LAO, Bernice Andrea LATAYAN, Nica Andrea Media Log: - TopicsExpress


LAO, Bernice Andrea LATAYAN, Nica Andrea Media Log: Capitalism: A Love Story Capitalism: A Love Story by Michael Moore has the thesis of simply, Capitalism is an evil. In a more expound way, this is all about the system that enriches the few in the expense of the many, capitalism is evil, and you cannot regulate evil, you have to eliminate it and replace it with something good. Capitalism is a sin; it is contrary to any good, contrary to compassion, contrary to common good, contrary to major religions. It is unjust, immoral, obscene, and outrageous and it has to be eliminated. Rhetorical Strategies were used in this documentary. The Logos, Ethos and Pathos are found throughout it and here are some of the examples: Logos – Michael Moore used this strategy by showing statistics using charts of the increase of the Household Debt by +110%, Personal Bankruptcies by +610%, Incarcerations by +355%, sales of Anti-Depressants by +305%, Healthcare Costs by +78%, Dow Jones by +1371%, Ratio of CEO pay vs. workers by +649%, which were all beneficial ONLY for the CEOs. Ethos – Michael Moore interviewed notable and superior people such as the head of the US Congressional Oversight Committee, Elizabeth Warren and the Representative of Ohio, Mercy Kaptur. They are both credible because they are both members of The Democratic Party, which is one of the two major political parties in the United States, the other being the Republican Party believed by global.britannica. Pathos – all thorough out the film, pity is felt on the situation seen. Loss of houses of hardworking people (some have sentimental values in their property), loss of jobs, unjust treatment to the Juvenile delinquents, the cases of the pilots, and the Death-Peasants Insurance. Michael Moore used this strategy in order to attack the viewers’ emotion and be able to change their perspective on the topic. In regard with the thesis statement that Capitalism is an evil. What is Capitalism and why is it evil? Capitalism is describes as taking and giving but more on taking. Capitalism takes advantage of the people. Capitalism encourages injustice, for the US to have a successful industrial economy; they are willing to destroy others’ industries. What are few bombs or anything dangerous for a successful company, right? Now, there were three examples where injustice can be found, the “delinquents” who stood in front of the court for only about 5 minutes, went to the “PA Care” for minor offenses, and was locked there for more than what they “deserve”. Another is the pilots’ cases, never thought that being a pilot is a vocation, what they earn is barely enough with everyday living, and they have student loans to pay (college is expensive and then there are the interests). With this, pilots need to have second jobs to survive. Also, the Death Peasant Insurance is illegal, and secondly, not a penny was given to the left family. Capitalism is a big lie, they let you think that you will benefit and in the end you will realize that capitalism is only for the rich when you are currently living in your car or on the streets. They make you believe that the gamble is worth it and they care about your welfare. Capitalism is so great that even people who suffer because of this believe in it, still. You can’t really feel that you’ve been victimized by it. They make you think that God is a capitalist that He would have wanted this, and that Capitalism is parallel with the teachings of the Bible; well this is false according to the bishops and priests interviewed. Capitalism is all about profits, no heart, and no soul, just cold hard cash. Due to Capitalism, workers either are overworked or unemployed. Capitalism is for the 1% of the population. Capitalism is only beneficial for the rich. Capitalism is stealing. The ideals of the late President Roosevelt for Americans include a decent job, a health care, good education and a good home. With Capitalism, the American people received no job, borrowed money (payment with interest), and stolen homes. With the film of Michael Moore gave good points on the disadvantages of Capitalism. Such as the mentioned above, isn’t creepy to know that you are worth more dead? Did the people in Wall Street forget the message of God to feel compassion to others, or more specifically to the poor? Is this what you mean business is business? It is really scary if this is how capitalism works based on that and I’d probably also say no instantly but let’s give capitalism the benefit of the doubt. The choices, the freedom, we got it all because of capitalism. Capitalism gives us the right to own. There’s nothing wrong with the rich that wants to get richer as long as he/she did earn the money without the expense of others. In the documentary, itself, it was showcased that some exercise capitalism correctly, and they even earn more. Capitalism, I believe, is beneficial to everybody but it seems not because people became too greedy. With this type of system, people become competitive, and that’s a good thing because it creates the achievers. Now, there are also advantages in the disadvantages of capitalism, because of the negative effects of capitalism, the importance of union and the poor are widely tackled. We became aware of how powerful the voice of the people is. Capitalism should not be banned totally if ever, change some rules and capitalism maybe the best system that is offered to the people. Though Michael Moore made good points for the poor, he attacked the people in Wall Street like they are all evil. That is a hasty generalization, what if some people there are trying to make a change? However, is corruption present because of the system Capitalism, or is it because of the dishonest people ruling it? We all have different answers, but for us Capitalism is a good system gone wrong. Citation/s: global.britannica/EBchecked/topic/157244/Democratic-Party
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 08:50:04 +0000

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