Kicking the Ant Hill I know that the idea of attracting ankle - TopicsExpress


Kicking the Ant Hill I know that the idea of attracting ankle biter attention isn’t very appealing, and I would certainly prefer to relax on a beach in Hawaii, but the fact remains that they will interfere with anyone who is actively raising their frequency of consciousness, and they have done so throughout human history. Their favorite technique is to send in a reminder about things that are “wrong” in your life, especially if they can distract you into blaming someone else for that “problem” that is suddenly on your mind. Other dirty tricks they use are distractions to do something fun or something you “need” to do, as long it gets you to STOP embodying a high frequency energy state. Sometimes they will launch an all out psychic attack. Often, they will attempt to get at you while you are asleep or doing something unrelated to energy work. All of these tricks can be countered. When you notice ankle biters trying to interfere with your thoughts, emotions or energy, immediately start expanding your Divine Inner Light from your heart until it surrounds your body. This pure, intense light of your Divine Being is painful for these low-frequency ankle biters to be near, and they will withdraw. (I think this may be where the myth of the “blood sucking” vampire who can’t stand sunlight comes from…) However, even when withdrawn, the ankle biters will have a thin “energy tube” connected to you somewhere in your consciousness that they will use to send harmful energy or siphon off your emotional energy. Command from your Divine Core that the ankle biters present be captured in “containment orbs,” which are energetic spheres of light that keep them from running away and hiding. Then do an energy refund to send their “tubes” and any other connections they have formed in your consciousness back to them. Now, for just a few moments, it’s ok to get a little angry as a temporary way to rise above feeling helpless. Not blinding rage, but a little righteous indignation that these parasites have been messing with you is OK to entertain for a moment. This is a step up from feeling like a helpless victim to these parasites, which is how they WANT you to feel. Just don’t stay angry for long, and instead work to move your frequency higher. Staying totally calm and forgiving should be your ultimate goal, but if a little anger helps get you out of feeling like a victim to the parasites, go for it. I tell you this so that you don’t “feel bad” if you get mad at these parasites for a moment. However, it is important not to engage them in a constant state of anger, as that anger energy will actually FEED them, which we obviously don’t want. Once they are contained, imagine that you are grabbing them and “squeezing” them to get them to let go of YOUR energy that they have been draining from you. See that low-frequency energy pooling in front of you, then hit it with a blast of light from your heart to purify and transmute it back to a state of pure energy, and reclaim that energy back into your being. At this point, the ankle biters will be upset and trying to make you feel bad about yourself in any way that they can. I suggest that you laugh at them and remind them that they were NEVER given permission to take your energy or enslave humanity. Then ask the Galaxy Being to “arrest” them and offer them the choice of returning to the light or being incarcerated somewhere that they can’t harm or drain anyone, ever again. In the past, I used to do a “catch and release” with the ankle biters, but things have changed. We are nearing the point where it is time to fully remove the ankle biters’ influence from Earth, and to dismantle their dark control grid. This means that it is ok to ask the Galaxy Being to incarcerate these ankle biters, and to offer them the option to begin healing and gradually coming back to the light. Offering them the chance to heal and return to the light is an important point to focus on. Ultimately, everything in the universe comes from a single Divine Consciousness, even the darkest of the ankle biters. This means they will eventually re-align themselves with the light and begin their journey of returning to Source, so we are simply acting as Divine Conduits to assist this process to unfold more rapidly. Ankle biters won’t see this as a good thing due to their lack of empathy, and they may even try to make you feel like you are violating their free will. However, humanity’s free will has been repeatedly violated by these parasitic beings, so they are no longer allowed total free will. The only choices remaining to them are to heal and return to the light, or to remain as they are while being “incarcerated” and prevented from harming anyone else. The Beginning of the End of the Darkness The ankle biters are not going to give up easily, and they are already fighting back with everything they have. Their increased frequency and intensity of attacks on lightworkers and casual meditators alike reveals their desperation. They have been weakened by the generally rising consciousness on the planet and they are very dangerous, like an animal backed into a corner. In order for the plan to remove their influence from human consciousness to work, we need an army of lightworkers expanding their Inner Divine Light and acting as Galactic Conduits, piercing the dark control grid full of holes that allow tremendous light to stream into the earth. If we can do our part here on the ground, the non-incarnated members of the Forces of Light will be able to make the final move and strip away the dark control grid from this planet, resulting in an instant uplifting of all life on Earth. I can’t emphasize strongly enough how important this step is in our planetary ascension. This dark control grid has been corrupting and stifling human consciousness for many, many millennia. When it is removed along with the ankle biters, it will be like an instant consciousness expansion for every person on the planet. Imagine everyone suddenly being free of the “dark side of human nature” so that the true glory of loving human consciousness can expand within the hearts and minds of everyone on Earth. I wrote about this in my December message as if it was just a thought exercise. It’s much more than that, it is part of our journey of awakening that must occur. Most people won’t even know what happened, just that they feel MUCH better, more relaxed, happier and ready to help others.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 04:47:14 +0000

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