Kim Joo Eun: *When demons touch the pastor’s body, they - TopicsExpress


Kim Joo Eun: *When demons touch the pastor’s body, they disintegrate into ashes After evening service, as I prayed in tongues, a demon approached me. I defeated it with the authority of Jesus’ name. However, many more groups of demons appeared, all disguised in the form of young girls in white dresses. I was amazed there were so many, a countless number. They marched in groups of four or five and lined up in ranks. Although they appeared as young girls, their faces weren’t similar in appearance, but each one unique. Being surrounded, I decided to grab any one in my reach, beat it up and scratch it. Though they tried to flee, I easily seized them and swung them around like ragdolls. I took them to the pastor, who was blazing with fire. They hated him and were very frightened. As I would bring them to the pastor, they would burn up by just touching his body. They would scream and turn to ash. The Pastor didn’t even know this was happening. He just continued to pray. During the middle of the battle, I became very irritated and thought, “Today, I was eager and determined to pray and ask the Lord if I could visit Heaven. But, the demons hindered me and I wasn’t able to focus and make my requests known. I wasn’t able to visit Heaven today. That is fine. If I can’t visit Heaven today, I’ll vent my anger on the demons!” I defeated all of them that came into my sight. Spiritually, I had a very difficult day, encountering over a hundred demons. After a long while, Jesus appeared and went toward the altar where the pastor was praying. The pastor hadn’t yet fully recovered from his painful wounds the demons inflicted on him a few days previously. He continued to lead church service and worship, regardless of the pain. Even in prayer, he was in pain and very weakened. Jesus stood next to him and affectionately brushed his head, back, and body with His hand, especially where the wounds were located. Whenever the Lord sees the pastor, He becomes very playful. Jesus loves to be with the pastor. Jesus even sang a song. “Despite the wounds, you’re still fervently praying. You’re doing great!” The Lord was very pleased. As I was watching this, I was momentarily taken off guard and an invisible demon began twisting my right arm and hand. The demon’s cold energy slowly spread from the tips of my fingers up my arm. I instantly squeezed my right arm to stop the cold energy from spreading. I shouted, “I command you in the name of Jesus, depart from me you filthy demon! Depart!” The cold demonic energy began to slowly dissipate. As I prayed, I pounded my right hand and arm until they felt normal again. * Yoo Kyung’s frantic attempt to hunt demons A demon with a black face and five conjoined bodies approached me. I got ahold of it and swung it, invoking the name of Jesus. Another demon in the form of a man with white clothes appeared. This demon was so tall, it appeared as though he was able to reach the sky. I swung the two demons and began to pray in tongues. As I prayed, a demon with a sharp horn on its head began to ridicule me as he sat on the piano. This demon had a long tail and looked repulsive. I was able to seize this demon also and it was very startled. It attempted to flee by flapping its wings that resembled a bat’s. But I was able to drag it to the ground and stomp on it. I assaulted it without mercy. As I was beating on the demon, the Lord came next to me. “Oh, Yoo Kyung, you’re doing a great job. You’re defeating the demon. I was planning to take you to Heaven and show you around, but you’re busy battling the demons. What do you think?” I replied, “Jesus, I can visit Heaven later. I have to defeat all the demons now!” The Lord said, “Alright, defeat the demons and be victorious.” The Lord stood next to me and watched. The demons were even more frightened and attempted to flee when they saw Jesus. Jesus walked toward the altar, where the pastor was praying. He brushed and patted the pastor’s head, especially the part where he is balding. The Lord went to Joseph and gently touched his foot and body. Jesus was touching the areas of pain. I wasn’t very happy when Jesus left my side. I loudly shouted, “Abba, Abba!” Once Jesus had left, a demon appeared on the altar and came toward me. I was irritated by its sarcastic remarks. I tried to ignore it, but it continued to tease and speak abusive words to me. My temper was being tested. I became very angry. I grabbed it and swung it. The demon complained, “I’m getting dizzy. I’m so dizzy! Let go of me!” I noticed the demon had eyes within its eye. Both of the inner eyes were staring at me. It was very creepy. With a harsh voice, I said, “How dare you stare at me!” I poked the demon eyes with my finger. Since the demon had multiple eyes within its eye, I had to poke it several times. “Ah! My eyes, my eyes!” The demon screamed in terror, but I didn’t let him go. I continued to swing him around and around. He shouted, “Leave me alone! Leave me alone! If you don’t let me go, I’ll bite you!” As it threatened me, I swung him with more intensity. The demon bit my hand with all of his strength. Once it had bitten me, I lost my grip and threw him into the distance. Jesus came closer to my side and complimented me with encouraging words. “Oh, my Yoo Kyung is great at defeating the demons. You’re very bright!” He gently held my hand and continued to encourage me. “Yoo Kyung, I see another demon approaching you. Defeat it!” The Lord stood and watched me war with the demon. A demon in the form of a skeleton appeared and shouted, “Come to Hell with me!” As I shook my head from side to side, I said, “No! No!” I grabbed it and threw it onto the floor with great force. The demon screamed and disappeared. Jesus, standing next to me, clapped and said, “Wow! My Yoo Kyung is doing a great job! Your faith has truly grown much.” He stayed with me for a while, encouraging me. Jesus returned to Heaven. I prayed in tongues for a bit longer. I think I had battled and defeated about 50 demons that day. *Haak Sung’s transformation by the Holy Spirit’s anointing The number of demons continued to gradually increase. They attacked us in groups. I poked their eyes, tore the eyes out, beat on them, and swung them around. Since I only had two hands, I wasn’t able to defend myself as I attacked them. They were too numerous. My strength began to weaken and I thought, “if I only had the Holy Sword, I would be able to defeat all of them with certainty.” During the middle of battle, I would often think of this. I should pray more to receive God’s power. I should also diligently read and study His word. If I did all these, I would be able to receive the sword of the Holy Spirit. As I battled today with the demons, I realized many things. The more I defeat them, the more they would appear and attack in numbers. I have no idea where they’re hiding. Not only would new demons appear to attack, but the ones that were once defeated by Joseph, Joo Eun, and Yoo Kyung would return and attack. They have hindered us during the hours of service and during prayer time. We were actually amazed at the sheer number of demons attacking us during prayer time. Like vultures, they circle around their prey as more gather. When it was time to feast, the vultures in great numbers would pounce on their prey. The demons attack in a similar fashion, all at once and the ones that weren’t visible would appear out of nowhere. The ones that hide are always waiting for the right moment. I was also able to see