LASU VC Reveals Plans To Re-brand School, Tells Students To Be - TopicsExpress


LASU VC Reveals Plans To Re-brand School, Tells Students To Be Calm The Vice Chancellor, Lagos State University, LASU, Professor John Obafunwa, on Monday disclosed plans by the management of the institution, in collaboration with the government, to rebrand the school, while calling on students currently protesting the tuition hike to remain calm. Appearing as a guest on Channels Television’s breakfast programme, Sunrise Daily, Prof. Obafunwa explained that the hike in school fees after consultations had been made between the visitation panel, the school authority and the Student Union. The panel had sent a report containing a proposal of school fees, which was sent to the university. “The university reviewed it and came up with figures, which went to government for approval,” Obafunwa said. “We cannot completely exonerate the academic staff of the university. “When government was going to approve it, it was agreed that only new students would pay the new fees,” the Vice Chancellor (VC) said. According to him, “the Student Union agreed to the fees”. The VC said there was nothing wrong with the students’ agitation, but condemned the destructive tendencies displayed. He stated that the institution needed to be re-branded, which would also cost money, but most of the internally generated revenue come from school fees, which is used to subvent staff salaries. On the issue of reducing enrollment figures, the VC said the pass rate of students writing jamb had dropped, and as such, the school cannot accept those who do not qualify. The intention is to make it a residential university and the management had received proposals to build halls. About 10 halls of residence, a shopping mall are part of the plans which will be funded by private investors. The school will only provide the land. He expressed hope that within days, the issue would be resolved and the students would come back. “Our students should just be calm. They made a submission to the government. They appeared before the ad-hoc committee of the government,” he said. A committee set up by the Lagos State government to resolve the issues is expected to submit a report on Monday.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 12:47:37 +0000

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