Killing of Nigerians in a Plot of Organ Transplantation - TopicsExpress


Killing of Nigerians in a Plot of Organ Transplantation Tourism By Academician Prof. Dr Philip Njemanze MD. Chairman, Global Prolife Alliance (GPA) Many People hear about the law called the National Health Bill 2014 now called the National Health Act 2014. They are told it is a legal framework to improve medical services in Nigeria. However, what they are not told are what exactly the improvements are. Some people say that there is free maternal and child care, as if it has not been free in most parts of Nigeria for years. Others say, that it is to stop medical tourism out of Nigeria, but they will not mention how? For others they say, new better health facilities by foreign investors will be built, but they do not mention for whom. The Global Prolife Alliance (GPA), the Association of Catholic Medical Practitioners of Nigeria (ACMPN), the Association of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria (AGPMPN) and other stakeholders have long opposed the signing of the National Health Bill 2014. However, their opposition to this law is not clearly understood by the ordinary Nigerian. We will discuss the contentious sections of the law. 1. The law in Section 51 states that: (1) A person shall not remove tissue from a living person for transplantation in another living person or carry out the transplantation of such tissue except:- (a) in a hospital authorised for that purpose; and (b) on the written authority of: (i) the medical practitioner in charge of clinical services in that hospital or any other medical practitioner authorised by him or her; or (ii) in the case where there is no medical practitioner in charge of the clinical services at that hospital a medical practitioner authorised thereto by the person in charge of the hospital. (2) The medical practitioner stated in subsection (1)(b) shall not be the lead participant in a transplant for which he has granted authorisation under that subsection. (3) For the purpose of transplantation, there shall be an independent tissue transplantation Committee within any health establishment that engages in the act and practice of transplantation as prescribed. REBUTTAL of Section 51: Section 51 does not mention any DONOR, which means the person who owns the organ. Only the medical doctor or manager of the hospital has the right to authorize that an organ (heart, liver, kidney, lens, cornea, ovarian eggs, sperms etc) can be taken from a living Nigerian called a DONOR, for transplantation into another living person who receives the organ called a RECIPIENT. For example, if a hospital in Nigeria receives an American patient who has paid $1 million USD for a heart to the American hospital in Nigeria and you visited the hospital in an emergency, your tissue may match that of the American patient. The Medical Director of that hospital can order that your heart be taken and given to the Recipient under the provisions of Section 51 of the National Health Act 2014. You loose your life and the American Organ tourist lives. Therefore Section 51 is inconsistent with the Right to Life of the Fundamental Rights under the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Now, the proponents of the law will tell you that in Section 48 there is a provision for DONOR consent. Let us examine section 48: (1) Subject to the provision of section 53, a person shall not remove tissue, blood or blood product from the body of another living person for any purpose except; (a) with the informed consent of the person from whom the tissue, blood or blood product is removed granted in prescribed manner; (b) that the consent clause may be waived for medical investigations and treatment in emergency cases; and (c) in accordance with prescribed protocols by the appropriate authority. (2) A person shall not remove tissue which is not replaceable by natural processes from a person younger than eighteen years. (3) A tissue, blood or a blood product shall not be removed from the body of another living persons for purpose of merchandise, sale, or commercial purposes. (4) A person who contravenes the provisions of this section or fails to comply therewith is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction as follows: (a) in the case of tissue, a fine of N1,000,000 or imprisonment of not less than two years or both; and (b) in the case of blood or blood products, a fine of N100,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or both. REBUTTAL of SECTION 48: Section 48 (b) waives the right to Consent in Emergency. It is forbidden in medical practice to waive the Right of Consent under any circumstances for living or even dead persons. Even when a living patient is unconscious or unable to make decisions that Right of Consent is temporarily transferred to his next-of-kin or guardian or parents in the case of a child, but is NEVER WAIVED. Note that Section 48 (3) forbids selling and buying of organs. This provision is deceptive, because to pay money to the person whose organ was collected is illegal but for the hospital to sell the organ to another person may not be in the scope of this law in Nigeria because the commercial transaction could take place on the internet hence not under any territorial jurisdiction. In other to make sure that organs are collected from millions of Nigerians who will die in organ pouching