LANGUAGE AND ART The structure of human thought is born of - TopicsExpress


LANGUAGE AND ART The structure of human thought is born of language and the structure of language gives birth to thought. Each is the others building blocks and mutually conditioned in their formation through memory. Thought is made manifest by words and words denote definition. Definition becomes symbol and reality is obscured by that symbol. The symbol as definition is an illusion that, through its statement, implies an opposite. The implied opposite is the substantiation of dualism, and as such, becomes the springboard of human conflict. However, there are thought processes that can arise outside of these conditions. They are often termed ‘intuitional responses’ or ‘original thought’ and such mental activity arises outside of the limitations of conscious intellectual thought patterns. Such thought is generally unrecognizable to the conditioned mind and therefore becomes immediately suspect as a form of neurosis, often met with confusion and/or derision. The only areas where such mental processes are found to be acceptable are in the spiritual or religious domains. Here the ego-driven fear of the unknown and its institutionalized belief systems have always found acceptance. Although even this, as man evolves through scientific education and communication technology, is slowly but surely diminishing. On the other hand there is one area where such expression dominates and continually gains ground with increasing power. This, of course, is the area of human creativity, commonly known as ‘art’. In true art the language and expression of the conscious idea comes secondary to intuitive processes. It is this combination of imagination outside of the memory-laden intellect, and intuition beyond logical decision-making that may produce an indelible effect on our nervous system. Such imagery (often through its archetypal strength) becomes assimilated into our cerebral memory bank where it takes root and is assimilated into our conscious awareness. Finally, this new knowledge is assigned its symbolic status and becomes the most vital part of our survival kit as the language of the future. OSMOSIS I II and III Mixed media on 3 canvases
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:32:55 +0000

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