Satan in Hell. He was shouting his commands to his subordinates, as they were deployed to join the attack. I had never experienced a battle with so many demons. Today, there were swarms of demons attached to the church ceiling and walls. There were so many of them that nothing was visible except the demons. I cried out to God to grant me Holy Fire. “Trinity God, please grant me Holy Fire! The fire that burns demons!” God granted me a fireball, which quickly entered into my chest. As soon as the Holy Fire was placed in my body, the demons began avoiding me. Before the fire entered my body, I was getting very tired. Soon after the blazing fire entered, my strength returned. I was able to hunt and defeat the demons. After I had defeated all the demons, I said a prayer of gratitude to the Lord. I was very thankful for everything. Then, I remembered the days when I had broken the pastor’s heart and with those thoughts, tears began to fill my eyes. During the middle of service, the pastor called, “Sam,” and I instantly answered with amen. The pastor lead an extremely powerful service. I noticed my soul and spirit rapidly growing and changing. I’m a totally different person than I was two months ago. Moreover, I’m spiritually awakened and I’m able to prophesy, spiritually discern, pray in tongues, obtain knowledge, obtain wisdom, and I’m stronger in faith. When I converse with Jesus, I often see the Father’s throne. Although the Holy Spirit is a spirit, I’m able to see Him with my spiritual eyes. I love coming to church; it’s fun and exciting. I’m delighted to be at service all night long. It’s difficult for me to express the joy I experience when I evangelize and pray. The service is held during the night until early morning, usually around 6 or 7 AM. After the prayer meeting, we testify to one another until 5 AM. We also get together to eat rice balls. Once we had our early morning meal, we would continue to pray for a little while longer until the sun begins to shine. Once the prayer rally finished, the pastor would drive us back to our homes. Jesus would accompany us on the ride home. Hallelujah! Sister Baek Bong Nyu: *Crucifying Torment awaiting in Hell As I fervently prayed in tongues, Jesus appeared. I quickly sensed He was about to take me to Hell. It looked as though the Lord was a bit hesitant to disclose my trip. Before the Lord was able to ask me a question, I asked Him. “Jesus, why are you hesitating? I know you are about to take me to visit Hell again, right?” The Lord gave me an awkward expression. However, I couldn’t disobey the Lord. “Jesus, if you don’t show me my family in torment, I will follow you to the ends of Hell. I just don’t want to see my parents in torment.” The Lord took my hand and didn’t say a word. As usual, once the Lord took my hand, we were already in Hell. We began to walk through a narrow path. Within a short time, the smell of rotten corpses began to fill the air. We arrived at a wide field. There were crosses endlessly lined up. All the crosses were dug deeply into the ground. There were already many people hanging on crosses and more waiting in long lines to be crucified. My mother was among the crowd waiting to be nailed to a cross. She stood under one of the unoccupied crosses. A large frightening creature guarded the crosses. When it was my mother’s turn, the creature tied my mother onto the cross and prepared her to be nailed. The creature glanced at me and as he turned to her spoke. “Tell your daughter not to go to church and to stop believing in Jesus this instant. Otherwise, you’ll really die today!” My mother looked very frightened. The creature looked toward me and yelled, “If you say that you will stop believing in Jesus, I’ll spare your mother and not torment her. Say it! Say you’ll stop believing!” It attempted to bargain with me. “Say it now! Make your vow! Hurry!” the creature demanded. The situation was very tense. The creature had a human body with the head of a horse. It was heinous. I couldn’t look at it straight in the eye. The horse-headed creature drew a large bright sword and commanded his subordinates. The subordinates quickly obeyed. The creature then pressured my mother. “Quickly, tell your daughter! Now! Hell is in chaos because of your daughter. The church your daughter is attending prays all night long. We are hindered in every way. Humans who are supposed to be coming to Hell are going to church and we’re frustrated. Quickly! Ask your daughter now! Her pastor is writing a book that will reveal our identities and reveal Hell. We must stop him from writing that book. Now, quickly ask your daughter!” Mother’s tears unceasingly rolled down her cheeks as she looked upon me. Since Jesus stood next to me, my mother wasn’t able to say a word. She just dropped her head and continued crying. The creature ran out of patience and exploded in anger. My mother was stripped and hung on the cross. They hung her tightly with a rope. Within a short time, my little brother and nephew were brought and stripped. They were hung on crosses as well. The evil creature without mercy began to nail all of them to crosses. The creatures began slicing their flesh. Their flesh was sliced from the top of their heads down to the end of their toes. Their bodies were cut and sliced all the way through to their bones. My family’s flesh was thrown into a boiling pot of oil. The pot was heated with immense blazing fire. My mother, my little brother, and nephew had only their eyes and ears remaining on their skeletal figure. Everything else was sliced off. In their pitiable form, they were still able to shout, “Bong Nyu, quickly go! We told you not to come here anymore. Why do you keep coming? Are you not in pain when you see us in torment? Please don’t return!” Blubbering, I shouted, “Mother, my poor mother! After three more visits, I won’t be able to come even if I wished. Jesus said once the third visit is done, He’ll no longer bring me here. My heart is in agony as I see you in torment!” The creature interrupted and shouted once again with a voice of thunder, “I’ll ask you for the last time! This is your last chance! You tell your daughter not to believe in Jesus. Quickly! Force her to stop praying and going to church! Quickly!” As the creature nagged at my mother, I spoke on my mother’s behalf. “You, evil creature! If you have anything to say, talk to me. Why are you frightening my mother? If I ever get a hold of you, you’re dead!” As I rebuked the creature, he rapidly ran toward my mother like a bullet. The creature scalped my mother, sliced her ears, and tore out her eyes. Mother shouted in pain, “Help me! Please!” I couldn’t bear to see my mother in pain anymore. There are no words to express this pitiful scene! My little brother and nephew experienced the same torment as my mother. The creature threw the remaining body parts into the boiling pot of oil. From the boiling pot, I could hear the screams of my family in pain. The creature’s anger wasn’t satisfied. This time, he filled a bowl with insects and placed it right below my family. The insects rapidly attached themselves onto my family’s bodies. The insects gnawed and chewed, penetrating into their bones. My family screamed out. It appeared as though my mother was experiencing the greater pain. Mother shouted, “Devil! I’m already dead! Why are you tormenting a dead person? Devil, take away these insects! Stop this pain! Please!” Although I knew it would be impossible, I still asked, “Jesus, when will be the end of their torment?” I was wailing. Jesus said, “Once