Known as the King of Asanas because of its many benefits, the - TopicsExpress


Known as the King of Asanas because of its many benefits, the Headstand is the first of the 12 asanas and is considered by many to be a panacea for countless human ills. Sitting and standing for most of the day causes your circulation to become sluggish, so your heart has to work harder to pump sufficient blood to the upper parts of your body. Normally, your heart works against gravity; inverting your entire body lessens the strain on your heart, and allows a plentiful supply of oxygen-rich blood to reach your head and brain. This pose is not an advanced asana; even so, to begin with you may wish just to undertake the childs Pose and the Dolphin, progressing to the full Headstand later. And doing asanas like head stand, shoulder stand etc. also cause age reversing process. So fountain of youth! Sivananda.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 14:08:45 +0000

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