Knowing Your Star Family and Contacting Them June 6, 2013 - TopicsExpress


Knowing Your Star Family and Contacting Them June 6, 2013 ashtargalacticcommanders.ning/forum/topic/show?id=2180263%3ATopic%3A220469&xgs=1&xg_source=msg_share_topic I was downloaded telepathically information on how to know your Star Family. This is what I was given information wise as this message is presented to all of you. Before you were born you had and have an alignment to a specific Star Family. Your Star Family is always aware that you are here on Earth. They understand why you volunteered to come to this Earth in current Human history. You who are here now .Have chosen to be here. The family you come from are live on known and unknown worlds beyond this orb. When you agreed in this grand experiment you took on a major mission on behalf of the Christ and your Cosmic Star Family. In the alignment that exists between you and your Star Family now. You can feel there presence unless you have blocked them out of your consciousness. Many times you encounter your true off planet family while asleep,sometimes its while your in the body fully awake. Do you remember when was the last time you had that encounter with your Star Family ? On or Off Planet? Your DNA is encoded and connected to the origins of where you came before you arrived here. The body if not in alignment can be aligned through intention,meditation,and above all your validation of your true being within you. My origin is Mars your planetary origin could be any Planet in this Solar System,Galaxy or another dimension. Space People come when they wish to observe how you are doing and living here. Some of your Star Family resides on Earth right off the Ships. Many blend into society and cannot be detected . You are never truly alone. When you feel that way just go within your being and ask the Christ and The Ashtar Command off Planet to help you. You were born with encoded information . This includes your point of origin and your very own galactic history. Tap into that and you will remember everything . When you wish to invite your Star Family to make a direct encounter with you. Find a good space within your home ,a park to invoke your cosmic abilities Drink alot of water which is good conductor for you,and can increase your chances to have clear conscious contacts . Validate now when you read this message that my Star Family exists is real and loves me as much as I love them. Love has no limitations in time and space its endless. Your Family from the Stars understands this fully. If you wish when making contact within your own environment be it the apartment,farm house whatever the living space is . Create a room for your Star Family to enter into safely and you and they can have some quality time together . A Stargate of Light . When you consciously get invited on your Cosmic Families Ship you will be taken on a short journey outside of any limitation of time and space as you understand this to be here on Earth. Your visitations can last in non Earth realities feeling like weeks verse minutes or hours. Finally before you go to sleep drink a half a glass of water and if you are preparing for your sleep.Ask your Star Family to contact you now when you go to sleep. Keep a journal of what happens and your contacts. Again you do not have to be asleep to know and reconnect it can happen with your invitation anytime and anywhere when you least expect it. I am just sharing this message with all of you. Hope this helps you truly in some way make that connection that you had before coming to Earth. Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always, CmdrAleon and the Ashtar Command
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 11:30:28 +0000

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