Kindly reproduced and shared from the wonderful WJ - TopicsExpress


Kindly reproduced and shared from the wonderful WJ Thornton... WHY THE AUTHORITIES AND MEDIA ARE SO FRIGHTENED They made it worse, anyone supporting what was actually done to Brenda Leyland will, of course, pretend not to recognise that. But the fact of the matter is that the authorities have been scared of the amount of people protesting about the farcical investigation of the McCann case. What i predicted they would try and do to Brenda has already happened, questioning her sanity, when really they should question their own. What is it about these people that are so morally bankrupt that they can send such hateful messages about a dead lady and then try and turn their culpability in poor Brendas death into a campaign to silence the net for the McCanns own ends ? Some brave journalists have had the guts to actually speak out against the McCanns and their own huge cyber trolling machine that they distance themselves from but never condemn. Have you seen the Murdoch driven media,Sky news,Summers & Swann,Clarence Mitchell,the Met Police,the Prime Minister or the McCanns themselves come out and vilify the vast number of trolls working on behalf of the McCanns ? Lord Sugar,Katie Hopkins, Pat Brown and Joana Morais to name but a few, have had the moral fibre to various extents to question them and those that do their bidding. Conspiracy i hear them cry, not really, you see the evidence of what they did, have done and still do is there for all to see, the only conspiracy angle you could ever really say has anything to do with the McCanns would be a link to awakening as happened in America with JFK. After his murder it took about five years for people to really pull apart the media and government of the day, but not just about JFK, but Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, the Vietnam war and many other perceived cover ups. In those days people took to the streets and protested and got their heads caved in by the governments own private gestapo, namely the police. Now we use the internet to protest. Wether it be, the Iraq war,the death of Gareth Williams and the laughable explanation by the Met Police, the murder of Stephen Lawrence or Mark Duggan (Myhow the Met Police do keep cropping up ). Yes Twitter can be a bear pit and you do need a thick skin, but the vile,disgusting abuse suffered by Brenda Leyland,orchestrated by Gurney,McIver,West and others is quite unbelievable. However it is not as unbelievable as Murdochs media not turning on those supporting the McCanns. Just in case dear old Rupert needs a clearer indication of his I never saw a thing yer honour policy biting him in the arse, let me point it out in easy stages so he can follow it. After a staged abduction that is PROVEN to be false is revealed the police in Portugal act on two British specifically trained sniffer dogs findings and the phone call from Kate McCann doing a Martin Luther King parody of I had a dream!. The McCanns then flee Portugal, meet with an extradition lawyer, that very weekend whilst coming out with a story that Kate examined six dead bodies recently thats why her clothes reek of death scent ( Maddies death scent! eh ?... how does that work ? no matter,onward ! ) PROVEN to be a lie. FACT if it never happened, you maintain it did, that is called a lie. Suddenly the British government get involved and GIVE their own spin doctor Clarence Mitchell to the McCanns. Suddenly the Detective Goncalo Amaral is removed from the case after British government involvement. Bizarrely the McCanns are now in charge of the investigation and given every lead that comes to the fore. They start using the money donated to them to pay their mortgage and expensive lawyers plus other salaries, including and its in their bogus accounts, money for whistle blowers, but not the kind you may think. So after years of the Murdoch ( Mitchells mate ) driven abduction nonsense, the body of Tia Sharp is found by a sniffer dog and to deflect from the dogs findings, Murdochs media play Hunt a Troll . Would it be cynical to point out that every time a dog finds a poor dead girl,that a so called McCann troll, nothing of the sort, is front page news. What is utterly staggering is are the double standards of the media, when do we get real reporters again, instead of puppet masters ? So poor Brenda Leyland and now, quite staggeringly, her son Ben are hounded by Murdochs media, what the hell is going on ? Why are the McCanns, Mitchell, the government, the McCann media machine and the police calling for tighter controls when they caused Brendas death? Simple matter of the growing numbers that exploded when they went after the first so called troll from a few thousand who did not believe the McCann nonsense to tens thousands who now knew they had a voice somewhere and flocked to it. Shooting themselves in the foot as never before the media keep blasting away and actually multiplying the numbers who want a voice, which has reached alarmingly for them, epidemic proportions. You see the McCann media machine set up by Clarence Mitchell, who reports to the McCanns ( As they dontread Twitter ! ),is run by Michael Wright (Remember him) of course the