LAX LOGIC IS NO LAXATIVE FOR TRUE JUSTICE More News from Luxembourg: Luxembourg Judiciary BARKS UP THE WRONG TREE. Regarding the case heard on 9th October in Luxembourg Criminal Court reported in Paper Jam and a solicitor ignoring the 2004 regulations on MONEY LAUNDERING prevention. The Criminal court finds BREACH OF PROFESSIONAL OBLIGATIONS OF Luxembourg SOLICITOR whilst the LAWYER in charge of the calamitous Landsbanki Luxembourg insolvency avoids investigations, fines and record-breaking Cautions from Top Criminal judges of Europe and disregards the same 2004 ruling the solicitor/notary is exposed and fined for. We dont understand this? The Landsbanki Insolvency lawyer, Yvette Hamilius, whom it is said helped bring down the old government by exposing the staggering failings of the CSSF, the regulatory authorities, the LAX judiciary favouring and protecting the delinquent banks and the illegality of Luxembourg insolvency administration as well as the LAXED-OUT government, has NOT been asked to answer the questions the solicitor was asked. IS THERE NO LOGIC IN LAX LUX? Why exposed one and cover-up for the other? Everyone is watching who the judiciary is favouring now as Luxembourg is changing and getting in tune with the rest of Europe thanks to the people having the courage to demand change and a clean-up of the ignored scandals and abuses by those who thought power was theirs forever. So people ask: “ Why is the solicitor being punished and NOT the lawyer, for the same disregard of the 2004 European ruling?” Surely a lawyer, who has made such a SPECTACULAR INTERNATIONAL display of arrogance in REFUSING TO COMPLY WITH HER PROFESSIONAL OBLIGATIONS, should be brought to task just as much as a solicitor should? WHY is one being allowed to help bring down the old government and the other is given a 500 euro fine? IN the solicitor/notary CASE they stated that the RISK OF MONEY LAUNDERING was 0% LANDSBANKI INSOLVENCY SHOWS CLEAR RISK OF MONEY LAUNDERING IS 99% Perhaps the Risk of Money laundering in the case of the Luxembourg Solicitor was 5000 Euros worth of fine and rated as 0% BUT in the case of Landsbanki Luxembourg it is: a.)IMPOSSIBLE not to look at the criminal base upon which this insolvency stands and the history of the bank and directors b.) nor to IGNORE the money vanishing from clients accounts without their permission nor written justification of destination, date and authorization, c.) the withheld seriously conflicting accounting documents with no dates or justifying evidence of investments, d.) the false documents and figures produced in Civil Court across Europe, e.) the false dates in documents produced in Courts across Europe, f.) the harassment of pensioners who are threatened and psychologically tortured and intimidated for years and have lived under threat for 5 years as virulence, arrogance and power are put on display on the name of Luxembourg g.) the VERY HIGH PROBABILITY that money was made to disappear just as the bank was closing it’s doors in October 2008 h.) an illegal insolvency where the central bank of Luxembourg had given a massive loan to an INSOLVENT BANK against the advice of Claude Trichet. i.) the fact which the Lawyer in charge refuses to see, the THE BANK OF FRANCE and THE BANK of SPAIN have said that Landsbanki Luxembourg DID NOT have a licence to sell investment backed loans nor do investment banking. Landsbanki Luxembourg S.A. had a simple : LIBRE PRESTATION DE SERVICE licence which did NOT ALLOW investment banking and loans backed by risk investments as they require a different licence. BANQUE DE FRANCE: “Cet établissement n’est pas autorisé à agir en France en qualité de prestation de services d’investissement ni à exercer le service de teneur de compte conservatrice.” j.) the evidence of the link between Luxembourg, Landsbanki and the Icelandic indictments of Landsbanki directors and employees who are accused of serious fraud and market manipulation. It is no wonder the last government who was protecting the “re-LAX and LOOK-AWAY CSSF” who were getting so much WRONG whilst saying it was RIGHT, helped the government SKID out of power on lies and hidden scandals. The Landsbanki Insolvency scandal has exposed everything that was wrong with Luxembourg’s old regime. Yvette Hamilius made a public display of evidence of abuse of the consumer, which EUROPE cannot afford to ignore and consumers WILL NOT TOLERATE. BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE and getting a notary or solicitor into trouble for the same breach as a lawyer will not help get an abusing lawyer off the hook in a proper justice system and everyone is watching what has been put on the European public arena in the scandal of the abusive Landsbanki Insolvency proceedings where European pensioners were abused by the excess of power and arrogance of those who knew there was no regulatory authority fit for purpose in Luxembourg and that they had the power to do as they pleased without questions being asked. ARE THE CRIMINAL COURTS MAKING A SCAPE-GOAT out of a solicitor to fool EUROPE into thinking there is “nothing wrong in the Landsbanki Luxembourg case and the pensioners SIMPLY MISSED THE TRAIN?” The powerful infamous lawyer who is defending Landsbanki & Failure and those who practice artful transfers without justification, has ignored her primary professional obligations according to the rules of justice, ethics and morality and of course the EU 2004 ruling . The EU rulings of 2004 on professional obligations should oblige any lawyer in charge of an insolvency 1.) to investigate the legality of the Insolvency, 2.) The proper licence and legality of the bankrupt bank 3.) the breaches in INSOLVENCY LAW by loans by the Central bank CBL, to an insolvent company, 4.) false accounting to make funds disappear somewhere with no written justification 5.) illegal and unjustified manipulations of SCR with no written qualified justification 6.) no proper written justification or proof of investments with dates and/or destinations of transfers or investments making money vanish without written proof of any sort 7.) Conflicting accounts transforming CREDITORS into DEBTORS with no written justification or proper accounting 8.) Investments and transfers made with funds in the last months or when the bank was suspected of being insolvent There is so much more which points to a strong possibility of MONEY LAUNDERING under the eyes of the very person who should be professionally bound to report all suspicious evidence. There is enough suspicious evidence to make Courts all over Europe open up Criminal proceedings and yet one woman and her friend the supervisor, backed by the judiciary and the ridiculed CSSF chose to IGNORE what the 2004 ruling. Today, we see a solicitor/notary brought to Criminal Court for ignoring the 2004 ruling in a very much smaller scale! The people of Luxembourg must of course be even more OUTRAGED than we are as they are seeing some of the things the last regime tried to hide away and keep out of the press. EUROPE needs to examine what has gone on in Luxembourg URGENTLY before these methods and artful dodges are EXPORTED to pollute Europe in the future as we will all suffer. What has been allowed to go on in Luxembourg has to STOP and all people caring for a better future should get behind the new Government CLEANING up the mess the judiciary and the CSSF has allowed for so long. Europe will be asking many questions as we all are and there should not be people who think they are so powerful they can use the law to protect themselves from what they have done wrong. PEOPLE WHO COMMIT SERIOUS CRIMES MUST BE PUNISHED AND IMPRISONED and if little Iceland has the courage to imprison people who thought they owned the world, then so does little Luxembourg!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 15:59:09 +0000

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