the law makes in Section 20, declares Emergency Services FREE: 20 (1) A health care provider, health worker or health establishment shall not refuse a person emergency medical treatment for any reason whatsoever. All medical conditions could be considered an emergency under this law because there is no definition of what is an ‘emergency’. This would mean that the hospitals will admit many people in a purported emergency and under that clause the Medical Director decides under Sections 48 and 51, that the organ of that patient be taken for transplantation to another living person, who is the ‘Organ Transplantation Tourist’ who paid hundreds of thousands of US dollars to receive the heart of a Nigerian who was admitted for stomach upset or any other minor condition. He would be operated unnecessarily to pouch his heart and other organs. Since there will be no Nigerian owned hospitals (see why below) even if you ask for a post-mortem their doctors will arrange the report to suite them. As a result, Nigerians will die in millions over time and the foreign recipients would go home with a new organs. Note that, since they own all the hospitals, they also control the ‘health research’, so statistical figures of improved healthcare could be well arranged, and no questions asked. Therefore, Section 48 is inconsistent with the Right to Life of the Fundamental Rights under the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The question arises, where would this be done? Is it in Nigerian hospitals owned by Nigerians. Certainly not! The Nigerian hospitals, private, public, mission and Islamic would be closed down 24 months from now according to Section 13. The Foreign Organ Trafficking Cartel intend to build over 260 so-called modern hospitals in Nigeria. A meeting was called by General Electric (GE) a major partner of the Bill Gates Foundation in this project to seek collaboration with the Association of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria (AGPMPN), at their Abuja headquarters in Nigeria, but no agreement was reached on any partnerships. The hospitals will be built according to the International Building Code of hospitals. The Certificate of Standards for hospital buildings are based on the International Building Code of hospitals, which has stringent standards that no hospital in Nigeria meets. The plumbing is with conduit, all wiring with conduit, high floor to roof height, wide window width, 24-hour lighting, 24-hour air conditioning, 24-hour water, specific humidity, airflow purification etc. These standards could be met in very advanced countries are not easy to comply with under our own conditions. However, the law requires compliance in Section 13: (1) Without being in possession of a Certificate of Standards, a person, entity, government or organization shall not :- (a) establish, construct, modify or acquire a health establishment, health agency or health technology; (b) increase the number of beds in, or acquire prescribed health technology at a health establishment or health agency; (c) provide prescribed health services; or (d) continue to operate a health establishment, health agency or health technology after the expiration of 24 months from the date this Bill took effect. (2) The Certificate of Standards referred to in subsection (1) of this section may be obtained by application in prescribed manner from the appropriate body of government where the facility is located. In the case of tertiary institutions the appropriate authority shall be the National Tertiary Health Institutions Standards Committee, acting through the Federal Ministry of Health. Who are the medical personnel to carry out this practice of Organ pouching in Nigeria? Are they Nigerians? Certainly, not! How then do they get rid of Nigerians in key positions in the new foreign owned hospitals? To achieve this goal, they will take over even the teaching hospitals under the so-called public-private partnership (PPP) and out-sourcing. The present infrastructure will be rebuilt according to the Certificate of Standards and their personnel will be sacked and replaced with foreigners using Sections 43 and 45: Section 43 (e) prescribe strategies for the recruitment and retention of health care personnel within the national health system and from anywhere outside Nigeria; Using Section 43 (e) they will hire so-called experts from outside Nigeria, predominantly India, United States and other Western countries. These so-called experts would occupy positions of decision-making within the new health system in each hospital owned by foreigners. They will use industrial disputes, for example, refusing to pay due allowances to health professionals to sack all the Nigerian professionals in key positions they need to be vacated within 14 days f the dispute in accordance with Section 45: 45. (1) Without prejudice to the right of all cadres and all groups of Health Professionals to demand for better conditions of service, health services shall be classified as Essential Service, and subject to the provisions of the relevant law. (2) Pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, industrial disputes in the public sector of Health shall be treated seriously and shall on no account cause the total disruption of health services delivery in public institutions of health in the federation or in any part thereof. (3) Where the disruption