Kill the Amnesty Bill Proponents of the Immigration/Amnesty bill - TopicsExpress


Kill the Amnesty Bill Proponents of the Immigration/Amnesty bill claim there are 11 million people living here illegally, but it is probably more like 20 million and that is why the need to pass this bill into law. Those supporting the Immigration/amnesty bill are Democrat/Statists who look to the illegal immigrants as votes; Union Bosses who look to the illegal immigrants as dues paying members; Corporatists who look to the illegal immigrants as cheap labor; Churches who look to illegal immigrants as contributing parishioners; Establishment/RINO Republicans who look to be liked by illegal immigrants; and the illegal immigrants themselves looking for stuff. Instead of enforcing current immigration laws they say we must pass comprehensive immigration reform now! In trying to sell the Gang of Eight Immigration/Amnesty bill ads are being run claiming the bill calls for more border guards and building the fence. They also claim the illegal immigrants would have to pay a fine, begin to pay taxes, learn and speak English and to get back at the end of the line. Let’s look at their selling points. There is no need to pass this Amnesty bill to increase the border patrol, they can just be hired. As for the fence; that is already in the 2006 Immigration Law that they are not enforcing. No need to add another law when there is one already in place, enforce it. As for the fine, what will the fine be and what if they cannot pay? Will they be deported or will the fine be waived; or more likely subsidized? As for paying taxes; many of these illegals are low skilled, working low wage jobs and if you believe Jeb Bush are more fertile than legal white American citizens. Therefore, they will not be paying any income taxes. In fact, they will be getting tax credits i.e. money from the taxpayers, unless our tax system is changed (implement a flat tax or fair tax). What happens if the illegals do not learn English? Will they be deported then? As for illegals getting back to the end of the line, wouldn’t the end of the line be in their country of origin? And what happens to the ones who are waiting to get in legally? Will they be allowed to enter too, which would double the amount of people being let in? Those pushing this amnesty bill claim the illegals will not be eligible for Obamacare. Really? They might not be eligible per se to Obamacare, but, that does not mean they will not be treated, unless they change the law regarding treatment to where the medical facility can refuse treatment. What are the chances of that happening? And wasn’t that one of the reasons they gave us for giving us the abomination that is Obamacare. This amnesty bill, accompanied by Obamacare will only exacerbate the unemployment and underemployment of American citizens, because employers could terminate many legal Americans, replacing them with the illegals due to Obamacare. There is no reason to pass this monstrous "immigration/amnesty" bill, just enforce the laws already on the books. What must and should be done is secure the borders; enforce current immigration laws against the illegal’s and the people who hire them; let it be known to the people living here illegally that they will be deported; and then work on reforming and streamlining immigration policy. No one is saying they are going to be rounded up and deported right away or all at once. The illegal immigrants did not get here all at once, therefore will not leave all at once. Nevertheless, if the United States started to enforce immigration laws and let it be known that when caught the illegals would be deported many of them would self deport. You do not reward people for bad behavior and by allowing illegals to stay the government would be doing exactly that. If a law is not enforced, is it a law? The United States is a sovereign country with borders and laws. The Federal Government’s primary responsibility is to protect its citizens from enemies both foreign and domestic. Our immigration laws are being violated and not being enforced. Article IV Section 4 of the US Constitution states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.” I would consider the 11+million illegal immigrants in this country amounts to an invasion. Therefore, the 68 Senators who voted for this amnesty bill are TRAITORS to this country and in violation to their oath to defend the Constitution. This bill if made into law will destroy this country. The US House is the firewall to the Amnesty bill being passed. Everyone needs to burn up the phone lines to your US Representative to keep this amnesty bill from becoming law!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 05:51:21 +0000

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