LABOR’S ECONOMIC POLICY – “NIMBLE IT, AND MOVE ON” I’m sure you seen the ad for Nimble ‘Smart’ Loans ....... https://youtube/watch?v=oP6BFm5osN4 where a young women after engaging in a reckless spending spree on her mobile phone, receives the bill to discover her spending is out of control. Then rather admit a problem exists and start looking at ways to address her spending problem and reduce it to a sustainable level, such as reduce her number of selfies - she spits the dummy. Then along comes a cool looking character dressed as a rabbit – and he has the magic solution – she doesn’t need to address her spending problem – “just Nimble it and move on” - and she continues on as before, taking a series a celebratory-selfies. And this is exactly what Labor, the Greens and various cross-bench Senators are telling the Australian public, as they block every attempt by the Coalition to try and repair the budget - that we can keep on spending money that we don’t have, there is no need to make any hard decisions to balance the budget - we can just nimble it and move on. And just like the ad for Nimble Smart Loans, which fail to mention the cost of the loan is a 20% establishment fee, plus 4% per month compound interest (over 60% per annum) – likewise Labor fails to mention that if the Australian government continues to spend money that it doesn’t have, it increases the debt which much be serviced by interest payments (now already running at $13.5 billon a year) – at least 2/3rds of which are paid to foreigners. The only difference between the Nimble ad and Labors policy, is that when the cool looking character dressed as a rabbit convinces her that she doesn’t have to address her spending problem, and she can just “nimble it, and move on” – the reality is that eventually SHELL have to pay it all back – plus all the interest. But when Labor tries to convince the Australian public that government doesn’t has a spending problem, and we can just nimble it and move on – it won’t be the Labor Party of the Greens that eventually have to pay it back (with interest) – it will our CHILDREN and GRANDCHILDREN that WILL end up paying.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 05:54:43 +0000

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