LAI LEE PING: Time for US to PLAY NEW Banking GAME STOP - TopicsExpress


LAI LEE PING: Time for US to PLAY NEW Banking GAME STOP Reading if you dont want to be free from this endless 9-5 grind of working for someone else and sending most of your money to Corporations who suck the life blood out of you and having little free time to yourself. Carry on what you are doing and dont read any further, but for those who want to know what is really happening, Read on ..... Let me share a story with you about me. some time ago, I was just like most of the people living in this dream land, believing that I had a beautiful life, contented on being a consumer and perpetual slave to debt, travelling, watching television, and did not have a clue what is happening around the world. Finally, when I had my initial spiritual awakening 6 years ago, I thought I had found GOD, and thinking that the Universe is opening door to me. Little that did I know, that was my first step to discover the Matrix...... Last year, when my friend shared the information that Canada is not a government but a corporate run entity, the banks and the courts are all privately owned corporations, I was laughing, and said to my friend to stop watching those crazy conspiracy theory, they are lying ......... However, my personal research and experience showed me that lots of those conspiracy theory thing out there was TRUE. That completely changed my “so called” REALITY ........ I found out that the bank creates money out of thin air and defrauded humanity. So I consciously chose to stop playing the banking game. In other word, I refuse to pay the mortgage, until the bank meet my request to send me documentation to proof that the bank is the true hold of the mortgage contract. (According to the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institution Canada, section 52 and 53, The Bank can sold people Mortgage Application up to 20x and 23x maximum assets to capital multiple (ACM). Thereby the debt had been pay full and settle !!! That is how this adventure began. Lets be transparent here, at first, this action was for my own personal gain. Then when I learn more about the TRUTH of humanity, the truth helped me to realize that the Bank is not after anyone for money, since the private bank own the printing money machine, they can print out whatever the amount they want to. The FACT is that the banking cabal designed this DIGITAL money game to keep humanity in debt slavery, produce money as illusion to deceive the TRUTH, their purpose is harvesting human energy and human resource. This was why the bankers constructed this money-game to control us, to keep ordinary people in their slavery system ........ working, paying, living in fear, working, worrying, drowning in never ending debt, and no time to learn about who we truly ARE, what we are meant to BE ....... When you know this TRUTH , what would you do? That is the Ultimate question I had to ask myself. Yes, I chose to come to earth to play, and I chose to experience a colourful life. Now, it is time to change their game. YES, show time ......... 8 days ago, in High Court, I had 15 brothers and sisters showed up to support me to file a Criminal charge to the bank lawyer who perpetrated fraud against lai ping. When I was standing in front of the judge and lawyers and policemen, I was fearless and commanding the judge to hear the case. I knew as I speak the truth, humanity is behind me, no one and nothing can harm me. .......... Join me at the Celebrating Life Event on Dec 15, 2013 , I will share all my playful stories in the courtroom with you. ....... Now, I would like to ask you for assistant. I had learned about the banking system and law in the last 6 months, self-representing the case and went to court many times to stop their unlawful foreclosure. (15 Months later, I still living in my HOME) My vision is to continue to stand in the front-line to confront the banking and the court system, in hope that when I win in court, it will setting PRECEDENT case in Canada, thereby, it can transpire millions of people not to be homeless, it can assist millions of people over-turn their foreclosure case, and it can make possible for millions of people to stop paying the fraudulent debt system. Another big vision is to file a Class lawsuit to against the bankers. (oh, my case paperwork, and all the case law I had collected is FREE to support people who is in need. ) I believe with your help, together we can change the banking game ! My brothers, sisters, please contribute what you can to defray the legal costs ( about 10K) and support me to stay on this wonderful adventure on behalf of humanity. When you donate any amount through the Celebrating Life Event website, I am more than happy to send you my ebook “Travelling Inward” as a token of my gratitude. Please forward me your email if you wish to receive my ebook. When you donate over 500 dollars, you have the option of being the co-author of my second book, or let me know that you want your investment back when I win the lawsuit next year. YES, When you making contribution to bless my journey, you are not only give me the courage to stand strong, you also assist humanity to FREE of the slavery system............ Other ways to support this change is by showing up in court with me, to let the court system know that NO ONE is too big to jail when they commit a crime, humanity will hold them accountability. People who know me know that, I have enormous passion and persistence for what I do. From one who didn’t know how to spell English properly to completing my first book “Travelling Inward” within 9 months. This demonstrates to you that I truly believe this is Divine calling, and I completely dedicate my heart and energy into the project. Oh, if I didnt believe in myself, I could have walked away a long time ago. Even though I’ve had two offers on the house at the same day as I went to court, but I felt the needed to go to court to stand up for the TRUTH. While this is has been a huge burden for me to handle alone, still, I choose not to give up, as my soul said Time to make a STAND and stop being a civil OBEDIENCE. ........ As you can recall what happen at the Tiananmen Square years ago. A man stood up in front of the tank and would not let the powers that were to injure humanity. That act of bravery made a big difference in Chinese history. Yes, it only takes one human being to STAND up for what he/she believes, then the ripple effect is unstoppable. .............. Please connect and join us on Facebook’s Celebrating Life & Masterpiece Life Join Event page ~ If you are already in some challenging situation and need some assistant please let me know and I will do what I can to serve you. I do found REMEDY in some situation, will share it at the event. If you are truly happy in your world, thinking that I am creating conspiracies out of thin air, please let me know, so I won’t interrupt your fantastic world and discontinue sending you information in the future. Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead ~ Blessings to your beautiful soul for willing to STAND up and being the CHANGE you want to see in the world. ~ See you on Dec 15, 12 noon, at the Metro Hall @ room # 308 Please let me know if you want to be a witness in court on Dec 16th, I will send you the address and time. More people show up, the stronger card we can play, also, it empowers me to stand in TRUTH and shine a brighter light into the system. In gratitude to all my awesome friends for helping the world to crush the matrix, your love will contribute to the planet’s liberation. By next year, we will manifest a new financial game on planet earth. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain. I am sharing 3 powerful video links with you. I hope it will inspire you to discover the TRUTH for yourself. Oh Canada Movie ~ Corrupt Canadian Banking System: 12 Year-Old Exposes Fraud Against the people ~~ End tax and financial slavery now with Paul Hellyer (Canadian Minister of Defense) ~~ Wish you a wonderful holiday season !!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 03:38:38 +0000

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