of health services has occurred in any sector of National Health System, the Minister shall apply all reasonable measures to ensure a return to normalcy of any such disruption within fourteen days of the occurrence thereof. Effects of Human Organ-Trafficking The International Organ Cartel headed by Bill Gates Foundation, have two major aims for pushing for passage of the National Health Bill 2014 now an Act, First, to kill Nigerians for their human organs for transplantation to rich Western patients arriving in Nigeria as Organ Transplantation Tourists, and/or getting the organs flown abroad for meet the needs in Western countries who have severe shortage of organs for transplantation. This is the reason why all international UN and granting agencies most notoriously the UNICEF, UNFPA, British Department for International Development (DFID) who front as Health Reform Foundation of Nigeria (HERFON), and the Unites States Agency for International Development (USAID) are all supporting the Bill Gates Project Africa. In fact, it is key to cutting healthcare costs in most advanced Western countries who can take many people off dialysis, artificial heart valves, and intensive care life support as they receive Nigerian organs for transplantation while many innocent Nigerians die untimely. This is the health reform in Nigeria that has gone too wrong for Nigerians, in much the same way, as in other countries , like India, Kosovo, Malaysia, Philippines, Burma, Nepal and other poor East Asian countries. However, most of these governments have only realized the enormity of damage to their countries and have practically short down or limited the operations of the Cartels in these countries. Some hospitals in India such as the Apollo Hospital, the second largest transplant organization in the World, are now under strict parliamentary investigations for organ trafficking. It is estimated that with full operation of the National Health Act 2014, within five years over 30 million Nigerians would lose their lives or be severely injured in the Organ Transplantation Tourism trade. These estimates were derived by analogy with lives lost in East Asia as a result of the work of Organ Cartels. Human Egg-Trafficking for Cloning The first part of the Bill Gates Project would provide the organs to keep the rich Western patients alive, until they succeed with the cloning in the second part. Secondly, the World Billionaires under the aegis of the Bill Gates Foundation have uncovered a new way to become Trillionaires (1 trillion is 1000 x 1 billion= 1,000,000,000,000) by developing the human organ tissue cloning market. It is estimated that human tissue cloning would yield 30 trillion US Dollars for the Western economies within the next five years of operation! This is the anticipated Western Economic Recovery Plan of the G7 countries to gain predominance ahead of Asia. How does this work? To clone a tissue like heart you will need to collect the nucleus (that stores all its genetic materials) of the heart of the sick person and place it in an ovarian egg obtained from a woman through IVF (in-vitro fertilization) and to grow it into a heart that can be transplanted to the sick person. To perfect the process you will need at least 100 million ovarian eggs from at least 10 million Nigerian women. These ten million women would die in 2-3 years from the complications. These ovarian eggs have to be pouched through IVF from Nigerian women. For that purpose they excluded games (ovarian eggs and sperms) is the definition of ‘tissue’ in the National Health Act 2014, so that any consent clause may not apply to pouching of ovarian eggs: See Interpretation: ‘‘tissue’’ means human tissue, and includes flesh, bone, a gland, an organ, skin, bone marrow or body fluid, but excludes blood or a gamete; To collect the ovarian eggs, a woman receives a series of hormonal injections to stimulate the ovaries. Once stimulated, the ovaries could go into over-drive or hyperstimulation causing complications called Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (kidney failure, liver failure, cancers, infections etc). To increase the number of Nigerian women seeking IVF, vaccines that cause infertility due to a special merging with infertility fragment (Human Papilloma Virus - HPV, Tetanus, MENAFRIVAC, Polio) were given to millions of people in the reproductive age 18-39 years by the Bill Gates Foundation Vaccine Program ran by his organization called GAVI (International Vaccine Initiative) in collaboration with health authorities in many African countries. Some vaccines like for HPV, when given to whites and blacks will only work in whites because they were specifically made for the types of the HPV virus seen in whites but not in Africans. Others like Polio vaccine cause the very paralysis that they are purported to prevent. In fact, in Nigeria and India, more paralysis result from the Bill Gates Polio vaccine than the natural wild-type Polio virus. Is there a real medical sense in the vaccination? The answer is No! Bill Gates Food for Egg Program Furthermore, to make sure that Nigerian women must donate their ovarian eggs regardless of the risks to their lives, a food-for-egg program is being put in place. How will this work? The idea is to take over the food supply of Nigeria. This is done by driving away all the farmers in the Northeast (Adamawa, Borno, Yobe) who