you’ve entered Hell, you can never escape or have another chance. You’ll be in torment for eternity.” I pleaded as I clung onto the Lord, crying, “Jesus, my mother is going to be in pain eternally in Hell. How would I live happily in Heaven? I can no longer witness my mother’s misery. Please let me take the place of my mother so that she can be saved!” Jesus quickly called for the angels. I almost passed out due to the shock of the situation. With the Lord’s command, Archangel Michael and some other angels came and returned me to Lord’s church. Jesus even called Moses and asked him to comfort me. Jesus and Moses were also heartbroken. They drew me closer to their breast and wiped away my tears and comforted me. As they saw my tears rolling down, they grieved with me. ==== DAY 24 ==== Kim Joseph: (2 Timothy 3:1-5) As I prayed in tongues, I suddenly cried tears of repentance. I had waited a long time to truly sense my repentance in tears. My body had become a fireball, so when an evil spirit in the form of a snake appeared, I grabbed it and swung it into the air. Lee Yoo Kyung: As I fervently prayed, a loathsome evil spirit appeared and flew over me. With its bat wings, it hovered in front of me. It had frog-like eyes, a red nose and long tongue. I was irritated by it hissing at me, so I grabbed it, tore its wings off and threw it away into the air. Red blood dripped from its injured areas. At the same time, a dark ugly black snake approached me. I am most afraid of snakes They are loathsome creatures. As it drew close to me, I wasn’t able to do anything, except yell, “Lord! I’m so scared! There is a snake here!” Jesus instantly appeared, grabbed the snake and threw it into the distance. The Lord asked, “Yoo Kyung, are you alright? Don’t be afraid! Let’s go visit Heaven.” I held his hand and we left for Heaven. Jesus asked me to sing praise songs during our flight through the galaxy. We sang ‘Praise Oh! My soul!’ several times. After visiting Heaven, we came back to the Lord’s church and I continued to pray. Jesus approached Pastor Kim and listened carefully as he prayed. Jesus was listening for a long time and He touched the area where Pastor felt pain. The pain was along his back where the evil spirits had bitten him. Jesus approached Joseph and shouted, “Repent! More, more, more! Wail! Only when you cry out will the doors of Heaven open!” Joseph wailed a lot today; he was experiencing tears of repentance. Jesus came back to me and some angels appeared. The Lord boldly stated, “Yoo Kyung, don’t be sick; be always healthy. Cheer up!” The angels even shouted, “Saint Yoo Kyung! Don’t be ill!” The Lord said, “Cheer up!” We then said our farewells. Lee Haak Sung: *The protective layer provided by angels Chucky As I prayed, many angels came down through the door. The angels surrounded me, becoming a protective layer. I asked the angels what they were doing. They told me that they were surrounding me with protective layers. As the angels covered me with the protective layers, the holy blazing fire heated me up. I saw an evil spirit standing outside the protective layer. The evil spirit was holding a knife and it reminded me of Chucky from the horror movie. He drew closer to one of the angels and stabbed the angel, but the knife instantly melted away and his hand caught on fire. I saw another evil spirit approaching. It looked like a very old tree. As it slowly moved toward me, it thrust out its hand and touched the protective layer. Once it touched the protective layer, it caught on fire and the flames engulfed the whole tree. The tree screamed as it fled. The angels were also placing protective layers around deaconess Shin, who was praying. The angels totaled about 200. They were all working to place protective layers around the church members. I noticed an evil spirit resembling a buff man just outside my protective layer. He was coming toward me. The evil spirit attempted to enter the protective layers, but the layers became very hot like blazing fire. It gave up on entering. The evil spirit then went toward deaconess Shin. Fortunately, she was covered with the protective layers and fire. It wasn’t able to penetrate into her layers. The evil spirit flew toward my mother. As it drew closer to my mother, it caught on fire and disappeared. Suddenly, a large bright light beamed down from Heaven. I saw an enormous tall angel coming toward the church riding a white horse. The sight was breathtaking. My heart was pounding very rapidly. The angel came toward me and introduced himself, “Hello, I’m the Archangel Michael.”Another bright shining angel was following right behind Michael, named Archangel Gabriel. Gabriel was holding a large flag attached to a pole. They explained to me that when Archangel Michael defeats the evil spirits, Archangel Gabriel will sway the victory banner side to side behind Michael. Archangels Michael and Gabriel were about the same height. They stood silently as they watched the pastor praying. As I witnessed this amazing sight, I was flabbergasted. It was difficult for me to distinguish if I was dreaming or if I was witnessing something real. Kim Joo Eun: * Many evil spirits rush in groups but our faith became stronger The last time I prayed, an evil spirit in the form of a crescent moon appeared, rolling toward me. Today, an evil spirit in the form of a full moon with an eye rolled toward me. When the evil spirit came close to me, I poked it in the eye and plucked the eye out. I twisted my finger inside the eye socket. The evil spirit exploded with blood bursting in all directions as I attacked it. Soon after, an evil spirit disguised as a young girl appeared and was spinning on its head like a toy top. I grabbed a chunk of her hair, shook her, swung her several times, and threw her into the distance. Jesus approached me and complimented my actions, saying, “Freckles, great job!” Jesus continued, “Freckles, you look especially pretty today! Who braided your hair?” I replied, “Deaconess Shin did!” The Lord complimented, “Really? She did a great job!” Since Deaconess wasn’t yet spiritually awake, she didn’t know Jesus had come near her. Many angels accompanied Jesus. I always see angels accompanying Jesus, but this time there were many more angels. Within the angels, some of them paired off to sit next to praying church members. The angels used their hands to wrap around the golden bowl that had a wide opening on top and they zealously filled the bowl with the prayers of the saints. Once again, a group of evil spirits appeared at the corner of the room and they came toward us. As they got close, Sister Yoo Kyung grabbed the evil spirits, swung them, and threw them into the distance. I also grabbed some of the evil spirits, swinging them and throwing them into the distance. Brother Haak Sung and Brother Joseph were also battling the evil spirits; they grabbed the evil spirits, swinging them, and throwing them away. We all repeated this tactic numerous times. I was able to hear the sounds of the evil spirits crashing as they fell all around the walls and ground. It was very noisy. Near the end of the prayer rally, we noticed there are more numerous attacks on us. However, each attack results in our faith growing stronger and stronger. Sister Baek Bong Nyu: * Pastor Kim makes Jesus Laugh I have witnessed and experienced many spiritual things. With this privilege, I also have had to endure much pain. Jesus surprised me by taking me to the flower garden in Heaven. He allowed me a time to refresh by providing enjoyment in the garden. I