(LADIES) THINGS YOU SHOULD NOT DO ON YOUR FIRST DATE *Never be late It is the first thing girls do. They think, it is going to make them valuable. It is OK that you are 5 or 10 minutes late. It is understandable. But, in no way, a guy is going to wait for you for hours. First of all, he is not your boyfriend yet. And it is one thing that can easily turn him off. It is better you show up on time or you are going to lose your second date with him. *Just be a girl. Don’t wear skimpy clothes and look like a slutYou thought, you will look hot in skimpy clothes. May be, you will. But that is not the thing you should do at your first date. You should always avoid wearing these kind of clothes and too much make-up. Or you will end up looking like a slut. For sure, no guy on this earth is going to date a slut on his first date. You just wear decent clothes and never try to impress him. You know what, he is already impressed by you that is why you are on date with him. *Don’t be too funny or touchy Yeah! it is better you open up while doing conversation. But don’t go beyond it. Try to make a light conversation. You can talk about his hobbies/passion. But don’t be too much funny and touchy. You should always emphasize on things what you like or dislike. *Don’t be busy on your mobile Have you ever counted how many times, you take your phone out from your purse. You are not aware of this, but take it seriously when you are on your first date. Hey! he is with you and wants your attention. It is better you put your phone on silent and try to avoid making calls/messages. Talking of girls on phone is a big turn off for guys. *Don’t order like nothing You know, guys love food. Don’t show how health conscious you are or start talking about your dieting plans. Yeah! you read it right. Never talk this crap. When it comes to order for something, girls go for very little like- donut and pastries. Instead, you make most out of it. Go and order for meals. It will give both of you a great time to spend over food. *Don’t propose him! (ANIMASHAUN) Whatever situation it is, never propose a boy on your first date. Instead, try to make him approach you. Let him try to get you. Always remember one thing, if he has not tried anything to get you in his life. You are no worth for him. Guys love those girls who Love to play around and are able add spark in relationship. If you are too easy to be in his life, you are too boring. *Don’t get personal You should never try to get personal with him. Never ask about his family and friends. You have met him only for once. Why the hell, he is not going to talk about his family and friends. Don’t ask about his past girlfriend or why he broke up. FOLLOW on.fb.me/1fJtbPi for more awesome posts
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 06:09:01 +0000

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