LANGUAGE & THOUGHT Thoughts are the mental activity or processes - TopicsExpress


LANGUAGE & THOUGHT Thoughts are the mental activity or processes that take place inside our minds and which are most usually encoded in language. As language is the prime medium of thought it directly correlates with our underlying model or map of the world. LANGUAGE IS OUR REALITY As our thoughts are created and filtered by our underlying beliefs based on our map of reality they represent in effect our subjective reality expressed in language. In fact, for all human intents and purposes, language IS reality. What and how we say things to others and to ourselves is a direct result of our thought processes based on our beliefs. Thats why it is important to acknowledge the role of language in our lives. We are constantly engaged with language. We describe, narrate, and judge all that happens around us. The way we speak is a very accurate reflection of how we think. INNER VOICE Most people have some form of internal dialogue, a continuous conversation with themselves about their experience in any given moment. Human beings are creatures of habit and routine, and that includes our linguistic patterns. In fact, how we speak is mostly a subconscious act. Its the rare person who speaks slowly and uses words exactly as they wish them to mean. Speaking consciously, saying what you mean to say requires an enormous amount of attention and it is far easier to be lazy with our words. SELF TALK Language is a great way to gain not only insight but also access to the subconscious mind and our underlying beliefs. No matter who we are, how we speak to ourselves not only reflects but affects every aspect of our life. What we tell ourselves on an ongoing basis, whether it be good or bad, right or wrong reflects not only what we think but also how we feel and act. This can directly influence our results in life. Observing the language we use may help us become more aware of what is happening inside our head and also to understand how those thoughts are directly linked to how we create our reality. By taking notice of our language, we gain awareness and the more aware we are of what we are saying, both in the internal and external worlds, the more successful we can be in every area of our life. Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become character. Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. - See more at: mind-sets/html/mindset/thoughts.htm#sthash.yLUaymUE.dpuf
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:06:36 +0000

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