying to escape from ur mistake pointing it as a joke. Are you ok mentally? It seemed to be u r doing Facebook terrorism( that u learned from ur country) breaking the hearts Bhutanese majority. U better be quite than to howl in front of tigers 5 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha BK Achut Dangel: Your name is too long. Can you please find a new name? I never call others Paagal (Mad), because I respect other peoples opinions. I know how to respect others. 5 hrs · Like Indi Gautam Mr M.Pasha sorry to write what is going in ur country but you forced me to write all this activity. Pakistani women and girls suffer human rights violations in the community, including honour killings, rape and domestic violence. Forced marriages are not unusual. the exploitation through harmful child work and trafficking,the dowry system. Innocent women killed by their husband if their parents didnt provide what their husband demand and bla bla bla.Innocent and underaged girls are forced to get married without their desire. Is this the culture you gave to ur children? be clear what type of culture ur giving to ur childrenpare the culture u hv there and that of bhutanese.Am not humalaiting ur culture and country but this is the fact that u have over, think hundreds and thousands of times bfor u write something to others.ur word may hurt this clearly not with ur mind but with ur heart. This is just the fact I am presenting to you, I have no intention to humilate any one here, if you say this hurts you what abt what you are doing about Bhutanese Canadians and all the globalBhutanese and questioning their culture. Dont be humilated when you are being said Pakistanis, we dont feel that way when we are called Bhutanese Mr Pasha it it your identity, thats after all what you are.THIS IS THE FACT, no intention to hurt any Culture or religion. 2 hrs · Edited · Like Shahid M. Pasha I have given up my Pakistani nationality. Now I am an American citizen. However, I still call myself a proud Pakistani-American. 2 hrs · Like Rezn Mishra Mr.shahid M.pasha,, try to taste your words before you spit them out !!! Self pride has no any recommendation!!! So could u mind to stop blah blah blah ,,, plz ,,, lol 2 hrs · Edited · Like Shahid M. Pasha Rezn Mishra: Honestly speaking, I am not angry because I know the fcat that many of you Bhutanese resettled in Canada, just did not try harder to understand my actual message. I think some day, all of you, who are making noise, will understand me more clearly and then would love to offer me your apology. 2 hrs · Like Rezn Mishra I went through ur post and finally what I found is that u making only nonsense rumors around urself,, control man control !!! 2 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha Indi Gautam: Didnt Canadians teach you the ethics of harmony, tolerance to other peoples views and opinions, and how to respect people of different ethnicity? By keep targeting my ethnicity, you are not hurting me but you are making look bad in the eyes of millions of Facebook readers. 2 hrs · Like Rezn Mishra Its not wise to mention abt other if u dnt have adequate knowledge abt them and their circumstances !! 2 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha We all are here to exchange our views in a civilized and polite manner. Only uncivilized people harass, intimidate or insult others just because they disagree with other peoples opinions. 2 hrs · Edited · Like Rezn Mishra Hahahh,,, do u think that u r polite?? 2 hrs · Like Shahid M. Pasha Did I ever call any one a Stupid, Mental or Crazy? Of course NOT. 2 hrs · Edited · Like Rezn Mishra How much civilized u r to make fake description of Bhutanese living in canada??? 2 hrs · Like Indi Gautam M.pasha if u dont like if someone talk abt ur ethnicity(Pakistan) then y ur always talking abt our ethnicity?? If u dont stop talking abt Bhutanese we will no more stop to talk abt Pakistan. We Bhutanese were able to do everythings by ourself and dont need any suggestion from ur side and just to make sure you that if you are helpful person and wanna help someone, the people from Pakistan need ur help and they will be very thankful to u. So please dont waste ur precious time by talking baseless thing,do something for ur pakistanais not for Bhutanese people. 1 hr · Like · 1 BK Achut Dangal Hello guys!! trust me or not, this Shahid M. Pasha must be from camp, either from bel or pathri. He was a member of BBG(Bhutanese Business Group) few months ago, but this group collapsed later. He changed his nationality in facebook during sarrac conference in Nepal held recently because when ekantipur posted the news regarding hatred between pakistan PM and Indian PM, he took the side of Pakistan and commented against many people who supported india at that time. i have also seen this guy commenting in Dzongkha. He is from Massachusetts USA. He changes his nationality often. i have seen him commenting on the post of His Majesty the king of Bhutan too. He said he would like to visit Bhutan for doing research regarding bhutans economy during his PhD. So, dont think him as a Pakistani, im sure he is bhutanese, who thinks himself as an encyclopedia to the matter of bhutanese, nepalese, indian and american, canadian and tries to make his point on the top of everyone, but fails often due to his weak and airy opinion eventually.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 23:07:22 +0000

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