was able to spend as much time in the garden as I desired. In the garden, I rolled, jumped, and played like a child with the angels. The flower garden in Heaven is unimaginably enormous and beautiful. The sweet scent of the flowers was so precious I wouldn’t have it changed for the whole world. Since my body was weak and exhausted, I rested and lay down after I had returned to the Lord’s church. During the morning service, as the pastor preached he walked from side to side, being followed closely by Jesus. Our pastor is so funny that when I just think about him, I smile and laugh instantly. Out of curiosity, I asked the pastor a question, “Pastor, were you this funny even before I started attending this church?” The pastor replied, “Our church is relatively new. There is no incident I can think of that would possibly be funny. I cannot think of anything that has been humorous during our rally. I was always broken-hearted. I felt heavy and pitiful.” I asked, “How have you changed so much?” The pastor said, “I don’t really know. I have changed during this prayer rally! I don’t know what is really going on. If you ask me how I became like this and who or what has affected me, I would have to say it is the Lord that has created a joyful environment.” Our pastor has a special talent of imitating all kinds of people. In fact, it’s not just people; he can imitate all kinds of different things, including animals and inanimate objects. Jesus was imitating the pastor and laughing out loud. During the sermon, two angels were recording every single word the pastor preached. The angels sat next to the cross on the altar writing in the huge book. The angels were supposed to record the words of the pastor. However, they would occasionally sneak a peek at the pastor’s gestures. The angels would laugh so hard they would swoon and miss some of the pastor’s words. When the angels missed the recording, Jesus rebuked them. “Don’t look at the pastor; just fervently record!” Whenever Jesus smiles or laughs, all the angels join in on his happy mood. However, when Jesus grieves, the angels become silent. During the middle of the sermon, the pastor asked me a question. “Sister, where is Jesus now?” I replied, “He is standing right behind you.” The pastor smirked and said, “Oh, what should I do? I farted and it smells awful. It would be difficult for anyone to bear. I feel very sorry for the Lord that He might be behind me, where he would smell my gas. What should I do?” The Lord spoke with laughter, “It is irrelevant since I’m spirit. It is alright.” He patted the pastor’s head and back. Pastor Kim Yong Doo: The church members had exhausted most of their physical strength during prayer. Instead of quitting, they fervently continued praying as they clenched their teeth. When the Lord saw us praying with such devotion, He was impressed. I was in unbearable pain. The pain was caused by the evil spirits’ several attacks. This type of wound heals very slowly. The relentless pain tormented me. It became difficult for me to pray with my arms lifted up for a lengthy time. However, in the midst of pain, the Holy Spirit would move my hands and arms in various ways. The movements of my arms and hands were nicely choreographed. Both of my hands moved steadily. They moved in turn. Suddenly, my hands began to violently vibrate. I was unbearably hot, as well. I saw Jesus in a white gown walking from side to side in front of me. My face felt a warm summer breeze. I felt His strong presence. Sadly, my spiritual eyes were still not opened. It appears as though the Lord observes our situations and reactions. He was evaluating us. ==== DAY 25 ==== (Matthew 16:13-19) Kim Joo Eun: *Freckles eats the cookies of Heaven While I was praying in tongues, I was battling and defeating evil spirits. As I prayed, my mouth became filled with something. I began to chew on it. I could hear crunching as I continued to chew. I had no idea what I was chewing or eating. As I devoured the unknown food, I said to myself, “Wow! What is this? It is delicious. How can anything be this delicious?" My dear Lord, Jesus, appeared. He called my name out and began to speak to me, “Freckles, do you want to give this a try?” I asked, “Jesus, what is that?” The Lord replied, “These are delicious crackers I brought to you from Heaven. Say ah; open your mouth.” I opened my mouth and the Lord placed a cracker in my mouth. As soon as the cracker touched my tongue, it melted softly. There are many delicious crackers in the world, but the ones the Lord gave me blew my mind. The bite-size crackers were white and round shaped. I exclaimed, “Wow, Jesus, this cracker is very delicious! I want to eat some more. Can you please give me one more?” The Lord said, “No, you shouldn’t eat any more for now.” I surprisedly asked, “What was it?” The Lord said, “This is food that saints eat in Heaven. I know you would like some more and when you visit Heaven again, I’ll treat you to many more. So pray fervently.” In tears, I asked the Lord, “Jesus, please take me to Heaven!” However, Jesus had already departed before I could finish my sentence. I could only see and sense the residuals of His departure. I felt a warm gentle breeze as a bright shining light radiated. The Heavenly cracker Jesus had given me will be in my memory forever. I’ll never forget the wonderful taste. Tonight is a very blessed night, a night I cannot express in words. From a distance, I heard Jesus kindly speak, “Freckles, soon, I’ll take you to visit Heaven so don’t fret. Good bye.” Then, he was completely gone. After I had regained my strength, I began to pray. While I was praying, I saw evil spirits coming toward me. Multitudes of skulls and bones from all directions began to converge on me. I began to laugh at their appearance. The evil spirits exploded in anger due to my reaction. I shouted, “All of you bones, you look very funny. In the name of Jesus, I command you to leave now!” They disappeared. After we had earnestly prayed for many hours, a group of angels came from Heaven and filled their golden pot with our prayers. As one angel ascended with the filled pot, another angel descended with the empty pot to again fill it with prayers. The angels continued this process. They were moving fast. The pot wasn’t only filled with our prayers, but they also included our tears and the tone of our voices. They were all delivered to Heaven. Lee Yoo Kyung: *Tearing off the evil spirit’s clothing As I was praying, I saw an evil spirit disguised as a young girl dressed in white. I quickly grabbed her hair, swung her around until all of her hair pulled out. But after I tore her clothes, she transformed into a naked man. I could see all his features and he began to defecate and urinate on me. I was so angry, I grabbed his neck, “Filthy evil spirit! Why are you urinating on me?” I slapped his face and he said, “I’m sorry! Please forgive me. I promise that I’ll never come here again.” I continued to slap and beat him up. I threw him evil spirit toward Brother Haak Sung, whose body was engulfed in flames. The evil spirit disintegrated into ashes when it hit Brother Haak Sung. As I continued to pray, a second evil spirit with two large eyes appeared. Half of its face was that of a woman and the other half was the face of a man. It had very short hair. The evil spirit reminded me of some horror movie. When it spoke, it had two different tones. The tone of a man and a woman would come from its mouth. I grabbed its hair. I pulled all of its hair out and tore its clothes off. The evil