McCanns have no knowledge of this,the remit was and still is to drive those who doubt from the internet. Taking it in shifts to surf the net with literally thousands of SOCKS ( Fake identities built up over months to seem real) that they can use every time one gets banned.They actually have a handbook that is used to highlight what to say and it is three guiding rules they use. So you are a newbie, fresh to the net with your own opinion on what happened to Maddie, so fresh faced looking for discussion with like minded individuals you take your first tentative steps to be greeted with. 1. A McCann media troll trying to engage you in a slanging match rather than talk about the case. 2. Should that not work let us use any number of vile or digusting slurs such as pedo,ghoul and/or any four letter words we have at our disposal 3. Still here ? Right rule no.3 in the handbook, find where they live,work and blog about them sending messages to friends family work colleagues whilst IMPLORING any news agency or the police to come and look at what a vile troll you are. EVERY NOW AND AGAIN THE MEDIA DECIDE,usually after a dog finds a childs body without any knowledge of the incoming storm you face by Mitchell or Kate & Gerry (Guffaws) of course! Then the Media Machine swings into full vitriolic attack, people like West( Muratfan), Jen McIver /Jayelles and others go onto the papers media sites and agree with Lawton usually about what a vile scumbag you are. They will use any means necessary to get you off the net, they couldnt give a damn about Brendas death, not one of them and i will highlight it here. There is a notorious troll, known to the McCanns, the Official Find Maddie page, Sky news and the newspapers. Her name is Pamela Gurney and along with Ian West @Muratfan,Sara Pearson @SafariSara and Jen McIver @Jayelles were responsible for Brenda taking her own life. Not only did they send vile tweets to Brenda, but they sent a dossier, not only to the police but to Sky news as well. They IMPLORED Brunt to get involved and run websites that remain closed so that you cannot see the orchestrated and disgusting posts on them. Now Pamela Gurney (pictured below) would have you believe that she is not on Twitter dearie , that she is not @Bruxelles or Jencalo Amoral, that she is not hing but a kind old lady supporting the McCanns,that she does not threaten that her husband will pop down to sort you out,nothing could be further from the truth, her and trolls like her have been as instrumental in the death of Brenda Leyland as Martin Brunt. That, like BRENDA, should NEVER BE FORGOTTEN ! Kindly reproduced and shared from the wonderful WJ Thornton... WHY THE AUTHORITIES AND MEDIA ARE SO FRIGHTENED They made it worse, anyone supporting what was actually done to Brenda Leyland will, of course, pretend not to recognise that. But the fact of the matter is that the authorities have been scared of the amount of people protesting about the farcical investigation of the McCann case. What i predicted they would try and do to Brenda has already happened, questioning her sanity, when really they should question their own. What is it about these people that are so morally bankrupt that they can send such hateful messages about a dead lady and then try and turn their culpability in poor Brendas death into a campaign to silence the net for the McCanns own ends ? Some brave journalists have had the guts to actually speak out against the McCanns and their own huge cyber trolling machine that they distance themselves from but never condemn. Have you seen the Murdoch driven media,Sky news,Summers & Swann,Clarence Mitchell,the Met Police,the Prime Minister or the McCanns themselves come out and vilify the vast number of trolls working on behalf of the McCanns ? Lord Sugar,Katie Hopkins, Pat Brown and Joana Morais to name but a few, have had the moral fibre to various extents to question them and those that do their bidding. Conspiracy i hear them cry, not really, you see the evidence of what they did, have done and still do is there for all to see, the only conspiracy angle you could ever really say has anything to do with the McCanns would be a link to awakening as happened in America with JFK. After his murder it took about five years for people to really pull apart the media and government of the day, but not just about JFK, but Martin Luther King, Robert Kennedy, the Vietnam war and many other perceived cover ups. In those days people took to the streets and protested and got their heads caved in by the governments own private gestapo, namely the police. Now we use the internet to protest. Wether it be, the Iraq war,the death of Gareth Williams and the laughable explanation by the Met Police, the murder of Stephen Lawrence or Mark Duggan (Myhow the Met Police do keep cropping up ). Yes Twitter can be a bear pit and you do need a thick skin, but the vile,disgusting abuse suffered by Brenda Leyland,orchestrated by Gurney,McIver,West and others is quite unbelievable. However it is not as unbelievable as Murdochs media not turning on those supporting the McCanns. Just in case dear old Rupert needs a clearer indication of his I never saw a thing yer honour policy biting him in the arse, let me point it