LABOR AND LIBERALS TIME TO BUST UP THEIR POWER-SHARING ARRANGEMENT Australians will not keep meekly submitting to policies from both major parties that destroy their lives, so Labor and the Liberals are stitching up the voting system to deny the public other choices. The dirty deal between Gillard and Abbott to leach extra public money to fund their despised political parties has blown up in their faces, BUT IT IS NOTHING COMPARED TO THEIR QUIET SCHEME TO KEEP OTHER CANDIDATES FROM CONTESTING ELECTIONS. IN FEBRUARY, THE MAJOR PARTIES JOINED FORCES TO QUIETLY DOUBLE THE NOMINATION FEE THAT CANDIDATES FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HAVE TO PAY, FROM $500 TO $1000. Their reasoning was blatant: from their viewpoint there were too many candidates contesting elections, so the fee was doubled to block people from running. (Any party now attempting to contest all 150 seats faces an up-front cost of $150,000, instead of $75,000—an enormous difference.) The Lib/Labs know that what is at stake is their cosy power-sharing arrangement, which PM Julia Gillard called in Parliament in October 2010 “the post-1983 consensus on economic reform”. (Tony Abbott expressed it in a whole new way this week when he blubbered over the retirement of Labor’s Martin Ferguson—good grief!) Whereas prior to 1983 the Australian Labor Party represented a genuine philosophical difference to the Liberals, since Hawke and Keating took office committed to destroying Labor’s economic principles both parties have taken turns screwing the Australian people with vicious economic and green policies. The most glaring irony/hypocrisy is that the most destructive of those reforms were rammed through in the name of “competition”: • skilled industrial workers, such as in the car industry now, have lost their jobs en masse because they had to “compete” with cheap imports—the victims also include the steel industry, the textile, clothing and footwear industry, fruit growers, pork producers and many others; • “competition” dictated the mass-privatisation of public assets, such as the Commonwealth Bank, Qantas, Telstra and various electricity systems; • thousands of dairy farmers went to the wall and many hundreds were driven to suicide when “competition policy” deregulated their industry; • bank deregulation introduced “competition” into the financial system, leading to a banking system concentrated in just four major banks which between them gouge from the blood, sweat and tears of the Australian more than $20 billion per year in profits; • and “competition” from the Coles/Woolworths duopoly has steamrolled almost all independent supermarkets, fuel retailers, hardware stores and bottle shops, and left Coles and Woolworths with an 80 per cent market share. CITIZENS ELECTORAL COUNCIL LEADER Craig Isherwood called on the Australian public to bust up the major parties power-sharing arrangement. “Just like corporations, the major parties preach competition, but suppress it, because it terrifies them,” he stated. “They and their accomplices in the highly-concentrated media are determined to stop the public from knowing and supporting the CEC’s policies to reindustrialise Australia— Glass-Steagall banking separation, a national bank for public credit, and large-scale infrastructure development. “IT’S UP TO THE PUBLIC TO MAKE THE LIB/LAB’S NIGHTMARES COME TRUE BY JOINING THE CEC—THE NATION WON’T SURVIVE OTHERWISE.” https://facebook/SupportCEC?
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 08:15:52 +0000

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