spirit stood naked. The evil spirit reacted and said, “Why have you undressed me? Who has undressed me?” I confidently replied, “It was I, I did it! Why do you ask? You feel violated?” The evil spirit cried and pleaded, “Please dress me. Please hurry! I’m very cold. Please give me some clothes!” As the evil spirit stood and watched, I destroyed the clothes by tearing them into pieces. The evil spirit continued to complain, “Who said you could undress me? Why have you ruined my clothes?” The evil spirit was annoying me. I said, “You’re speaking nonsense. You’re dead!” I threw it onto the floor and began to beat it up. It cried out, “Oh, help me! This is painful! I know I can defeat you but I don’t understand why you are able to overpower me. I’m frightened!” I didn’t want to hear the complaints of the evil spirit. I broke its legs and threw the evil spirit far away from me. It landed at the corner of the room and shattered into pieces. Once the battle was won and over, the Lord appeared. *Yoo Kyung eats fruits of Heaven Jesus wore a bright shining gown. As He got closer, I noticed Him holding a round white object. Jesus said, “Yoo Kyung, try this. It’s a fruit from Heaven. I have brought it to you as a reward since you pray zealously. Your abilities to defeat the evil spirits have increased dramatically. The fruit is very delicious. Quickly, try it!” The Lord had spoken to me in such an affectionate way that I happily responded. I responded, “Lord, thank you very much!” When I took my first bite, I exclaimed in delight. I instantly devoured the fruit. The Lord said, “Yoo Kyung, let’s visit Heaven.” Suddenly, I was wearing a gown that had wings attached to it. We left through the cross where a door led us through the sky. As we flew through the sky, we soon arrived in Heaven. When I arrived in Heaven, I met Yeh Jee. Yeh Jee and I danced before the Lord for a long time. I noticed a piano made of gold located near us. The piano was very large. I stared at it the piano for quite some time; it was very intriguing. While I was dancing, I saw Father God swaying on His throne. From the throne, Father God displayed a brilliant shining light. God was light. I wasn’t able to look at Him. There were several angels and they were all busily writing something onto books that were displayed in front of the throne. Father God is enormously huge. One cannot imagine His size. Even if one attempted to glance at Father God, it would be impossible due to the brilliant light. The light is too strong for one to look toward. Father’s gown was very long and it reached down to His ankles. I was only able to see His feet. Father God spoke to me as His voice echoed. “Yoo Kyung, isn’t it great to be here? If you continue to pray earnestly, I’ll bring you here more often. Therefore, earnestly pray without ceasing.” I bowed down and replied, “Yes sir, Amen.” After I had spoken, His huge hand appeared from the light and patted my head. Jesus then said, “Yoo Kyung, look at me!” When I turned to see Jesus, I became very sad and my heart broke. I almost cried. On both His wrists, I saw the huge scars where He had been pierced by nails. I also saw the scars on His feet. The Lord continued, “As I had my blood poured out, I died for you. Always think of me!” I persistently asked the Lord to show me my home in Heaven. “I would like to see my house in Heaven!” The Lord permitted me, saying, “Alright, I’ll show you your home.” The Lord took me to my home, which is made completely of gold. The house was twelve stories high. The angels were busy building my home. I jumped around like a rabbit as I felt excitement and jubilee. I began to joyfully sing ‘Oh, Praise my soul.’ As I sang and praised, the Lord spoke. “Dear Yoo Kyung, I would like to have a wedding ceremony with you.” Yeh Jee had followed me wherever I went. “Sister, Jesus is very loving. He gives me a lot of food and He gives me so much love. I’m so happy to be here! Sister, let’s hang out at the flower garden, please.” Yeh Jee and I went to the flower garden and enjoyed ourselves. We rolled around the flowers and had a good time. We spent a good deal of time in the garden. The Lord said, “Yoo Kyung, it’s time for you to leave. Say farewell to Yeh Jee.” Sister Yeh Jee said, “Sister, keep in good health and visit me again.” We gave each other a hug and I departed. Lee Haak Sung: *After being covered with the blood of Jesus, evil spirits dare not come near While I was in prayer, the Holy Spirit continued to put fire into my body. My body had become a fireball, unbearably hot. Many different types of evil spirits began to attack me, but when they touched my body, they lit on fire and became ash. All of them melted away. When a snake began to slither toward me, I grabbed it and tore its head off. I wrapped it on a wooden stick and torched it. An evil spirit with short hair, dressed in white attempted to attack me, but I grabbed it and burned it with fire. Other spirits began to advance toward me, but they began to flee as the Holy Fire radiated from my body. I finally understood why the evil spirits hadn’t come close to the Pastor. Whenever he prayed, his body would become a fireball, so they tried to avoid him. It was actually entertaining watching them avoid the pastor. The electric piano began to play a song called ‘Baptize by the Holy Spirit.’ So I began to dance in the Spirit with the tune and rhythm. I was also battling and defeating the evil spirits in my dance. It was exhilarating. Jesus was pleased and He complimented me. “Great job my dear Sam!” The Lord’s encouraging words made me feel fantastic. The electric piano played ‘Three nails’ and I instantly teared up in repentance. Jesus wiped the tears away and comforted me with warm words. He began to walk between the church members who were praying and touched them on their heads. When He reached the pastor, He touched his head several more times. In a loud voice, Jesus commanded the angels. “Angels, apply my blood over the entrance of the Lord’s church. Don’t let the evil spirits parade all over this building. Apply my blood to the air.” Angels instantly appeared and carried out His command with great speed. First, they placed a protective layer over the church entrance and the ceiling. At the entrance, the door and the two pillars received a protective layer. On top of the protective layer, the angels began to heavily coat it with the Lord’s blood. Once the blood was there to protect us, I saw the evil spirits confused and fighting one another to enter the church. With the blood protecting us, it didn’t matter how many evil spirits were there, none could enter the church. So I was able to finish my prayers in peace. Sister Baek Bong Nyu: * With God’s protection, I felt no pain during the torment of Hell While I was praying, the Lord appeared with two angels. They escorted me to the galaxy. Once we arrived at our destination, the Lord commanded the angels to return home to Heaven. Jesus then said, “Bong Nyu, let’s visit Hell.” As soon as I held the Lord’s hand, we were already in Hell. We began to walk through a narrow pathway. The pathway was so narrow I felt like I was walking on a levee in a rice paddy. On each side of the pathway, I couldn’t see the bottom. The cliff dropped endlessly. If I lost my balance, I would fall off the road. I could hear echoes of screams and wailing from below. The people screaming appeared to be in much pain. A stench filled the air and was unbearable. I could smell rotten corpse and burning flesh. Dark smoke rose upward and it was continuous. It