Know your Presidential Candidates III My conversation with little - TopicsExpress


Know your Presidential Candidates III My conversation with little known Kisnot NG: Mukwazhi, some Zimbabweans are arguing that you are an unknown entity politically, economically and socially. All of a sudden you want to take on the bigwigs of Zimbabwean politics. Who exactly are you and what gives you the guts to contest against heavyweights of the game? KM: Kisnot Mukwazhi is a young guy, 43 years old, coming from Masvingo. I got my inspiration to have a big dream like this from people like Mugabe himself, former South African President (Nelson) Mandela, (the late Chinese President) Mao Tse Tung and (US President Barack) Obama . . . As Kisnot Mukwazhi and ZDP, Yes We Can Do it. NG: What prompted the formation of ZDP and what was your vision? KM: ZDP was formed on February 8, 2008 after realising that the people of Zimbabwe want change. Change not to confront those in power, but change to address the most required services for their day-to-day survival. NG: You referred to Mugabe as one of your heroes, why then are you taking him on instead of complementing what he is doing? KM: The people under him, his ministers and MPs, are very corrupt. They have totally failed to represent the people in terms of service delivery and we as ZDP want to take the best from anybody to build a castle — a paradise. As a mature somebody who brought us the independence we all enjoy today, Mugabe must retire and enjoy benefits of his hard work. NG: How popular is your party among Zimbabweans and do you think you stand a chance to win this election? KM: Yes, we stand a chance to win and I think some people will say this is a miracle victory and Mukwazhi would form a miracle government. We are going to sell our policies through the social media. It’s unfortunate we haven’t received coverage similar to other parties. However, we have been meeting people around the country and if they hear Mukwazhi who has been visiting and empathising with them is standing for the Presidency, they will certainly vote for me.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:28:41 +0000

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