LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST STONE:13. STONES OF UNFORGIVING SPIRIT E.g. Grudges, malice, ill will, hatred etc. Do we quickly & willingly forgive others? The answer to this question is of tremendous importance to us. The power to be forgiven by God is limited by our attitudes & our willingness to forgive others. Effects: Is that no Spiritual progress or fruitfulness will be made in a life which possesses an unforgiven Spirit. So one of Satans most useful tools is the grudges we carry, or the hatred, or malice we bear toward another. (Mt.6:14-15) Result: The unhappy believer, on the other hand, who refuses to accept this required Christian attitude, finds his pathway stony & covered by the rocks of bitterness & criticism. Even our walk with God depend on forgiveness. (Mt.5:44-45) In Church today, wearily some believers pray throuh the night, often deligently study the Word of God, faithfully attend the house of the Lord; yet their lives are empty & barren. They will never be fruitful unless they learn how to forgive. According to one Philosopher, he was informed on about an enemy who slander him, his reply, do we need to know? Ok, he reply I will try to live in such a way that no one will believe what they says. Oh! that was from Plato. Well contd. from here.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 09:36:43 +0000

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