was difficult for me to keep my balance. I couldn’t tell which way was front anymore. I once had an experience of being separated from the Lord when we were in Hell. I was apprehensive that it could happen again. I decided to hold on to his hand very tightly. We continued to walk further in. The narrow pathway became even narrower. As I tried to balance myself from the tight narrow road, I had to let go of the Lord’s hand. The Lord continued to walk forward and I followed right behind him while grabbing the hem of His gown. From both sides of the pathway, I continued to hear screams, “Help me! Save me! It is hot! Please help me!” It sounded as though millions of voices were echoing from below. The screams were so loud and numerous, I felt as the screams were right at my ear. I began to feel as though someone was following us from behind. I also felt someone holding on to my hem. Then, I felt the presence of people around me. I instantly became nervous and frightened. I braced myself and tried to draw up courage, thinking, “Just look upon the Lord. Just think about the Lord. Just continue to walk forward.” As I was thinking, the thing I feared most happened; the Lord disappeared. All of Hell is dark and it almost impossible to see anything. However, I was able to see a slight glimmer of light, but it was only for a second. When I saw the light for a second, I realized it was the Lord before He disappeared. I could no longer see him anywhere around me. I thought, “Oh, what should I do now? How can I lose Jesus in Hell? The Lord is so pitiless. Where can He possibly be? Why did He leave me all alone?” I felt despaired. “Jesus, where are you? Please come back! Help me! I’m frightened! Lord!” I called for Him but, the Lord was nowhere around me. Although I wanted to continue walking forward, I wasn’t able to, due to the darkness. I stood frozen and wasn’t able to take another step. I had no plan and I felt lost. Suddenly, I felt something squirming around my feet. When I figured out what was around my feet, I almost fainted from shock. There were four black snakes tightly coiling both my legs and they were moving upward. When I was with Jesus, this type of event never happened, but as soon as I had lost the Lord, the snakes were coiling around me. I quickly gathered my senses and shouted, “How dare you coil around me?” While I was shouting at the snakes, I grabbed their bodies and threw them into the distance. I began to move forward through the darkness. I moved slowly as I fumbled with my hands and feet. Since I was moving extremely slow, the snakes were able to catch up with me. Once they reached me, they began to coil around my body. I grabbed them and threw them again. I continued to move forward and again the snakes recovered and caught up to me. I threw them again. It seemed as though I was in a nightmare repeating the same event. The odd thing was that the snakes didn’t bite me. They weren’t very large or long. They were medium sized snakes with different colors. After battling with the snakes for some time, I was able to move forward. I finally reached a place full of bones and skulls. The bones and skulls were piled up as high as a mountain and were alive and moving. I felt someone grabbing the hem of my dress. I turned to see who or what was grabbing my hem. I saw a skull biting onto my dress and it was resisting as I tried to knock it off. This skeleton didn’t have any hands, but it used its teeth to hold onto my hem. It began to speak to me, “Please take me too! Please!” At that moment, I remembered my parents, my little brother, my nephew, and my brother in law who were in torment. As I thought about my family, I became very upset and burst out foul language without realizing it. “I can’t even take care of myself right now. How dare you grab my dress! I’m very busy, looking for a way out and I’m in a hurry! Damn it! Get out of my way! Let go of my dress!” As I was shouting, I pounded on the skull and it shattered into many pieces. This time, the bones of a hand grabbed and tugged on my dress. I tried to shake it off, but it resisted. There were too many bones and skulls to deal with, I wasn’t going to be able to defeat them all. I loudly shouted, “You filthy bones! My body is blazing with Holy Fire and the Trinity God lives in me. The moment you touch me, you will become burnt and become dust and ash! If you dare to touch me, then touch!” The skull and bones didn’t come close to me anymore. The ones that clung on to me became ashes. Once the bones stopped harassing me, I was able to move forward without any obstacles. When Jesus accompanied me before, it was very easy to move in Hell. The Lord is light so He provided the light. Walking without Him was very difficult and confusing. Fumbling my way forward was exhausting. I was using all my mental strength to negotiating my way through the darkness. Exhausted and without thinking I sat down. The wings that were attached to my gown had become damaged. It became worse and now I wouldn’t be able to fly. I gathered my mind and regained my strength. I moved forward, but this time I crawled. I almost fell asleep, since I was getting drowsy. I dozed off for a few seconds and when I opened my eyes I was inside a cell. The cell was very cramped and there was only enough room for one person. It was still very dark and I couldn’t see anything. When I thought it couldn’t get worse, some creature began pulling on my body and hair. It was making some hideous wailing sound. In my anger, I exploded and foul language began coming from my mouth again. I attempted to find a way out, but it seemed hopeless. My efforts were in vain. As I resisted my situation, I felt more hands from all directions coming out to pull and shake my body. I wasn’t able to defeat them so I became more abusive with my language. “I will break all of your wrists! Are you going to keep your hands to yourself? If you had lived a righteous life, you wouldn’t have ended up here. You’re all absurd!” I told them. “I’m here to defeat the king of Hell, Satan, who is the ruler of this place. I’ll defeat the king of devils no matter what! In my body, I have the Holy blazing fire from the Trinity God. If you touch my body, you’re all dead! I’m covered with the blood of Jesus so whoever touches or grabs me will burn to ash and dust.” After I had warned them, they all stepped back shocked in fear. Within a few seconds, the third highest ranking devil appeared. I thought I had encountered him before. He had about fifty heads and legs. The devil grabbed my leg and tore my clothes off. I was naked. I shouted with a voice of thunder. “You have been commanded to tear my clothes off by the king of devils. Take it all off if you dare! No matter how many times you tear my clothes off, I won’t blink. I’m not afraid of you, devils! I have the Trinity God living in me and the Holy Blazing Fire. I’m not afraid of you! No matter how hard you attempt to frighten me, I will not be moved. I have one thing against you. My heart aches over the fact that my parents are tormented in Hell. The king of devils is responsible for pain my parents must endure. I’ll find him no matter what and then I will avenge my parents. You are too weak to challenge me, depart from me you fools! Bring me the king of devils! Hurry! Depart!” The devil angrily shouted back, “I’m the one you must encounter today. My brother, Satan, told me to tear your clothes off and pluck your eyeballs out. I have been commanded to slice your flesh from your bones. He also told me to let the