supply most of the tuber crops. That will drive food prices very high especially in urban areas. The outcry will lead to the legalization of plantations for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) crops such as the Bill Gates Yellow Cassava or Yellow root, Yam, Tomatoes called Hybrids etc, owned by Bill Gates/Monsanto. Aside from all the dangerous health risks the GMOs foods, the farmers will be dependent on the GMOs companies like Monsanto and Cargill to supply them seeds for each planting season. A total hijack the food security of the 170 million Nigerians. The GMOs companies can cause famine at will and dictate any conditions they want for Nigeria to do. To achieve this aim, they have drafted and sponsored the so-called Biosafety Bill. This bill provides them the full legal cover for their operations. The Boko Haram Insurgency Connection The Global Prolife Alliance (GPA) alleged that, Bill Gates was behind the National Health Bill and was funding the Boko Haram insurgency to actualize its passage? The details of the facts presented were published on different websites (for example: ) and the matter was referred to the United States Congress for further investigation ( ). The highlights are that, Bill Gates purchased the private army called Blackwater, who hired mercenaries from old Charles Taylor’s army from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea who fought Nigerian army in ECOMOG. Under the deception of Polio vaccination program they penetrated to schools and rural areas where they will later killed and kidnapped students, killing and expelling farmers in The Nigerian food basket in the Northeast. Now that the National Health Bill is an Act, would the insurgency stop. No. This is because there is yet to be a full conquest and subjugation of the Nigerian people. It is only when there is full conquest and the nation Nigeria held in full captivity that they will stop! They have only captured the overlying political structure in part. Capitulation of the Nigerian Political System How will this plan succeed if Bill Gates does not control the Federal and State governments? The answer is that, Bill Gates is gaining control the Federal and State political structures. All persons who were sponsors of the National Health Bill 2014 or played a key role in its passage have won their primaries either in the ruling or opposition parties. The losers were those who had allegiance to other political groups not controlled by Bill Gates. This would assure them full political control in the near future. How then did the National Assembly pass this National Health Bill 2014? We were involved as stakeholders in the health sector in the public hearings on the NHB since 2008. The Bill was overwhelmingly rejected at the major public hearings, where the many stakeholders articulated openly their concerns for human organ and ovarian egg trafficking, and job security of health sector workers. Some of these concerns were summarized and publish in Guardian Wednesday May 28th, 2014 at the Annual General Meeting of the Association of General and Private Medical Practitioners of Nigeria in Port-Harcourt. The Impeachment Axe How then did President Goodluck Jonathan sign the National Health Bill 2014? The corrupt NASS members who were bribed by Bill Gates according to some and bought over used the impeachment axe. In my opinion Mr President has resisted all forms of pressure to sign this bill, however, in what can only be described as a Palace Coup he was shown that the votes for impeachment were complete. Once he signed the bill all the noise about impeachment went quiet. David Mark also faced similar challenges. It should be clear now to Nigerians, that the country is now controlled by Bill Gates. What then do we do now? First, we must explain the dangers of this National Health Act 2014 to Nigerians at the grass root level. Then we must take the necessary legal steps. We must make this a fight of the People of Nigeria versus the invasion force of Bill Gates. We have to treat the people promoting this EVIL ideas as traitors who have betrayed their own people. We must start open protests on the streets voicing our opposition to those sections of the National Health Act 2014 that promote human organ and ovarian egg trafficking. We must protest against the United States and United Kingdom governments who have supported Bill Gates using their agencies, including the UN agencies. We must push for a repeal of these laws. We must warn women on the health risks of donating their eggs for money for IVF. We must warn our people not to use GMOs crops or collect heir seeds, not just because of the health risk but also because of the dependency that could cause outright deaths from starvation when held hostage by GMOs biotechnology companies. The experience of India where the price of GMOs cotton was raised to the extent that it was not affordable for the small farmers who got rid of their natural crops and could not pay for the GMOs seeds. At least 250,000 of them committed suicide! We must regard the unfolding events as Satanic End-time fight for Our Lives. Academician Prince Prof Dr Philip C. Njemanze,M.D. Chairman, International Institutes of Advanced Research and Training, Chidicon Medical Center, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 05:55:41 +0000

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