out in easy stages so he can follow it. After a staged abduction that is PROVEN to be false is revealed the police in Portugal act on two British specifically trained sniffer dogs findings and the phone call from Kate McCann doing a Martin Luther King parody of I had a dream!. The McCanns then flee Portugal, meet with an extradition lawyer, that very weekend whilst coming out with a story that Kate examined six dead bodies recently thats why her clothes reek of death scent ( Maddies death scent! eh ?... how does that work ? no matter,onward ! ) PROVEN to be a lie. FACT if it never happened, you maintain it did, that is called a lie. Suddenly the British government get involved and GIVE their own spin doctor Clarence Mitchell to the McCanns. Suddenly the Detective Goncalo Amaral is removed from the case after British government involvement. Bizarrely the McCanns are now in charge of the investigation and given every lead that comes to the fore. They start using the money donated to them to pay their mortgage and expensive lawyers plus other salaries, including and its in their bogus accounts, money for whistle blowers, but not the kind you may think. So after years of the Murdoch ( Mitchells mate ) driven abduction nonsense, the body of Tia Sharp is found by a sniffer dog and to deflect from the dogs findings, Murdochs media play Hunt a Troll . Would it be cynical to point out that every time a dog finds a poor dead girl,that a so called McCann troll, nothing of the sort, is front page news. What is utterly staggering is are the double standards of the media, when do we get real reporters again, instead of puppet masters ? So poor Brenda Leyland and now, quite staggeringly, her son Ben are hounded by Murdochs media, what the hell is going on ? Why are the McCanns, Mitchell, the government, the McCann media machine and the police calling for tighter controls when they caused Brendas death? Simple matter of the growing numbers that exploded when they went after the first so called troll from a few thousand who did not believe the McCann nonsense to tens thousands who now knew they had a voice somewhere and flocked to it. Shooting themselves in the foot as never before the media keep blasting away and actually multiplying the numbers who want a voice, which has reached alarmingly for them, epidemic proportions. You see the McCann media machine set up by Clarence Mitchell, who reports to the McCanns ( As they dontread Twitter ! ),is run by Michael Wright (Remember him) of course the McCanns have no knowledge of this,the remit was and still is to drive those who doubt from the internet. Taking it in shifts to surf the net with literally thousands of SOCKS ( Fake identities built up over months to seem real) that they can use every time one gets banned.They actually have a handbook that is used to highlight what to say and it is three guiding rules they use. So you are a newbie, fresh to the net with your own opinion on what happened to Maddie, so fresh faced looking for discussion with like minded individuals you take your first tentative steps to be greeted with. 1. A McCann media troll trying to engage you in a slanging match rather than talk about the case. 2. Should that not work let us use any number of vile or digusting slurs such as pedo,ghoul and/or any four letter words we have at our disposal 3. Still here ? Right rule no.3 in the handbook, find where they live,work and blog about them sending messages to friends family work colleagues whilst IMPLORING any news agency or the police to come and look at what a vile troll you are. EVERY NOW AND AGAIN THE MEDIA DECIDE,usually after a dog finds a childs body without any knowledge of the incoming storm you face by Mitchell or Kate & Gerry (Guffaws) of course! Then the Media Machine swings into full vitriolic attack, people like West( Muratfan), Jen McIver /Jayelles and others go onto the papers media sites and agree with Lawton usually about what a vile scumbag you are. They will use any means necessary to get you off the net, they couldnt give a damn about Brendas death, not one of them and i will highlight it here. There is a notorious troll, known to the McCanns, the Official Find Maddie page, Sky news and the newspapers. Her name is Pamela Gurney and along with Ian West @Muratfan,Sara Pearson @SafariSara and Jen McIver @Jayelles were responsible for Brenda taking her own life. Not only did they send vile tweets to Brenda, but they sent a dossier, not only to the police but to Sky news as well. They IMPLORED Brunt to get involved and run websites that remain closed so that you cannot see the orchestrated and disgusting posts on them. Now Pamela Gurney (pictured below) would have you believe that she is not on Twitter dearie , that she is not @Bruxelles or Jencalo Amoral, that she is not hing but a kind old lady supporting the McCanns,that she does not threaten that her husband will pop down to sort you out,nothing could be further from the truth, her and trolls like her have been as instrumental in the death of Brenda Leyland as Martin Brunt. That, like BRENDA, should NEVER BE FORGOTTEN !
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 12:43:24 +0000

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