insects penetrate and eat your flesh. You’ll taste death today! Hahahaha,” he laughed. Once he threatened me, I replied back, “What? You worthless devil, do as you wish! Since the Lord lives in me, I’ll feel no pain even if you are able to slice my flesh and pluck my eyes out! You better be careful since I have the Holy Blazing fire within me! I recognize you. You came to our church many times and have hindered us so much. You have hindered the pastor from writing the book, right? Well, do as you wish!” The devil showed me his knife. It was dark blue and looked very sharp. He began slicing my flesh like sushi. Feeling no pain, I didn’t even blink. “Oh, this is quite invigorating. It feels very nice. Slice all of my flesh if you like. I’m not worried because Trinity God is protecting me. Slice some more of my flesh!” I annoyed the devil with confidence. I could tell that Almighty God was protecting me and His power was with me. When my eyes were plucked out, I didn’t feel any pain. It felt like as though someone was scratching my itch. I felt refreshed. I had no flesh; I was a skeleton. The fifty-headed devil brought a bucket filled with maggots and poured them on my body. The maggots began to penetrate my bones and they began eating my marrow. They were also eating my sliced flesh. As the maggots gorged on my bones, I felt no pain under God’s special protection. I fervently began to pray in tongues. As I prayed, I looked over my gruesome appearance. The swarm of maggots was all over my skeleton. They had no effect, but what affected me was the thought of my mother in torment. I began to tear up. I’m a worthless sinner who is now a dried up skeleton. I gave thanks to the Lord who was protecting me even though the devil tried to inflict pain and torment. My peaceful moment was short lived. Once more, I became very angry from the thoughts of my family in torment. I was spiteful of the devils. * Confronting Satan, the king of Hell Whenever I think of my parents, I feel as though the blood is draining out of my body. I just wanted to find Satan and take my revenge on behalf of my family for their torment. It’s Satan who commands the demons to torment my family. But since I couldn’t locate him, I was stressed to the point of feeling suffocated. I shouted in all directions using foul language to get his attention. Once I had seen Satan, the king of Hell, I blew up in anger. Generally, people’s natural reaction is to shiver and be overwhelmed with fear when they see evil spirits or demons, or hear the voice of Satan. But since I’ve been battling the evil spirits during prayer, I was immune to fear. When I saw him, I wasn’t moved at all, not even a twitch from my eyelid. I shouted abruptly, “Hey, are you the dog shit, Satan? The king of devils? You @#%@#@!” I didn’t stop, but continued to speak abusively. “You’re the one who is crucifying my parents on the cross in Hell, tormenting them, and throwing them into the fire. You’re the one frying my parents, throwing them in a pot of boiling oil, right? You command the demons in Hell to drag the many people to Hell, right? I’ve come all this way to meet you here. I won’t leave peacefully! I’ll leave here when I turn Hell upside down! Don’t you have anything better to do than torment people? You’re responsible for creating accidents and misfortunes so people can die and come to Hell. You are responsible for dragging so many to Hell! You’re no better than a dog!” * The appearance of Satan This was the first time I was able to actually witness the appearance of Satan, the king of Hell. Satan’s appearance was beyond my imagination. He was imitating Father God. The size of Satan was very large. As I lifted my head, I wasn’t able to view his whole form. The height of Satan reached the confines of Hell. The width of his body reached the far left and right ends of Hell. Satan’s throne was very large, as well, and was beyond my imagination. Satan’s wings looked like the wings of a bat and they slowly flapped. I looked at Satan for a long time with my head leaned backwards. But my neck began to hurt and so I decided to lie down in front of him. When I had lain down, I was able to see the whole figure of Satan. As I lie in front of him, Satan didn’t say a word, but just stared at me. I intentionally wanted to irritate him, so I began speaking abusively to him. “Devil, what is up with your ugly appearance? I can’t understand how you can function as a king looking so ugly. Look at your eyes! They are slanted all the way to the side of your head. Look at me! I’m so comfortable lying here on my back.” I continued to speak abusively to him, but it didn’t matter. He didn’t move an inch, not even twitch his eyes. Satan could have transformed himself into any form, but he continued to stand in front of me as a big and wide entity. He looked very loathsome. His face looked like a toad. His body was similar to that of a human. Hair was sparsely located throughout his body. He was very fat. It appeared as though he didn’t want to move. The king of devils didn’t tremble, so I decided to shout at him again. “Hey, I’m much stronger than you! I serve Trinity God. He protects me. I challenge you!” Finally, Satan spoke, “You little thing, how dare you come here and play the fool!” I countered by saying, “You’ve never seen me before! How dare you speak disrespectfully to me!” This irritated him so much that his eyes gradually opened very large and a red colored light ball came out. Satan laughed at me and said, “Hey, doesn’t your neck hurt?” I shouted, “Why would my neck hurt? I have come to defeat you. My neck is just fine. @#%$#! You are so fat you can’t even lie down! You believe you’re something? Your body is ugly and looks like a toad’s. Your body isn’t even proportional. Don’t fool yourself! Come down!” I shouted, but on the inside, I was praying in tongues and asking Trinity God to grant me strength. I was asking for the Holy Fire from the Holy Spirit. As I spoke abusively at Satan, he continued to ridicule and snort at me. I didn’t give up. I continued to irritate him. “Satan, eat and swallow me! If you eat me, I can go down your stomach and torment you several more thousand times than you are doing to my parents. I can slice your insides! I will gouge out your tongue and throw it into the fire of Hell. Hurry! Come down!” Satan responded, “Why would I go down? You come up here!” I was so mad and my temper exploded. Even though I couldn’t see Jesus, I began to pray to Him. * Sister Baek, Bong Nyu attacking Satan “Jesus, I’m not able to see you, but I believe you’re always with me. Jesus, I want to give Satan a beating. However, he is too big for me. I’m not able to give him a beating! Please grant me a ladder so I can climb to the top of his head and attack him!” With the Lord’s command, Archangel Michael immediately brought a large tall ladder from Heaven. The ladder was so large it reached the confines of Hell from the ground. With the help of Archangel Michael, I placed the ladder on Satan’s back and we began to climb the ladder. It was very high and dangerous. I couldn’t make it to the top without the help of Archangel Michael. It was strange that Satan didn’t move a muscle as we climbed up the ladder. When we reached the top of the ladder, I jumped off the ladder onto his shoulder. I tore into his skin with my fingernails, but it had no effect. Satan didn’t move a muscle. He was ignoring me, as though I was nothing to him. The skin on Satan’s back was as hard as a rock. No matter how hard I attempted to tear into his skin using my fingernails, it was useless. I shouted with all my strength as I continued to scratch into him. “You filthy devil, take this!” I prayed in tongues to myself, saying, “Trinity God, please grant me strength! Grant me power!” Then, as I continued to scratch, I was finally able to make a mark. I tore intensely into the scratch, but Satan’s skin was very thick and I was only able to tear into it a little bit at a time. I thought to myself, ‘Why is this so difficult?’ In that moment, wisdom came to me and I cried out to the Holy Spirit, “Holy Spirit, please grant me the Holy Sword! Please grant it to me now!” As I cried out, a huge golden sword descended. When the sword came close to me, I grabbed it and pierced the back of Satan. I jabbed into his back repeatedly. I used all my strength to randomly stab all over his back. As I sliced into his back, pieces of his skin fell to the ground. Next, I climbed up Satan’s head and I mercilessly stabbed into one of the eyes. Satan had eyes within his eyes. I returned to his back once more and I chopped off one of the wings. He jumped off his throne and screamed out loud. I shouted, “Devil, open your mouth! I’ll go into your stomach and finish you up! I’ll slice your intestines and burn them!” Just when I was about to attack Satan again, a bright light poured down from above and the Lord appeared. He said, “Bong Nyu, you’ve done a great job! Now, come down. It is enough for today. Let’s go now.” Resisting the Lord, I quickly replied, “Lord, I don’t want to go! My anger is still burning inside me. I need more time. What about my parents? They are being tormented by the devil. I can’t just go now! If I go now, my family will be brutally tormented again. How can I leave knowing that? I can’t possibly go now!” The Lord said, “Bong Nyu, what you’ve done today is more than enough; it is good! If it was anyone else, he would have froze in fear. He would have been frightened of Satan and he wouldn’t have been able to engage him. But since you have prayed in confidence, I was in you to help you attack the king of devils. I’m sure you have vented out enough. Let’s go. Bong Nyu, I have brought a countless number of people to witness Hell, but there was no other who would dare to attack, tearing into his flesh and jabbing his eye! You’re an unusual saint! It’s enough now. Let’s go! The king of devils has been wounded.” The Lord and I traveled to Heaven with the escort of Archangel Michael. * Sister Baek, Bong Nyu washes herself in the spring waters of Heaven Once in Heaven, my heart was still heavy with the thought that Satan would take out his vengeance on my family. I thought, “I should have fought to the end and thrown the devil into the fire of Hell. I would have then felt satisfied.” Heaven is so beautiful, beyond imagination. The Lord brought me to a tall tower made of gold. Inside the tower streamed crystal clear water. He took me inside the tower and caressed me. He continuously hugged and soothed me since I was unhappy. He asked, “Bong Nyu, I know you’re in pain, tormented, and frightened when you go to Hell. However, don’t you feel awesome when you’re in Heaven?” I replied, “Yes, Lord!” The Lord continued, “Bong Nyu, you must be out of strength today from fighting the king of devils. Go wash your body with the assistance of Archangels Michael and Gabriel. As you ripped and tore into Satan’s body, the fluid from his body got on your body. If you descend to earth in that condition, you’ll swell and die from the poison. The angels will wash the poison from your body and make you clean.” While I was bathing, other angels waited outside as they prepared a very soft white robe with wings attached to it. With the help of the angels, I washed my body clean at the crystal clear spring waters. The water came up to the level of the archangels’ waist. However, the water came up to my neck. I also swam in the crystal clear spring waters. I went into the changing room located next to the spring waters and donned the robe. The angels helped me get onto the cloud. I was very fatigued. The archangels took me to where many other angels were. In the skies of Heaven is a small hole from which clouds were made. It is truly amazing and marvelous. * The tunnel of Holy Blazing Fire Jesus took me to the long tunnel room where the Holy Blazing Fire was kept. Although we looked from a distance, I could still feel the heat. The tunnel was an area off-limits to most of the souls. I asked the Lord, “Can you put me in the tunnel and take me out quickly?” The Lord then explained, “If anyone enters that tunnel, one must go all the way to the end. The fire tunnel is unbearably hot. It’s a fearful place. One can never return the way they entered! Even though I desire you to enter the tunnel, the strength of your body has been exhausted and you won’t be able to endure it at this moment. The tunnel is the place where one is baptized by the blazing fire. No one can endure it under normal conditions. One must have the physical strength and power to endure the heat and flames.” “Once a person passes through the tunnel and is baptized by the Holy Fire, he will manifest the powerful work of the fire as he does the work of the Lord. The tunnel is very powerful. One must not have a weak heart. Otherwise, he’ll be subject to heart failure. Therefore, you must pray more and take care of your body to recover. Then, I will let you enter at a later time. Since Pastor Kim, Yong Doo is writing the books, I’ll place him in the fire tunnel first and have him baptize with blazing fire. But he is also out of strength and I’ll place him into the tunnel once his body fully recovers. The next person will be Saint Kang, Hyun Ja. You’ll be the third person. The pastor will enter to experience it first. You and Saint Kang, Hyun Ja will almost enter at the same time. Don’t be selfish, but endure with patience until that time. All of the church members are exhausted from praying. The angels and I are spirits and we don’t get tired. We aren’t subject to the days and nights in order to function. But your physical body is subject to the physical realm and is subject to limitations. Your spirit is currently out of your body to experience all this. But once your spirit reunites with your body, you will experience unbearable exhaustion.” The Lord told me that when I pass through the tunnel of the Holy Blazing Fire, I would be granted new strength and power from the fire. With this new information, I begged the Lord to be placed in the tunnel. But the Lord said I need the Father’s permission. He said it wasn’t yet my time. Out of curiosity, I asked the Lord, “Lord, you said the tunnel is very long and it would feel endless. How long is it?” The Lord explained that in earthly terms, it would be the distance from the city of Inchon to the city of Seoul. When one enters, the person must enter and pass through it alone. Once the person enters, he cannot go back the way he entered. He must walk forward. The Lord then commanded the angels to escort me back to the church. I was very exhausted. The Lord left on other business. It appeared as though 500 angels escorted me back. As the angels escorted me, they comforted me with encouraging words. “Saint Bong Nyu, even though you didn’t finish Satan, you have pierced, tore, and stabbed him with the Sword. You did a great job! Now, overcome your sorrows and cheer up!” We said our farewells as we smiled at each other.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 18:42:55 +0000

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